1st HID Tent Grow- 600w


Active Member
Hey BKB!!! Hows thangs? I hope your service went as good as it could.

Thanks for the advice. Here is what I am thinking about. My tent is a 4x4x7. and I do totally have room to spare. My main concern is that the plants will get too big for the 600w light to support. Through my experience with cfl's, I realized that I had to flower small because if I veg'd for too long, the plants would get bigger than the light would support, and I'm worried that I could have lose airy buds simply b/c there isn't enough "light food" to feed plants of this size. is this even a worthy concern?


Active Member
Yea eyez if you are going to veg longer clean those bitches up!!!!! clean all of those little feeder branches up cut them off!!

are they topped??
how tall are they exactly?


Active Member
F, I wish you could just swing by to show me which ones to lose, haha. I should read up on thinning. I did clean up all the lower branches from the dirt up to like 6 inches. I had the feeling they could use more, just not exactly sure what to cut tho :/. The lemon skunks are not topped, the stinky's are. height I can't tell you exact because I cant find a tape measure for the life of me. waist high is the best I can say for now, I will get precise measurements by the end of the day tho


Well-Known Member
F, I wish you could just swing by to show me which ones to lose, haha. I should read up on thinning. I did clean up all the lower branches from the dirt up to like 6 inches. I had the feeling they could use more, just not exactly sure what to cut tho :/. The lemon skunks are not topped, the stinky's are. height I can't tell you exact because I cant find a tape measure for the life of me. waist high is the best I can say for now, I will get precise measurements by the end of the day tho

Which of your plants are "Stinky"? I been checking out a strain called "Stinky Pinky" from TH Seeds. Is that the same as your plant "Stinky"? I love Romulan one of my favorites is Romberry. Its Rom x BB, great smoke. I want to do a Romulan grow sometime down the line. Keep the pics coming and if your worried about Light Food, throw some CFLs in there as supplement lighting.


New Member
F, I wish you could just swing by to show me which ones to lose, haha. I should read up on thinning. I did clean up all the lower branches from the dirt up to like 6 inches. I had the feeling they could use more, just not exactly sure what to cut tho :/. The lemon skunks are not topped, the stinky's are. height I can't tell you exact because I cant find a tape measure for the life of me. waist high is the best I can say for now, I will get precise measurements by the end of the day tho
I believe he means the lower most branches...bottom 4-6 branches...Although IMHHO I wouldn't cut a leaf....foliage builds bud... they are an annual not trees and dont live long enough comparatively to trees for the pruning to actually be effective....side lighting would be optimal....Haven't seen that cutting helps yield...plus these lowers could go into hash or canna butter so not a waste either...hope it helps



Active Member
F, I wish you could just swing by to show me which ones to lose, haha. I should read up on thinning. I did clean up all the lower branches from the dirt up to like 6 inches. I had the feeling they could use more, just not exactly sure what to cut tho :/. The lemon skunks are not topped, the stinky's are. height I can't tell you exact because I cant find a tape measure for the life of me. waist high is the best I can say for now, I will get precise measurements by the end of the day tho
In that most recent pic, the one GG posted of my plants, the one in the front right, and back left are the stinky's. They came from Next Generation seeds originally. They have losts of Rom and grapefruit varieties, check it out, it seems like some good stuff


Well-Known Member
In that most recent pic, the one GG posted of my plants, the one in the front right, and back left are the stinky's. They came from Next Generation seeds originally. They have losts of Rom and grapefruit varieties, check it out, it seems like some good stuff
I am sure when you start flowering them the smell will be delicious and fruitty? There are so many strains and variations i want to grow but I dont have a warehouse to grow in, onlya 2x4x5 tent, lol.

Have you decided on what your going to do? I would definately still veg them some more, you got the room and I am sure the light will be fine as long as you dont let them get out of control. My next grow is only going to be 3 plants so I can fill my whole tent up with just 3 decent size plants. LOL I am rambling now, get some more pics of your girls bro.



Active Member
Nice pics, doesn't look stressed at all. I like the very clean tent, much props!:hump:

I would say veg those girl a little longer if you can, hope they get nice and big. :mrgreen:


Active Member
Ok so It looks like the decision has been made. I am gonna veg for another week or some. I think I am gonna thin out the stinky's a bit, they are soooo thick with foliage!!! I pulled them out to give them a neem spray today just as a preventative measure which i try to do about once a week. They filled up my shower entirely, lol.

My lemon skunks are having some leaf discoloration still!!! that is the close up pics on the leaves. I just transplanted them and only gave them plain ph'd water, yest still, I am getting yellowing tips....I cant decide if it is a nute overload, or maybe a lack of nutes? There should be plenty of food in the new soil so I don't think its a deficiency, BUT I also don't think that just plain ole soil (roots organic), would be so hot with nutes that it would burn a plant either....So I am stumped

I also took a pic with a gallon and 5 gal jug infront of the plants to help give a size perspective since I still have no tape measure, lol



Active Member
alright, its been a few days since I updated, not much new was going on, just letting them recover from their transplants, that happened about a week about. I did decide to thin them out based on a few people commenting on the thick inner foliage......I think I may have gone a little scissor happy :(. I guess live and learn.
I cut off everything that I foresaw as a weak producing limb or node. I cut off a few more lower branches, but mainly just cleaned up the branches to about 4-6 nodes out from the stalk on the lower branches.
I really don't think I hacked off toooo much, I guess you tell me. I took one b4 and after pic of both strains, stinky 1st, lemon skunk 2nd.

*** (on BOTH b4 pics, the plant on the left was trimmed prior to photographing, as to attempt a side by side, but still decided to take an after pic where both plants are trimmed...Sorry if that was complicated....I actually did it cause I trimmed one of each b4 I thought to take photos)

I also gave cloning a whirl. Lets see if the 1st time is a charm, I used no nutes, just cloneX rooting hormone and distilled water... I figured I was gonna just throw out the cuts anyway so no sweat off my back. Still open to pointers in that department although it really isn't my top priority at the moment.



Well-Known Member
alright, its been a few days since I updated, not much new was going on, just letting them recover from their transplants, that happened about a week about. I did decide to thin them out based on a few people commenting on the thick inner foliage......I think I may have gone a little scissor happy :(. I guess live and learn.
I cut off everything that I foresaw as a weak producing limb or node. I cut off a few more lower branches, but mainly just cleaned up the branches to about 4-6 nodes out from the stalk on the lower branches.
I really don't think I hacked off toooo much, I guess you tell me. I took one b4 and after pic of both strains, stinky 1st, lemon skunk 2nd.

*** (on BOTH b4 pics, the plant on the left was trimmed prior to photographing, as to attempt a side by side, but still decided to take an after pic where both plants are trimmed...Sorry if that was complicated....I actually did it cause I trimmed one of each b4 I thought to take photos)

I also gave cloning a whirl. Lets see if the 1st time is a charm, I used no nutes, just cloneX rooting hormone and distilled water... I figured I was gonna just throw out the cuts anyway so no sweat off my back. Still open to pointers in that department although it really isn't my top priority at the moment.
They all look good bro, good work.

I wouldnt trim off any leaves unless they were completely dried out or dying off. Other than that I wont trim. Popcorn Buds and lower growth can be good for making hash down the line!!! But I know people trim or do Lolipop Grows...Not sure if I am correct or not or the terminology.

How are those GTs doing? Are you feeding them live feeders yet??? I miss them especially as they get older their humps are brutal looking, I might have to set up another tank. LOL

Good to see an update bro!!!! Keep it going!!!



Active Member
Thanks BKB, they feel happy too! I want to flip them to flower, But I'm giving them just a little more time for the roots to bulk up. Watering is only needed like ever 4 or 5days in these big pots, so I'm worried that my root masses will be sub par. I have been told that the roots dont grow a whole lot during flower, so I want them to fill their new container a little better. Also, since I just trimmed them up, I want to give it about another week to recover from any stress that may have caused too. I feel you on not wanting to trim out anything....But I have no hash making equipment and figured I really just wanna maximize my smokable production and minimize the shwappy buds. with only 4 plants, the amount of "hash bud" wouldn't be enough to actually make hash anyway, I dont think at least. I have no idea what to expect for yield. I dont want to be too ambitious so I am going to hope for 1oz per plant and anything more will be bonus.


Well-Known Member
Thanks BKB, they feel happy too! I want to flip them to flower, But I'm giving them just a little more time for the roots to bulk up. Watering is only needed like ever 4 or 5days in these big pots, so I'm worried that my root masses will be sub par. I have been told that the roots dont grow a whole lot during flower, so I want them to fill their new container a little better. Also, since I just trimmed them up, I want to give it about another week to recover from any stress that may have caused too. I feel you on not wanting to trim out anything....But I have no hash making equipment and figured I really just wanna maximize my smokable production and minimize the shwappy buds. with only 4 plants, the amount of "hash bud" wouldn't be enough to actually make hash anyway, I dont think at least. I have no idea what to expect for yield. I dont want to be too ambitious so I am going to hope for 1oz per plant and anything more will be bonus.
Good idea to let veg alittle longer, what I am going to do on my next grow is slowly change my veg time to go from 20/4 to 18/6 to 16/8 to 14/10 to 12/12. I figured not too much stress on the plant and it gives the plant a smooth transition to Flowering just like it would do in Nature! Outside in Nature it doesnt go from 18/6 to 12/12 in one day so I try to be as close as Mother Nature as can be with them. Either way good call on vegging longer.

Healthy Roots = Healthy Plant = Healthy Buds = Kick Ass Smoke:joint:. LOL
Keep up the good work eyez!!!!

Can I get an update on your Green Terrors, maybe a pic of them eating some crickets or something? They love crickets. Feeding Freenzy!


Active Member
haha, Ya i totally spaced about that, I for sure will. I've actually had some drama in the tank, I'll fill you in after work. Quick note on flowering, I wanna know how that works for you.....When I flower, I am planning on shutting the tent down for 2 days strait, giving them 48hrs of total darkness as a surefire method to tell the plants its time for buds :). No idea which is the prefered method, so we will have to just keep eachother posted


New Member
Good idea to let veg alittle longer, what I am going to do on my next grow is slowly change my veg time to go from 20/4 to 18/6 to 16/8 to 14/10 to 12/12. I figured not too much stress on the plant and it gives the plant a smooth transition to Flowering just like it would do in Nature! Outside in Nature it doesnt go from 18/6 to 12/12 in one day so I try to be as close as Mother Nature as can be with them. Either way good call on vegging longer.

Healthy Roots = Healthy Plant = Healthy leaves= Healthy Buds = Kick Ass Smoke:joint:. LOL
Keep up the good work eyez!!!!

Can I get an update on your Green Terrors, maybe a pic of them eating some crickets or something? They love crickets. Feeding Freenzy!
There I fixed it for you...lol



Active Member
More plant problems on the lemon skunk...whats new :(. Can anyone help Identify this issue? The plants were repotted on the 15th, 9 days ago, and were fed plain ph'd water. then on the 19th, I gave just cannazym and rhizotonic to encourage some extra root growth b4 flowering. So the past 2 feedings have been on the "light side". I dont know if it is a nute burn, nute defficiency, or something totally different.

