miracle grow bad?

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
I can't believe you guys!? I mean what the fuck are you thinking? If you can only afford MG on your plants, I highly suggest that you just be in "end user". Looks so-so but your throat stay on fire after every smoke session. Is that a good trade off for you? 'Miracle Grow',was not made for cannabis....period! All joking aside, you are all hindering your growth as a "dirt farmer" using, and becoming dependant on Miracle grow! There is life a better grow method other than using MG. Basic organic gardening will get you waaay better results that Miracle Grow will.

For the new growers, you are not limited to 'HomeDepot' for your gardening needs. As a matter of fact, most cities & towns have a gardening specialist shop or two. As mentioned on this thread earlier,'Black Gold', is an excellent cheap soil to work with. Without a doubt this stuff is way better than using Miracle Grow's soil lineup. Black Gold has several different products to choose from. As my homeboy(KKDay) suggested, try look at other options. Miracle Grow will come and bite you in the ass at some point in time, and probably when you least need it! You know when you're trying to impress your friends with your new homegrown cigarettes that keep going out on you. You thought you cured it properly, and you did. But the use of MG in your plants has somewhat ruined the end results. I promise you a hot smoke that never burns right! You will constantly be re-lighting your joints,..which now look more like a piece of burnt ,melting black plastic. Is that your ultimate goal?

For all you folks that feel that MS is your only option, your soooo wrong! You'd be better off using "Fido's" piles of dog shit, than MG!!!!

Example of options. If plants are in veg stage. Go to pet store and pick up "Rabbit Pellets", a great source of cheap nitrogen! You all have to look at option like this. You don't have to be limited to 'Home Depot' for your grow supplies.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe you guys!? I mean what the fuck are you thinking? If you can only afford MG on your plants, I highly suggest that you just be in "end user". Looks so-so but your throat stay on fire after every smoke session. Is that a good trade off for you? 'Miracle Grow',was not made for cannabis....period! All joking aside, you are all hindering your growth as a "dirt farmer" using, and becoming dependant on Miracle grow! There is life a better grow method other than using MG. Basic organic gardening will get you waaay better results that Miracle Grow will.

For the new growers, you are not limited to 'HomeDepot' for your gardening needs. As a matter of fact, most cities & towns have a gardening specialist shop or two. As mentioned on this thread earlier,'Black Gold', is an excellent cheap soil to work with. Without a doubt this stuff is way better than using Miracle Grow's soil lineup. Black Gold has several different products to choose from. As my homeboy(KKDay) suggested, try look at other options. Miracle Grow will come and bite you in the ass at some point in time, and probably when you least need it! You know when you're trying to impress your friends with your new homegrown cigarettes that keep going out on you. You thought you cured it properly, and you did. But the use of MG in your plants has somewhat ruined the end results. I promise you a hot smoke that never burns right! You will constantly be re-lighting your joints,..which now look more like a piece of burnt ,melting black plastic. Is that your ultimate goal?

For all you folks that feel that MS is your only option, your soooo wrong! You'd be better off using "Fido's" piles of dog shit, than MG!!!!

Example of options. If plants are in veg stage. Go to pet store and pick up "Rabbit Pellets", a great source of cheap nitrogen! You all have to look at option like this. You don't have to be limited to 'Home Depot' for your grow supplies.
I think this guy is on drugs, MJ is no special needs crop. For that matter neither is anything else.
The plant will convert watever fertilizer you feed it into the raw elements it needs Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium.
They don't care who made them or how much you paid for them.
The ONLY problem with it is it's very concentrated and newbies tend to overuse it.
Flush your soil with lots of water every couple of weeks to rid the soilof the salts left behind and if your using peat based soiless mix it will help flush out the humic acid from the decaying peat.
I use Wal Mart's house brand "Plant sMart" line myself, a lot cheaper than MG.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
@PunaBud - hmm.. that's funny, I had a great yield. In fact I had to harvest early because the plant was too big for my grow area. After some serious flushing and very careful curing it turned out to be a very potent and smooth smoke. Like frmboi said, the only problem with MG is the concentration (and the fact it's non-organic) and can be flushed out just like any fert/nute. Everyone else in this thread has experience with MG Punabud. All you have is an opinion and a bad disposition. Lighten up. No one is out to get you. You can get your point across without being so antagonistic. It's counter-productive.
I can't believe you guys!? I mean what the fuck are you thinking? If you can only afford MG on your plants, I highly suggest that you just be in "end user". Looks so-so but your throat stay on fire after every smoke session. Is that a good trade off for you? 'Miracle Grow',was not made for cannabis....period! All joking aside, you are all hindering your growth as a "dirt farmer" using, and becoming dependant on Miracle grow! There is life a better grow method other than using MG. Basic organic gardening will get you waaay better results that Miracle Grow will.

For the new growers, you are not limited to 'HomeDepot' for your gardening needs. As a matter of fact, most cities & towns have a gardening specialist shop or two. As mentioned on this thread earlier,'Black Gold', is an excellent cheap soil to work with. Without a doubt this stuff is way better than using Miracle Grow's soil lineup. Black Gold has several different products to choose from. As my homeboy(KKDay) suggested, try look at other options. Miracle Grow will come and bite you in the ass at some point in time, and probably when you least need it! You know when you're trying to impress your friends with your new homegrown cigarettes that keep going out on you. You thought you cured it properly, and you did. But the use of MG in your plants has somewhat ruined the end results. I promise you a hot smoke that never burns right! You will constantly be re-lighting your joints,..which now look more like a piece of burnt ,melting black plastic. Is that your ultimate goal?

For all you folks that feel that MS is your only option, your soooo wrong! You'd be better off using "Fido's" piles of dog shit, than MG!!!!

Example of options. If plants are in veg stage. Go to pet store and pick up "Rabbit Pellets", a great source of cheap nitrogen! You all have to look at option like this. You don't have to be limited to 'Home Depot' for your grow supplies.
lmao mg works fine for me..Go look at the mg soil vs ffof soil and you would see the only difference in the soils is price thats it..actually the plants all started from clone were doing better in the mg soil and for 10 bucks cheaper why not go mg


New Member
Makes the buds taste like shit... Even after a thorough flush... I would not use miricle grow for marijuana... If you do decide to use it only use during early life and stop using once in flower cycle...


New Member
lmao mg works fine for me..Go look at the mg soil vs ffof soil and you would see the only difference in the soils is price thats it..actually the plants all started from clone were doing better in the mg soil and for 10 bucks cheaper why not go mg
MG does work YES>.. BUT if you like the taste of SHIT then YES MG is the product to use.. it is hard to flush the taste out of the plant... FUCK MIRACLE GROW... Not made for marijuana.. Strongly agree
MG does work YES>.. BUT if you like the taste of SHIT then YES MG is the product to use.. it is hard to flush the taste out of the plant... FUCK MIRACLE GROW... Not made for marijuana.. Strongly agree
Im sorry i strongly disagree sounds like you dont know how to flush and when to flush because none of my weed taste like shit and thats all i use..


Well-Known Member
I use mg products with great success!! Everyone that smokes my weed says it tastes great. Just give the plants water only for the last two weeks of the grow.

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
lmao mg works fine for me..Go look at the mg soil vs ffof soil and you would see the only difference in the soils is price thats it..actually the plants all started from clone were doing better in the mg soil and for 10 bucks cheaper why not go mg
actually my concern is not with the soils. I'm more concerned with synthetic ferts used today for shortcuts/quick grows! I am by no means a supporter of FoxFarms either.


Well-Known Member
i used the mg organic garden soil last year to transplant my seedlings into when they go too big for their coco coir pellets. I didn't see anything but good results from the little seedlings. I am starting my plants off this year again in the coco coir pellets and then transplanting the seedlings into a MG oeganic garden soil X fox farm ocean forest mix. this is what i will be vegging my plants in for a few months before they get put into the 5gal root pots and put outside. i will likely use a good ammended soil mixture to put in the bottoms of the 5 gal root pots so i don't have to feed my plants much before harvest. i don't see what harm the mg organic soils would be to use.
i used the mg organic garden soil last year to transplant my seedlings into when they go too big for their coco coir pellets. I didn't see anything but good results from the little seedlings. I am starting my plants off this year again in the coco coir pellets and then transplanting the seedlings into a MG oeganic garden soil X fox farm ocean forest mix. this is what i will be vegging my plants in for a few months before they get put into the 5gal root pots and put outside. i will likely use a good ammended soil mixture to put in the bottoms of the 5 gal root pots so i don't have to feed my plants much before harvest. i don't see what harm the mg organic soils would be to use.
sounds good then nice mix


Well-Known Member
I dont think MG weed tastes bad at all.

You guys ever notice how cannibus actualy evolved on earth before Advanced Nutes existed?


Active Member
I'd like evidence that proves MG makes your "Buds a harsh smoke"

ive used it on my 1st indoor grow and it was one of the smoothest smokes ive ever had, and I NEVER FLUSHED!!

taste, heaviness of smoke, etc are all based on genetics, and arent effected by what types of nutrients they are fed. In my honest opinion thats like saying roses will grow brown if you feed them MG without flushing...
i won't touch the stuff, personally. so many other options, plus who knows what entities miracle grow associates themselves with. I'm talking about MONSANTO, putting weed killer in the miracle grow, but the weed killer would also kill every plant thats not a GMO patented by monsanto. thats like the Final Solution, but for plants.
i won't touch the stuff, personally. so many other options, plus who knows what entities miracle grow associates themselves with. I'm talking about MONSANTO, putting weed killer in the miracle grow, but the weed killer would also kill every plant thats not a GMO patented by monsanto. thats like the Final Solution, but for plants.
I dont know it dont kill my plants

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
I dont think MG weed tastes bad at all.

You guys ever notice how cannibus actualy evolved on earth before Advanced Nutes existed?
Listen, I use what is good that is organic. I'm not a user of Advanced Nutrients for say,but I do know that Advanced Nutrients were created for growing cannabis. At the same time I'm pretty sure Miracle Grow wasn't invented with Cannabis in mind either. But is meant more for little old ladies who love to grow Roses, etc,etc... What I'm saying is ,you get what you pay for sometimes, especially in this industry!