CNN Rebulican Debates - RP Screwed Again


Well-Known Member
So I'm watching the CNN debates. RP is being screwed again. He's getting less talk time. In fact, they just cut to a commercial in the middle of one of his sentences. Now, I have come out and said many times that RP has no chance. I originally endorse Kucinich, who is gone. It's been a tough choice for me on who to endorse between RP and Obama, and due to some key issues, such as stem cell research, I went with Obama. However, lately, thanks to some serious debate between other members (thanks VI), I've been forced to look extremely close at candidates, closer than I ever have in the past. It's actually been an excellent learning process. I'm more devastated than ever that Kucinich never had a chance. The more I learn, the more I think he would have been an excellent President. That being said, I'm beginning to think that RP may be a better fit than even Obama. But as we all know, he's not been giving a fair shot. I still don't know for sure, there is more discussions to be had. I just wish I could hear more from RP so I could make a fair decision. Below is a cartoon that I found that I think really does a good job of illustrating all of our frustrations.


New Member
InNeed, Ron Paul is out. He may have had some good Intentions, but the MSM shitcanned him long ago. Obama still has a chance. If he can beat that old Beast Hillary, he will be the next POTUS. John McCain is too old school for the people. He killed himself with the hundred year Iraq thing. I respect M<cCain for his service to his country, ETC., But he is way too hawkish for Main stream Americans, and his Iraq stance will come back to bite him in the ass. Get behind Obama, he may just pull it out.


Well-Known Member
I thought(when able) RP gave some pretty good fricking answers.
I love when RP speaks about money and the other canadettes get this retarded look.
It's clear who's the smartest one on stage.
I'm starting to like fuckabee, the god thing scares me, but he comes off as a really nice guy.


New Member
So I'm watching the CNN debates. RP is being screwed again. He's getting less talk time. In fact, they just cut to a commercial in the middle of one of his sentences. Now, I have come out and said many times that RP has no chance. I originally endorse Kucinich, who is gone. It's been a tough choice for me on who to endorse between RP and Obama, and due to some key issues, such as stem cell research, I went with Obama. However, lately, thanks to some serious debate between other members (thanks VI), I've been forced to look extremely close at candidates, closer than I ever have in the past. It's actually been an excellent learning process. I'm more devastated than ever that Kucinich never had a chance. The more I learn, the more I think he would have been an excellent President. That being said, I'm beginning to think that RP may be a better fit than even Obama. But as we all know, he's not been giving a fair shot. I still don't know for sure, there is more discussions to be had. I just wish I could hear more from RP so I could make a fair decision. Below is a cartoon that I found that I think really does a good job of illustrating all of our frustrations.
yeah man, its fucked up how childish these politicians are acting..its not really up to the people of the united states, its up to them. ron paulis the only man who will change this country for the good. its sad how unfair this election is..i bet canada and anyother country doesnt do this kid shit


Well-Known Member
ron paul is a tool

hey well why dont they have me up there in the debates? oh ya no one wants to vote for me i forgot. same with ron paul. people would vote for William Hung at about the same margins as ron paul if he ran for president:mrgreen: you shouldnt get mad if the majority of voters are voting your favorite person off the island


New Member
I support Rp even though I know he dont have a chance. I just read the obama was the only dem that has not said he would end raids in cali. I will see if I can find the link!
The media are just turning the election into another mediocre, scripted "reality" show. They have their anointed favorites who'll produce the biggest ratings with contrived drama during the election but won't wind up changing jack shit once they're in office.


Well-Known Member
ron paul is a tool

hey well why dont they have me up there in the debates? oh ya no one wants to vote for me i forgot. same with ron paul. people would vote for William Hung at about the same margins as ron paul if he ran for president:mrgreen: you shouldnt get mad if the majority of voters are voting your favorite person off the island
Here's the following reasons why what you said makes no sense:

Debates are made to be fair and unbiased. It is these debates that give most people a clear answer on who they want to vote for. To suggest that a candidate should be left out of a debate because "no one wants to vote for them" is ludicrous, as it goes against their basic purpose.

Did you even read the posts? I clearly said I favored Kucinich first (who is out now) and then Obama. Ron Paul is a close third. He is far from my favorite. Having said all that, its still quite clear to me that he is not given a fair chance. Although Kucinich was given even less of one.


Well-Known Member
ron paul is a tool

hey well why dont they have me up there in the debates? oh ya no one wants to vote for me i forgot. same with ron paul. people would vote for William Hung at about the same margins as ron paul if he ran for president:mrgreen: you shouldnt get mad if the majority of voters are voting your favorite person off the island
clearly your the tool, if you would say william hung would do the same margine, i just dont understand how someone could be against someone or the only canidate who is honest about everything he says, romney talks about how he knows business but he never says what he knows hes just a really good speaker, macain always makes his points across by telling everyone what hes done and almost changes the subject somtimes, ron paul is the only one who talks about economics and what we need to do. i think ron paul has just a good of chance as macain if it came down to it out of 11 hes in the final 4 his base of supporters is huge and uncounted for! and the media will admit that everytime they show him the number of viewers and ratings go up, not to mention that he has won every debate these are things you cant look over


Well-Known Member
oh and did you notice how they sat everyone huckabee was at the end he was definantly bitter and felt left out, i bet people around the world are wondering what the hell is going on here, whos cock are these canidates sucking, getting endorsments and shit they have so much back its crazy


Well-Known Member
Here's the following reasons why what you said makes no sense:

Debates are made to be fair and unbiased. It is these debates that give most people a clear answer on who they want to vote for. To suggest that a candidate should be left out of a debate because "no one wants to vote for them" is ludicrous, as it goes against their basic purpose.

Did you even read the posts? I clearly said I favored Kucinich first (who is out now) and then Obama. Ron Paul is a close third. He is far from my favorite. Having said all that, its still quite clear to me that he is not given a fair chance. Although Kucinich was given even less of one.

thats just it guys if you have been paying attention there have been many many debates with all the guys running in there, as the republican national comittee slowly after these debates figures out who is in the running they make the debates smaller and smaller untill you have 2 guys left. what you are suggesting is having these people who dont have the votes and support from the american people sitting up there on a free bully pulpit knowing they cant win but trying to skew the election in their favor at these debates..

thats all im trying to say man u cant have just random people in there, he has no chance he doesnt deserve to be in the debates he doesnt have hardly any support


Well-Known Member
the point is they know if they showed him as much as the rest of the canidates he would no doubt be the front runner there is clearly some filtering of his message and of him


Well-Known Member
wow man the only thing that is clear is that I 100% disagree with what u just said

much love tho ima go smoke a little bittle


Well-Known Member
ok im high now.

look man if it makes you feel any better i would vote for the little angry elf just for the weed thing but he aint gonna make it

even if he became president he wouldnt be able to legalize weed cuz of those filthy animals in the congress


Well-Known Member
and theres nothing i said that you could prove me wrong on if he had as much money and as much coverage as the others he would be the front runner, why would americans especially not agree with government out of their lives, and an america that works toward being dept free, unless they just dont know what that means, or unless they were depending on the gov such as welfare


Well-Known Member
ok im high now.

look man if it makes you feel any better i would vote for the little angry elf just for the weed thing but he aint gonna make it

even if he became president he wouldnt be able to legalize weed cuz of those filthy animals in the congress
legalizing isnt his goal his point is the money we spend on criminalizing
people for using for instance medicinal, he wants to reform the laws