miracle grow bad?


Well-Known Member
WBW....it's all I grow with. I mix with a little sand and 1/4 perlite. I don't nute until 12/12 at which time I use Schultz African Violet. The last two or three waterings are water only, not to flush, but just so the plant isn't drawing nutes that it won't use before being chopped. I do not flush. I pay plenty of attention to cure.Each plant produces a large harvest of the smoothest herb that is guaranteed to kick your ass.For Pete's sake everybody, It's a fucking weed that can grow in run-off ditches beside the highway. Miracle Grow is an excellent choice. Pics of my latest soon.


Well-Known Member
WBW....it's all I grow with. I mix with a little sand and 1/4 perlite. I don't nute until 12/12 at which time I use Schultz African Violet. The last two or three waterings are water only, not to flush, but just so the plant isn't drawing nutes that it won't use before being chopped. I do not flush. I pay plenty of attention to cure.Each plant produces a large harvest of the smoothest herb that is guaranteed to kick your ass.For Pete's sake everybody, It's a fucking weed that can grow in run-off ditches beside the highway. Miracle Grow is an excellent choice. Pics of my latest soon.
were talking about top performance not just getting by


Well-Known Member
A large harvest of the smoothest weed that will kick your ass isn't "getting by" and no, we aren't. The original question is is MG bad. And WTF is top performance? If I grow as much quality weed as my room can possibly handle, without adding nutes through veg, without flush, just by buying a bag of MG....that is top performance my friend.
WBW....it's all I grow with. I mix with a little sand and 1/4 perlite. I don't nute until 12/12 at which time I use Schultz African Violet. The last two or three waterings are water only, not to flush, but just so the plant isn't drawing nutes that it won't use before being chopped. I do not flush. I pay plenty of attention to cure.Each plant produces a large harvest of the smoothest herb that is guaranteed to kick your ass.For Pete's sake everybody, It's a fucking weed that can grow in run-off ditches beside the highway. Miracle Grow is an excellent choice. Pics of my latest soon.
Yeah its all i use too.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
english was not my first language, sorry carne! I'll try to use proper grammar for you in the future.:lol: Carne, if you don't mind me asking. How old are you? Reason I ask, I got this theory about you Miracle Grow users. Not soil users, just MG nutrients.
I'm 47 years young. I've been gardening since birth. (product of a Mormon household). We always used Miracle Grow and learned what worked best with each plant. I'm not using MG anymore. I've switched to the FF trio. I wanted to see what it could do. So far I love it. :D