Well, I've been watching and reading this thread for a couple days now and guess I'll throw in my 2 cents, for what they're worth. I must commend all for staying civil. Some people find it hard when it comes to those age old debates of religion and politics.
I was raised in the Nazarene church from my earliest memories. My parents both loved me and, bless them, did what they thought was best for me. I long believed that the Nazarene philosophy was the only way. Well, I grew up. By definition a Christian must believe in the teachings of the Bible and accept Christ as the son of God and accept Him into their life. This takes faith. Something I struggle with because my mind ALWAYS wants an answer as do most I would hope. That's what makes it difficult.
I have seen too many people profess to be Christians, yet act unethically and immorally, with no attempt to change. This bugs me. A lot.
It is my personal belief that organized religion is used by too many people as either a way to look good in the community, feel better about the bad things they do, or just get money.
That being said, organized religion isn't bad in and of itself. When used as a support group of like-minded people to better yourself and your understanding of the Bible, it's great. When used to provide for those in need and provide services to the community, awesome. When used to do ANYTHING positive to the world, not exclusively for their agenda,
When used to justify bigotry, racism, sexism, or ANY form of discrimination, they should be shot.
I personally believe in intelligent design. Maybe because my mind can't fathom the absolute beauty, elegance, complexity and vastness of this universe. I believe in luck and coincidences both, but I just can't fathom the idea that it all came from chaos. From the tiniest particles to the most enormous of galactic spectacles.
I believe that in the end we will all be judged by our creator based on the actions in this world and the condition of our heart. Not enter heaven based on our works, but the overall way in which we lived our life.
I believe in evolution. I think one would have to be blind to see that a bear that lives in the snow has a better chance at survival with white fur rather than dark. Albinos are a fact of life. While polar bears are not true albinos, they did develop white fur after a length of time. Does it not make sense that a person living in the middle of Africa would have darker skin than someone in Europe where the sun is less intense? This belief in evolution is not, however, exclusive of ID. A well thought out plan is adaptable.
Some say that this is an enlightened way of thinking while others say it's delusional. It has to come down to each person. My family mostly says I have fallen for the watered down, mystism of the secular world while my non-religious friends say that I'm an idiot to believe anything other than commonly accepted modern science. It kinda sucks because I'm in a kind of "no-man's land", but I'm personally at peace with my beliefs and in the end, isn't that what matters?