1st HID Tent Grow- 600w


Active Member
Def get that pH meter bro also I would recommend flushing your plant again so you have a clean slate. If you are going to flush make sure you have that pH pen so you can catch the immediate run-off and test the pH of it. But either way keep a close eye out on all your new growth tips and make sure it doesnt get out of control.

I hope I am helping somewhat but I am a nOOb so if someone else can verify or help us both understand whats going on. I want us all to get EYEZ plants back on track!!!
Ok I will for sure test that runoff. What does that do for me? like if my tester read that the runoff was really acidic after it came through, could I do anything to adjust that, or is it mainly to help determine if there was a lockout/ build up occuring?


Well-Known Member
how are you liking the setup, im thinking about switching my babies to a 3x3x6.5 with a 400w mh/hps light. any thoughts?


Active Member
Ok, so I haven't posted in a few days, I was having issues with my plants and got frustrated, so this got set aside, though I realize i probably should've just kept posting and I could have gotten input. here is what happened tho. My lemon skunk is still having issues with the twisted leaves and now some tips are turning. I wanted to flush, but I was having extremely slow drainage. I could only water it every 4 days, whereas the stinky's went dry every 2, SO I was hesitant to flush, I thought the roots maybe could use some o2,and perhaps the slow drainage was contributing their poor condition. I was bummed, but atleast the stinky's were thriving.

THENNNNN, suddenly my stinky's looked bad, like droopy, almost showing signs of overwater, but I knew this wasn't the case b/c it drank really fast and I just wasnt overwatering. So my newest theory is that both stinky's and the lemon skunks were root bound. I SHOULD have taken pictures of the root balls to get your opinions, but I wasn't even thinking about it.

So last night I transfered all 4 plants into bigger pots (from 3qt pots to 7qt pots). In addition, I put about an inch or 2 of perlite in the bottom of the pots to help with drainage.

After the transplant last night, my stinky's are finally starting to perk up a little bit today, hopefully this is an exponential recovery. I still want to flush the Lemon skunks, but I want to wait for the roots to fill out more of the new container, b/c I dont want to saturate tons of soil that is vacant of roots to be left wet for longer than it needs to.

as usual, please give any feedback you have :)

I will post new pics within the hour


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I haven't posted in a few days, I was having issues with my plants and got frustrated, so this got set aside, though I realize i probably should've just kept posting and I could have gotten input. here is what happened tho. My lemon skunk is still having issues with the twisted leaves and now some tips are turning. I wanted to flush, but I was having extremely slow drainage. I could only water it every 4 days, whereas the stinky's went dry every 2, SO I was hesitant to flush, I thought the roots maybe could use some o2,and perhaps the slow drainage was contributing their poor condition. I was bummed, but atleast the stinky's were thriving.

THENNNNN, suddenly my stinky's looked bad, like droopy, almost showing signs of overwater, but I knew this wasn't the case b/c it drank really fast and I just wasnt overwatering. So my newest theory is that both stinky's and the lemon skunks were root bound. I SHOULD have taken pictures of the root balls to get your opinions, but I wasn't even thinking about it.

So last night I transfered all 4 plants into bigger pots (from 3qt pots to 7qt pots). In addition, I put about an inch or 2 of perlite in the bottom of the pots to help with drainage.

After the transplant last night, my stinky's are finally starting to perk up a little bit today, hopefully this is an exponential recovery. I still want to flush the Lemon skunks, but I want to wait for the roots to fill out more of the new container, b/c I dont want to saturate tons of soil that is vacant of roots to be left wet for longer than it needs to.

as usual, please give any feedback you have :)

I will post new pics within the hour

Something that I hope you did was take some pics of the roots when you transplanted them? Seeing a good pic of your root would be VERY helpful. How was the color of your plant's roots?
I will say this, IMO I really think you should start Making It Rain on one of those plants when its ready. Especially since you transplanted and I hope you now have some better drainage. Keep us updated bro! I just got back from camping trip myself and I made it rain on 3 plants today.


Active Member
alright here are my most current pics with a few days left out unfortunately

The 1st pic is all 4,
pic2 is the 2 stinky's in the back row
Pic 3 is the 2 lemon skunks up front,
And pics 4 and 5 are close ups of my lemon skunk to help document their issues



Active Member
Now leave them alone ....when they are light enough flush feed IMHHO


ps- don't love them to death
ILL, Do you think I should give a full flush so soon? the reason I ask is b/c if the roots havent grown much in their new pot, wont the rootless soil stay wet for much longer? I figured I'd just water till I get a little run-off as to not over saturate the container. I do want to flush asap, but I'm worried if I do the NEXT time they need water, it will be another case of too much too soon, and again takeforever to dry out?


Active Member
BKB- Sorry i didn't take pics of my roots, i instantly realized I should have the moment i finished transplanting them, haha. But they were White and light brown, fully formed in th shape of the whole container it was in, no dirt or anything left in its old container, it was all in the roots


Active Member
Eyez whats going on bro, how are things going? Update coming? Hope all is well bro.

Yo BKB, sorry for the delay, I had a rough week. So sorry to hear about your mom, my thoughts have been with you for a few days even tho I was off the radar. Cant believe how good MD looks tho! I'm sure your mom is totally helping out with that now!!

So Our washing machine sprung a leak somewhere and it flooded my basement and ruined my florescent veg set up, very frustrating. So I Had to deal with that, which contributed to my lack of updating.But very soon after work today I will get a new thang posted, plants are doin pretty good, lookin forward to sharing them with everyone!!


Active Member
Alright, new update!!

Yesterday, saturday 12/11, I gave the stinky's a 1/2 strength feeding, and I gave the lemon skunks a each a full 4 gallon flush at roughly 6.3ph.

(PIC 1): The stinky's are doing good, tho the plant on the right has always seemed to be a little droopier. (Kinda curious to me because they both get the same amount of water, and the droopy plant is bigger, meaning I don't think that it is overwatered b/c it could probably use MORE h20 than the smaller one, if that makes sense). Other than that weird trait, they are both good.

(PIC 2) & (PIC 4): the 2 Lemon skunks are centered in the pic 2 shot. I think it may be too soon to tell if I am getting any better results, but the lemon skunk "seem" a little happier to me for some reason, maybe its just wishful thinking. Tho on the close up shot in pic 4, you can still see the discoloration of the leaves, yellow and slightly brown tips even. The flush was yesterday so I HOPE to see recovery soon.
**GOOD NEWS about those twisting leaves is that another person I know growing that strain was having the same concern, and it turns out it is just a trait of that plant, nothing I was necessarily doing, so he says....

(PIC 3): Those 4 darker lil babies are the "fruity chronic juice" I had mentioned earlier. They aren't normally in the tent, But the florescent veg room which had them in sprung a leak and the plants got totally drenched with soapy dry wally washing machine water!!!!! They have a been flushed too, and will go back when I fix the old room. My plan is to introduce them 1 at a time in 2 week intervals to begin my perpetual. After I cut down my 4 main ones, I'm tryin to get to a point where every 2 weeks, I cut down one more plant, and bring one more into the tent

(PIC 5) & (PIC 6): These are shots of the whole plants. I wanted to take these pics to get some advice on how much longer you think I should veg them. I am using a 600, so I dont want to grow the plants bigger than the light can support, but I also dont want to flip them into flower too soon obviously. They've been vegging for about a month, tho the month had ups and downs. You think they are ready to flower or can I go bigger with them?



Active Member
flip em tomorrow. its been time brother. good luck
YESSSS, thanks for the seal of approval, I had been feeling like they were due up...I have a few Q's for ya relating to that tho:

1- I just transpanted these sucka's from 3 qt to 7 qt containers. You think that is big enough to get them through flower or might I need bigger pots yet still?

2- I want to wait to get my veg set up fixed b4 I do flower b/c i still have those little fruity chron plants in the tent which I dont intend to flower. Plus I want to have a few practice runs of cutting clones, so I want to clone that stinky. So, I want to flower asap, BUT, how much longer do you think I could push the veg before the plants get too big for the 600 (basically how much time do I have to set my veg room back up b4 I neeeed to flower these, for size issues?)?

3- Last question- My lemon skunks are in the process of bouncing back from some undetermined issue, my new growth tips still yellow and brown, (most recent pics), In their current pot they had one light watering in new soil, then a full flush yesterday...should I wait for them to look better, or should I just go for it?

Thanks for your advice! BTW, GG your buds are looking sick, dusted, and juicy, I can smell them through my monitor!!! :)


Active Member
Ye ayou need to get the bigger ones flowering asap. believe me by the time they are in about 4th or 5th week flowering youll see what im talkning about. and you should def get 5 gallon pots to flower in. and with the lemon i would say its up to you how healthy do you thhink she is, you know your plants better than anybody. Thanks for the love.


Active Member
I just got done reading your thread, first off...

The tent is AWESOME...very very interested now in getting one! I'm very impressed with your setup.:hump:

I agree with Guerilla about the 5 gallon pots. I have 3 gallon and I can see the roots sticking out the bottom already, unfortunately I don't think I have the room for 5 gallon pots in my space for the amount of plants.

I will be thinking about your tent setup in my dreams tonight...:mrgreen:

Great Grow eyezla!


Well-Known Member
very nice setup :)
5 gallons are the way to go imo as well.
The plants look much better than those first few pics, GJ on turning them around. Looks like they will produce well for you!


New Member
sure you can flip 'em now... but I would go to 5 gallon pots and let them go 2 more weeks so the roots can embrace all the new soil...just lst them if they get too tall...as root growth almost ompletely stalls during flower...IMHHO


and they looking great


Active Member
Ahhhh, thanks for all the input guys!! So here is my battle plan I suppose. It looks like people think they really should be in 5gal containers before I flower, which I fully agree with, but i only just transplanted them not even a week ago. SO I feel like I oughta give them just a little more time in their current new containers b4 I transplant again to 5gal's. Wish I went strait from the 3qt containers into the 5gallons. What should i dooo!? Howmany times do you guys usually transplant through out your grows? I was under the impression that you dont want a container too big b/c you want to encourage a dense root ball to form and to slowly graduate up b/c too big of a container too soon would result in spread out roots without much density.

I would put them in flower today if I were more sure about my next step :/. Can't wait to get these suckers budding tho, so lemme know peeps, your awsome, I couldnt do this without you. Looking forward to catching up on all of your journals aswell...This is seriously an amazing resource to be able to talk shop and spread tips with fellow gardeners without being closeted about the operation, I have found it invaluable and cant thank all of you enough!