Green-o-matic Autoflowering Seeds


029.jpgdelilahday2.jpgloladay2.jpgwhiteyday1.jpgQuickBushMammajamma.jpgSo this is what I have: 5 GOM auto's in five- 4.3" clay pots, under three- 23watt cfls.

My grow box is 24"hX 13.5"wX9"D

I used fox farms ocean forest because fox farm is all I seen all over the forums. I have since taken' a liking to bio bizz and went ahead and ordered what I could; thus far only being, bio bizz- root juice, bio-grow, and top max.Bio heaven and alg-a-mic soon to follow.

I planted two seeds on the 19th, one seed on the 20th, and the other two seeds on the 21st.
these pictures are the stealthness of my box =p and my ladies day 4 from being planted, and day 2 above soil. First day above soil for the lil guy.

aint got a scooby

Active Member
was thinking of these for next grow, i love watchin autos they grow so quick, massive growth every day. how long do these take to finish from seed?


Active Member
Its Great seeing more autoflower growers. I am growing some Himalayan Blue Diesel Fem. at the moment and once you get to week 3 you will see alot of growth, almost explosive growth. Thats a nice custom box you got there. Keep up the Good Work and Happy Growing!


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1398348View attachment 1398347View attachment 1398346View attachment 1398345So this is what I have: 5 GOM auto's in five- 4.3" clay pots, under three- 23watt cfls.

My grow box is 24"hX 13.5"wX9"D

I used fox farms ocean forest because fox farm is all I seen all over the forums. I have since taken' a liking to bio bizz and went ahead and ordered what I could; thus far only being, bio bizz- root juice, bio-grow, and top max.Bio heaven and alg-a-mic soon to follow.

I planted two seeds on the 19th, one seed on the 20th, and the other two seeds on the 21st.
these pictures are the stealthness of my box =p and my ladies day 4 from being planted, and day 2 above soil. First day above soil for the lil guy.
I just harvested a green-o-matic today, had it under the flouros in the veg room most of the time with the last 2 weeks under a 600W HPS. It got to about 14 inches and produced 110g of wet bud, a large central cola and then 4 side buds that are the size of a baseball. The smell is very strong and it is sticky as fook!!

I'll try to remember to tell you what the final weight is but it should be a forth of the wet weight so about an ounce. Although the size and weight is reflective of the light it was under, i had no space in the flowering rooms. Also it took 58 days.

I will try to put up a pic for you if it helps, I could not find anyone documenting this strain before.


wow man, If I get half that per plant I'll be happy. pls do- report the final weight and maybe some pics. I need to figure out my humidity problem. The pics above are the day after NOT misting them for only 4-6 hours while I was sleeping. (yes I only sleep 4-6 hours if im lucky) lol 2 out of the 3 are sure to be dead, but I fed them a bit of water in hopes of them reviving. any thoughts?


Active Member
If you have very low humidity I suggest putting in your grow box a cup or bowl of cold water then get a small rag and soak it in water and squeeze out excess so its not dripping everywhere and hang the waterlogged rag over the cup or bowl and that should rise humidity by 5-10 percent possibly. You don't have to have the rag and bowl of water but at least the bowl. Otherwise buy a humidifier and put it in the box if you can fit it in there. If the plant has been dried out for more then 3 days it more then likey will never grow. If it's only been dried out for acouple just pour alot of water on it and within the day it should sprout back up if its still usuable, otherwise its not coming back.


If you have very low humidity I suggest putting in your grow box a cup or bowl of cold water then get a small rag and soak it in water and squeeze out excess so its not dripping everywhere and hang the waterlogged rag over the cup or bowl and that should rise humidity by 5-10 percent possibly. You don't have to have the rag and bowl of water but at least the bowl. Otherwise buy a humidifier and put it in the box if you can fit it in there. If the plant has been dried out for more then 3 days it more then likey will never grow. If it's only been dried out for acouple just pour alot of water on it and within the day it should sprout back up if its still usuable, otherwise its not coming back.
It was only dried out for a few hours,so I added some water and threw them back in there. I set a little glass of water to the side of everything like you suggested and a damp hand towel as well. my humidifier is actually bigger than the size of my box, so that wont work.I'm testing the new temps and humidity now. Will post with updated pics and results of the added glass of water.


Well-Known Member
wow man, If I get half that per plant I'll be happy. pls do- report the final weight and maybe some pics. I need to figure out my humidity problem. The pics above are the day after NOT misting them for only 4-6 hours while I was sleeping. (yes I only sleep 4-6 hours if im lucky) lol 2 out of the 3 are sure to be dead, but I fed them a bit of water in hopes of them reviving. any thoughts?

It's hard to revive seedlings sometimes, keep the mist going and see how it all goes, at least 1 is going to grow so not all is bad. Are you using the nutes yet, I hope not! bit early yet. I used Baby bio for herbs as they have a 5-5-5 equal ratio that I use for vegging my clones and moms, no fancy nutes here, unless it's connoisseur for the flowering brood.


It was only dried out for a few hours,so I added some water and threw them back in there. I set a little glass of water to the side of everything like you suggested and a damp hand towel as well. my humidifier is actually bigger than the size of my box, so that wont work.I'm testing the new temps and humidity now. Will post with updated pics and results of the added glass of water.
Soooo, here we go,here's the new pics. With the glass of water and wet cloth...The humidity it still only 33%, Im sure thats fine for later..but that doesn't fix my humidity problem now as seedlings =/ Oh,and I also put a humidifier by the intake fan. Not sure what else to do here; I have two other G-O-M's getting ready to sprout tomorrow. If I don't fix the humidity by then im affraid of losing them all. Any other suggestions?


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1400499View attachment 1400498View attachment 1400497View attachment 1400496 Soooo, here we go,here's the new pics. With the glass of water and wet cloth...The humidity it still only 33%, Im sure thats fine for later..but that doesn't fix my humidity problem now as seedlings =/ Oh,and I also put a humidifier by the intake fan. Not sure what else to do here; I have two other G-O-M's getting ready to sprout tomorrow. If I don't fix the humidity by then im affraid of losing them all. Any other suggestions?[/QUOT

Unscrew 2 of the cfl's for now, you don't need all of them just yet, that will reduce heat drastically!


Well-Known Member
Also try to carefully pull the casing off that seedling, at times they need a helping hand out of the womb so to speak. The seedling in the first pic looks like dead man walking I'm afraid and the one with the casing on it...see how the stem has shrivelled, not a good sign mate. ER needed. Take the casing off and try to prop the cotyledons upward so they can generate energy and growth, but carefully as you know how delicate they are, good luck man!!!

PS. Gotta say that I had 4 seeds that did the same thing, only one survived. Maybe it's a theme with this strain, i always wonder when a breeder does not voluntarily offer loads of info on a variety.


So this is what I ended up with; I still can't get the effing humidity above 30% temps 76-80 but that's with all three lights in,I just took out two of the cfls like you said and haven't takin' a reading.. I trashed the 2 dead ones. As you can see, I tried to see what the one with the seed hanging on looked like,but after i popped the seed off; I set it up for the laugh lol but like I said I have two more ready to pop through the night or tomorrow morning maybe and I need to raise this humidity. Nothings working. Thanks for the help btw (to you all) through my first lil' grow here.



Well-Known Member
So this is what I ended up with; I still can't get the effing humidity above 30% temps 76-80 but that's with all three lights in,I just took out two of the cfls like you said and haven't takin' a reading.. I trashed the 2 dead ones. As you can see, I tried to see what the one with the seed hanging on looked like,but after i popped the seed off; I set it up for the laugh lol but like I said I have two more ready to pop through the night or tomorrow morning maybe and I need to raise this humidity. Nothings working. Thanks for the help btw (to you all) through my first lil' grow here.
First one will live it seems healthy, the others are dead, bury the suckers. like I said they seem to have a really crap germination rate, I think they will work on this a bit more. Good thing you have more coming, hopefully!!! and no probs on the assistance!


Dusty.jpgDustyday2.jpg I'm still waiting on the other to break soil; both of them are four days under (also dried out for a few hours, but have since been watered and covered with saran wrap) I'll update the next time something exciting happens, I hope it will be a positive report.


Well-Known Member
I'm currently growing 2 GOM....started them under T5...temps 80f, 16-20% humidity in cabinet (yes LOW)....kept misting but NO water after the initial moisting of the soil (solo cup),,,,both are doing great ....Having grown autos for 3 years I have found it very important to plant a germed seed into moistened soil, checking weight, and NOT water until the cup is light.....Most failures are improper initial watering, overwatering, and not watering thoroughtly when needed.
Get your watering habits under control and you'll do much better.


I'm currently growing 2 GOM....started them under T5...temps 80f, 16-20% humidity in cabinet (yes LOW)....kept misting but NO water after the initial moisting of the soil (solo cup),,,,both are doing great ....Having grown autos for 3 years I have found it very important to plant a germed seed into moistened soil, checking weight, and NOT water until the cup is light.....Most failures are improper initial watering, overwatering, and not watering thoroughtly when needed.
Get your watering habits under control and you'll do much better.
Thanks for the info on your grow, it helped me look at my ladies in a new way. I just want one to survive; I'll put a new order in this week. Either some blue himilaya or...I don't know.

Update: still no sign on the germinating seeds, but dusty made it another day.dustyday2.jpg

