CFL Grow: 85w cfl perpetual SOG op


Active Member
Update for the insane electricity bill. so its a combination of 2 months, meaning 225$ a month, kinda high, makes me think to expand for more yield/profit to be had.


Well-Known Member
I spend about 320$ a month if i had the extra cash to spend on a HPS setup i would for sure!


Active Member
im thinkin of getting extra timers and cutting back on veg time from 24 to 18/6. Need a couple timers for all that, or 1 with 3 sockets on it would work perfect.


Active Member
Ok so hopefully the math is right with the bill for 1 month at 225$.

This sample is based on lighting wattage ONLY, not fans or other goodies.

my daily kwh usage is 17.33. 17.33 x 30days = 519.9

$225.00 divided by 519.9 = .43cents (its an odd number but rounded off)

so its costing .43 cents a khw to run my shizzle.

.43 x 17.33 = 7.4519

from what i figure its costing me around $7.45 a day to run everything from what i have. kind costly. If i did all the math correctly haha.

Using an 18/6 schedule. my daily kwh usage is 14.544.

14.544 x .43 = $6.2539 $6.2539 x 30 = $187.617

What i figured from using 18/6 it would cost me $6.25 per day to run on that schedule, with a total monthly cost of $187.62, $225 - $187 = $38

Not a bad way to shave off some money for the bill! hope these figues help people get a ballpark for running their light systems between the 2 lighting schedules.


Well-Known Member
Ok so hopefully the math is right with the bill for 1 month at 225$.

This sample is based on lighting wattage ONLY, not fans or other goodies.

my daily kwh usage is 17.33. 17.33 x 30days = 519.9

$225.00 divided by 519.9 = .43cents (its an odd number but rounded off)

so its costing .43 cents a khw to run my shizzle.

.43 x 17.33 = 7.4519

from what i figure its costing me around $7.45 a day to run everything from what i have. kind costly. If i did all the math correctly haha.

Using an 18/6 schedule. my daily kwh usage is 14.544.

14.544 x .43 = $6.2539 $6.2539 x 30 = $187.617

What i figured from using 18/6 it would cost me $6.25 per day to run on that schedule, with a total monthly cost of $187.62, $225 - $187 = $38

Not a bad way to shave off some money for the bill! hope these figues help people get a ballpark for running their light systems between the 2 lighting schedules.
it shud not be that much, when i used a 400w with CFLs my bill was + $10, but then again i never broke it down


Active Member
5 out of 5 seeds have cracked open! one is showing weakness and probably will end up dying off, but the other 4 have the first tier of leaves poking out of the coco. Misted daily in the clone dome, and 2 days after they sprouted. I soaked them in distilled water for a few hours previous, before putting them in the coco cups.

As far as everything else in the grow op goes. Just a text update for now. Xplanted my friends Kryptonite into a 1 gallon pot few days ago. Repotted the new clones frmo the dome about the same day. Also i had pulled the middle reflector down to about 6 inches from the clones and Kryptonite. Hoping to catch a 10-12 day rooting period, followed by a week veg time before they get thrown in the box for flowering. Everything now is out of party cups, into square pots.

Ill update with pics in a couple days. Not alot going on to take pics for and share.


Active Member
i think its because its constantly used, so im in a high user tier bracket that results in higher rates, according to the website sample. It sucks. ill find out on the paper bill, it hasnt arrived yet, just looked at the account online.


Well-Known Member
i think he was asking how much you pay per kilowatt hour. unless ur paying 5cents a kwh, thats friggin amazazing!
o, that was then, now i have free electric in my room contract, if they only knew, smh...

but yeah i used to only pay a little over 5 cents a kwh