miracle grow bad?

well i seen a bunch of good things come from mg soil and since its cheaper and more conveniant its good to use.
i dont have a problem spending 20bucks on a big ass bag of FF soil or pure coco..i guess if ur broke then u kinda gotta go for the cheaper stuff
Its nothing about being broke its about being smart..Why pay 20-30 dollars for a bag of dirt when you can get the same results with more dirt for only 9 dollars.
i dont know if its totally the same like u claim it to be..Mg has time release in their soil and FF doesnt as far as i know and if i were to care enough to read up on it i bet i could find a few more differences in their soil
i said my boy did side by side tests with AN, FF, and MG..AN doesnt have a soil line so if u know ur shit then u should of realized what i was talking about lol :dunce::dunce:
Look at all your post now you cannot tell me you were talking about nutes when you clearly said soil in a couple of them:dunce::dunce::wall:


Well-Known Member
:wall: at 1st i was talking about FF vs An vs MG u fool then u started talking about the dirt so i did to.."stimpy, u idiot"


Well-Known Member
im talking about MG in genereal..heard their soil's garbage to..worse then their nutrients cuz they got the time release
:wall: at 1st i was talking about FF vs An vs MG u fool then u started talking about the dirt so i did to.."stimpy, u idiot"
Yeah you can see from my first post i was talking about soil tho not anout the nutes.Then you started talking about the soil and said you didnt talk about it.Trust me im no fool at all.I just want to get to facts..And facts are mg soil is not bad at all and foxfarm is not way better if better at all the price is just more.

im talking about MG in genereal..heard their soil's garbage to..worse then their nutrients cuz they got the time release
You sound like a fool for saying that without any experiance of it..
Agian i tell you there is a thread mg soil vs ffof you can see all you want and know the difference is just price..


Well-Known Member
I can't believe you guys!? I mean what the fuck are you thinking? If you can only afford MG on your plants, I highly suggest that you just be in "end user". Looks so-so but your throat stay on fire after every smoke session. Is that a good trade off for you? 'Miracle Grow',was not made for cannabis....period! All joking aside, you are all hindering your growth as a "dirt farmer" using, and becoming dependant on Miracle grow! There is life a better grow method other than using MG. Basic organic gardening will get you waaay better results that Miracle Grow will.

For the new growers, you are not limited to 'HomeDepot' for your gardening needs. As a matter of fact, most cities & towns have a gardening specialist shop or two. As mentioned on this thread earlier,'Black Gold', is an excellent cheap soil to work with. Without a doubt this stuff is way better than using Miracle Grow's soil lineup. Black Gold has several different products to choose from. As my homeboy(KKDay) suggested, try look at other options. Miracle Grow will come and bite you in the ass at some point in time, and probably when you least need it! You know when you're trying to impress your friends with your new homegrown cigarettes that keep going out on you. You thought you cured it properly, and you did. But the use of MG in your plants has somewhat ruined the end results. I promise you a hot smoke that never burns right! You will constantly be re-lighting your joints,..which now look more like a piece of burnt ,melting black plastic. Is that your ultimate goal?

For all you folks that feel that MS is your only option, your soooo wrong! You'd be better off using "Fido's" piles of dog shit, than MG!!!!

Example of options. If plants are in veg stage. Go to pet store and pick up "Rabbit Pellets", a great source of cheap nitrogen! You all have to look at option like this. You don't have to be limited to 'Home Depot' for your grow supplies.

LOLOLOLOL Nitrogen is nitrogen once its broken down into the raw element that plants are able to utilize. It doesn't matter if it came from synthetic fertilizer or cow shit! It's how much of it is introduced that is important. Don't listen to this guy folks...... PLEASE don't listen, I lost 37.4 IQ points having read that post! SO if your MG fert is 20-20-20 and your Cow shit fert is 5-5-5 then dilute the MG 20-20-20 to 1/4 str and you have the exact same strength fert, lol, regardless of "brand name".

By the way..... Easy way to attract plant pests.... Do like this guy said and go by a bag of shit, it'll give you nitrogen, but I think I'll stick with my blue water

Just make sure you flush near the end of your grow and your smoke will taste fine, this guy must have been on crack when he wrote this.


Well-Known Member
LOLOLOLOL Nitrogen is nitrogen once its broken down into the raw element that plants are able to utilize. It doesn't matter if it came from synthetic fertilizer or cow shit! It's how much of it is introduced that is important. Don't listen to this guy folks...... PLEASE don't listen, I lost 37.4 IQ points having read that post! SO if your MG fert is 20-20-20 and your Cow shit fert is 5-5-5 then dilute the MG 20-20-20 to 1/4 str and you have the exact same strength fert, lol, regardless of "brand name".

Just make sure you flush near the end of your grow and your smoke will taste fine, this guy must have been on crack when he wrote this.
It is great I haven't laughed so hard in a long long time, thank you. I was wondering how to fill in the time before kickoff when I wandered upon these 7 wonderful pages. Growing things, building things, creating things, it doesn't matter the path you take if you are happy on your given path and they all lead to the same end.
Ya'll have a great year and thanks for the laugh.


Well-Known Member
I think this guy is on drugs, MJ is no special needs crop. For that matter neither is anything else.
The plant will convert watever fertilizer you feed it into the raw elements it needs Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium.
They don't care who made them or how much you paid for them.
The ONLY problem with it is it's very concentrated and newbies tend to overuse it.
Flush your soil with lots of water every couple of weeks to rid the soilof the salts left behind and if your using peat based soiless mix it will help flush out the humic acid from the decaying peat.
I use Wal Mart's house brand "Plant sMart" line myself, a lot cheaper than MG.
Yes this dude knows what he's talking about.



Well-Known Member
Yeah you can see from my first post i was talking about soil tho not anout the nutes.Then you started talking about the soil and said you didnt talk about it.Trust me im no fool at all.I just want to get to facts..And facts are mg soil is not bad at all and foxfarm is not way better if better at all the price is just more.

You sound like a fool for saying that without any experiance of it..
Agian i tell you there is a thread mg soil vs ffof you can see all you want and know the difference is just price..
i can careless about ur Miracle Grow debate..i've seen it with my own eye's and dont need to read some random persons thread..soil isn't as big as a deal as the base nutrient cuz u can simply flush it out lol anyways y dont u post some pics of your MG grow?? have u even used it?? lets see your results
:wall: at 1st i was talking about FF vs An vs MG u fool then u started talking about the dirt so i did to.."stimpy, u idiot"
im talking about MG in genereal..heard their soil's garbage to..worse then their nutrients cuz they got the time release
i can careless about ur Miracle Grow debate..i've seen it with my own eye's and dont need to read some random persons thread..soil isn't as big as a deal as the base nutrient cuz u can simply flush it out lol anyways y dont u post some pics of your MG grow?? have u even used it?? lets see your results
If you cared to look i have a whole thread that i use mg soil in also album pictures with buds grown from mg soil..
Why dont you show anything?
If you can care less about it stop talking then.
dont make me show u my clone grows and seed grows cuz it doesnt make a damn difference..the first and 2nd to last pic was from seed and the rest were clones to by the way genious
Your first pic is not from seed..You clearly seee the stem..
maybe the second to last was seed but not the rest genious..


Well-Known Member
enough with the BS though..im not trying to argue back n forth..ill try MG myself but just the soil..just dont want airy buds with plants that have ugly looking leafs cuz every grow i've ever seen with MG had something wrong with it at some point of the grow and my boy did the side by side with there nutrient line and it pretty obvious MG performed the worst out of the 3 lines