Poplars maybe for you it might be gold but its just another strain i wanted to try.What i wanted him to do and what would be right is to fix the problem at hand.Whether it be my bean back or a replacement bean.9 - 1 = 8 so thats still enough to do what you need to.Thats what a man of his word would do not make someone wait longer then the long wait already.That would be only right its not like im asking for all of it just one bean so im not on the shit end of the stick.
Like i said i dont feel like waiting or should i have to wait when for
1. the trade was proposed to me
2.you received it
3.i didnt get shit.
I mean honestly i dont know him like ya guys do so maybe ya guys would feel comfortable waiting but not me especially since you got wht you asked for and You were the one who asked for the trade.I mean where is the logic in this really????
I think it's kinda outlandish to expect someone to send you 1 out of the last 9 seeds they have left, I mean common man... I know that deal is fucked but you asking him to send you 1 of those seeds out of 9 is even more fucked.
I say either wait or its a loss. sometimes shit happens and this is an internet cannabis forum that doesn't warrant trading like this so if it's really that big of a problem you weren't taking the most secure route.
I just dont' see the point in making this big of a stink out of it, if it didn't work out and its his fault bad karma for him, but if he works it out in the end then there is NO problem. and if you have a problem with that you're making this way harder on yourself.
and honestly, if you don't think th is isn't anything special I don't think you really deserve to try it... maybe karma was making sure those seeds didn't make it to you for a reason... dunno.
I just don't think this thread would be as large as it is, with as many views, if SK wasn't something to behold. and you're acting like it's some random seedsite strain which I think quite frankly is disrespectful if you expect to get seeds of this.