Sick of Being Single, Need a Chic Who's Cool with my Grow.


Well-Known Member
lmfao your daughter might have magical dreams of this tropical garden she played in as a baby, or maybe the smell will trigger memories when she's an adult, either way thats 2 funny i wish i could walk in weed trees , but atleast you know when to draw the line you don't want her telling people about your "forest"
You know I never thought of that. What a cool thought April!

Reps girly!


Active Member
Nice!! Invite her over smoke her up, bake her cookies or have some sweets around, find out her fav kind, and give her a back rub- If u did these 3 things i would think your amazing!!!
I am a BEAST at the back rub. Not to brag...I put my ex to sleep EVERY night doing that. Right after sex of course haha. Its just my way of saying thank you and sleep well my beautiful. But that bitch deserves a back rub with nails now.


Well-Known Member
I am a BEAST at the back rub. Not to brag...I put my ex to sleep EVERY night doing that. Right after sex of course haha. Its just my way of saying thank you and sleep well my beautiful. But that bitch deserves a back rub with nails now.
LOL, touche! My ex dragged me through court before I settled on a large amount of child support monthly + insurance and daycare. Now strangely she is an absolute Angel. Go figure eh.......


Active Member

Yo, I'm trippin right now. Im soooo fkn excited its honestly hard to hold it back in our messages. Its taking everything I have to just stay 'cool' ya know?

Lol, I told her i was like, sorry if i sound so excited, your the first chick i've actually talked to that smokes, besides my bros wife.

This is epic, in epiculous proportions.


New Member
Ah Japan, my favorite thread troller =) It doesn't work on me though, sorry
Neither do your pick-up lines apparently. Look baby, I don't know how to break this to you, you're a drug dealer, but maybe if you are a real loser (no GF is a clear indication) you can call your customers "patients" and go all the way.


Active Member
Neither do your pick-up lines apparently. Look baby, I don't know how to break this to you, you're a drug dealer, but maybe if you are a real loser (no GF is a clear indication) you can call your customers "patients" and go all the way.
Dude, you get your weed from a DRUG DEALER. Every grower is a DRUG DEALER. its labeled like that....

Your comebacks as a troll are terrible.....I hate to break THAT to you.


Well-Known Member

Yo, I'm trippin right now. Im soooo fkn excited its honestly hard to hold it back in our messages. Its taking everything I have to just stay 'cool' ya know?

Lol, I told her i was like, sorry if i sound so excited, your the first chick i've actually talked to that smokes, besides my bros wife.

This is epic, in epiculous proportions.
You gotta hold back sayin anything about your grow though man. For sure!


Well-Known Member
He's not worth any responses Ireg, this is what he does. He's like a dog, if you ignore him long enough he'll wander off to go sniff someone elses ass. (shrug)


Well-Known Member
I don't have to much to worry about concidering I have an on and off relationship with the girl who I went to highschool with haha and her pops smokes weed :)


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
ok you can either complain your little asses off or take some advice...MOVE TO OREGON!!!!!!
yes what he said.. my wife don't smoke and she is even cool with it and let me tell you im outa control....LOL oregon is were you want to be trust me now is the time for all to jump the train to oregon and get legal.. they are handing them out by the fist fulls.


Well-Known Member
I saw this thread & felt your pain. I was lucky enough to find a girl and then started growing. I just lied to her in the beginning. "It's just gonna be a small operation baby, I promise, nothing to get worried about"....:mrgreen: lol.
Introduce them slowly, and then teach them everything you know so they'll get into it, and understand the science.
My girl was a hardcore Christian & had never smoked weed before, now she's an athiest that smokes weed everyday with me, oopsy :)
She's also going to aid me in my upcomming outdoor grow project.

P.S. Once you get a cool girl they'll still complain. I always get, "you spend more time with the plants than me"! :-? Aaarrg