Growing with your girl?


Drop a dime to meet the fishes.
Dear Word Detective: In February 1998 you answered a question on the origin of the British term “grass” meaning, roughly, “to snitch.” But where did the word “snitch,” which is much older, come from? The Oxford English Dictionary says it’s of unknown origin. Any thoughts on the word’s origin or on how it came to mean “grass”? — Jackie.
Weird. Suddenly 1998 seems like a long, long time ago. It’s probably because that’s when we moved from New York City to rural Ohio, where time moves much more slowly. Incidentally, if anyone cares, I happen to know where all those 80s hairstyles ended up.

I presume that you found my column on “grass” in our online archive, but for the benefit of those not near a computer, here’s the short form. The use of “grass” as British slang for a police informer dates back to the 1930s, and is apparently a short form of the slang term “grasshopper,” meaning the same thing. “Grasshopper” itself is rhyming slang (”a secret language” in which words rhyme with a hidden meaning) for either “copper” (i.e., a police officer) or “shopper,” one who “shops” (sells) information to the police.
“Snitch” meaning “informer” is indeed an older word, dating back to the late 18th century. But the original meaning of “snitch” when it appeared a hundred years earlier was “a fillip on the nose,” a “fillip” being what we would today call a “flick” with one’s finger or a light, sudden slap of the hand. The actual origin of “snitch” is, as the OED says, unknown, but I would suspect an “echoic” origin, i.e., the word was intended to echo the action (and perhaps the sound) of a light, snapping tap on the schnozz. Such coinages are not uncommon. “Tap” and “slap,” for instance, are both of such “echoic” origins.
By about 1700, “snitch” had progressed from meaning “flick to the nose” to serving as slang for the nose itself (”As the … egg … broke on the ’snitch’ of the Socialist candidate,” 1902), and this was the key development in the evolution of “snitch” as slang for “informer.” The nose has long been used as a symbol of intrusion into others’ business (e.g., a busybody is described as being “nosy”), and the image of a police dog or bloodhound “sniffing out” crime or tracking criminals has been a staple of popular culture for centuries. “Nose,” in fact, has been underworld slang for a spy or informer since the late 18th century (”The first issue of forged notes, it is stated by a nose (an informer), amounted to 500,” 1830). So using “snitch,” already slang for “the nose,” as slang for “an informer” would have been a natural development.

I've always wondered where the term came from..
The word "snitch" probably originated from underworld slang meaning "the nose" in 1700. Use of the term dates to at least 1785!

btw not my words
dude, Some people have alot of differences with there women. All girls aren't exactly alike, though alot are alike
all people have differences and to lump all or most into a group is stereotyping
how many of u told your wifes or gf u grow ?

dude, Some people have alot of differences with there women. All girls aren't exactly alike, though alot are alike
ok so how many that said dont trust a woman r married
one said 7 years anyone else?

Dont do it, and by that I mean putting words in my mouth.

I said lover and bf and gf, never once did I say not to trust a woman. But I don't have to worry because this little piece of paper says that the voters of my state think rationally, so I don't have to worry about snitches.

Honestly from my personal experiance, it's the men who are the pussys that can't take their own if you want me to pick sides, lol.

I did make the girlfriend sucking off the cop while snitching comment, but that was directed at the guys who were basically claiming their girlfriends would never snitch. It wasn't targeted at a specific gender, just an example :)
i didnt put shit in your mouth
i asked a ? about who was married
and seen u said 7 years so that meant i already knew your answer
im trying to have a discussion but seems like u got offended for some unknown reason
i didnt post anything u said other then one guy said 7 yrs
u sound aggressive

Dont do it, and by that I mean putting words in my mouth.

I said lover and bf and gf, never once did I say not to trust a woman.

Honestly from my personal experiance, it's the men who are the pussys that can't take their own if you want me to pick sides, lol.
Dont do it, and by that I mean putting words in my mouth.

I said lover and bf and gf, never once did I say not to trust a woman.

Honestly from my personal experiance, it's the men who are the pussys that can't take their own if you want me to pick sides, lol.

I did make the girlfriend sucking off the cop while snitching comment, but that was directed at the guys who were basically claiming their girlfriends would never snitch. It wasn't targeted at a specific gender, just an example :)

And in my experience you are correct but my point was we are all individuals sex is irrelevant the way the person is is determined but the way they are raised and they way they react to it so gender aside I have to agree marriage is a different situation
And in my experience you are correct but my point was we are all individuals sex is irrelevant the way the person is is determined but the way they are raised and they way they react to it so gender aside I have to agree marriage is a different situation
100% agreed to this
marriages can end bad to they said u never know your spouse till u go through divorce but to say all r like that would be as bad as saying u cant trust most women
i didnt put it in your mouth
only words out of your mouth were yours

Dont do it, and by that I mean putting words in my mouth.

I said lover and bf and gf, never once did I say not to trust a woman. But I don't have to worry because this little piece of paper says that the voters of my state think rationally, so I don't have to worry about snitches.

Honestly from my personal experiance, it's the men who are the pussys that can't take their own if you want me to pick sides, lol.

I did make the girlfriend sucking off the cop while snitching comment, but that was directed at the guys who were basically claiming their girlfriends would never snitch. It wasn't targeted at a specific gender, just an example :)
i didnt put shit in your mouth
i asked a ? about who was married
and seen u said 7 years so that meant i already knew your answer
im trying to have a discussion but seems like u got offended for some unknown reason
i didnt post anything u said other then one guy said 7 yrs
u sound aggressive

It wasn't a big deal but lets revisit it since you can't remember what you said.

And I quote "ok so how many that said dont trust a woman r married
one said 7 years"

I am the only one who mentioned anything about 7 years, and I never said don't trust a woman, but yet you said that I said that EXACTLY. Maybe you were just asking how many people that are married don't trust woman, had you stopped there I would of never said a word, but the 7 year comment tied me to it the way you worded it. It's cool dude, no one is upset unless you are. :)

Agressive, no, lol, I'm such a pacifist through and through. I just hold people accountable for what comes out of their mouths. I did put that little smiley at the end of my rant to show that I was in good spirits when typing and that I wasn't attacking anyone, again I just don't let people take things out of context. Last time someone took my words out of context, I had a police officer show up to my work for something I never even did or said, but amazingly it made them think I was involved in something that I never had anything to do with, and from that day forward I've been pretty quick at correcting people when they do that.
Lmao.. funny thread.. my girl is beautiful too.. she literally stops traffic EVERYWHERE! we go.. No matter where we go or what we do.. i tell people my girl is a celebrity with no fame.. and just like the original poster said my girl be on tha same time.. real 'down ass chick' holds me down like no one else and she actually does grow with me.. she has her own 1 plant of white widow she takes care of.. its actually doing alot better than my 4 plants of white widow.. but in terms of breaking up im good money.. i keep a fine line between business and personal.. she doesnt know anyone i deal with.. so if anything goes down i could close shop at any given time and move shop if need be.. i almost sometimes think my plan b is more solid than my plan a..
i asked my last gf if she felt weed should be legal and she said yes so i asked her if she would grow it if she could she said hell yeah then i gave here some scissors and made her stay up all nite harvesting 14 plants lmao
I just smoked so I really don't even care if you called me gay right now, lol. It's all good.

Just think if this was a bar...we would already of been outside fighting! LOL Fuck alcohol and fuck narks. Peace out.
and just think if this had been a bar
I wonder how that would have worked out for u buddy
no peace out with a reply like that
u need to smoke something dude

I just smoked so I really don't even care if you called me gay right now, lol. It's all good.

Just think if this was a bar...we would already of been outside fighting! LOL Fuck alcohol and fuck narks. Peace out.
I just smoked so I really don't even care if you called me gay right now, lol. It's all good.

Just think if this was a bar...we would already of been outside fighting! LOL Fuck alcohol and fuck narks. Peace out.

Well if this was a bar there would be no fight I'd pull my sack out and we could all smoke till the anger was gone :D