Nirvana Blue Mystic and Short Ryder Grow!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey Icannabis, congratulations on your harvest of Baby Blue Mystic:) So you harvest 3.5 ounces wet, so that means about 1.5 ounces dry if not a little more. So 1 BM down, 3 more to harvest. Remember, this was the baby of the 4 Blue Mystics and you got 3.5 ounces weight!! Man I can't wait to see what the other 3 wet weight will be:) I'm so jealous, you will be smoking on some fine weed by March 1st.


Well-Known Member
It was closer to 4 oz. wet but I averaged everything down a bit...I hope it's closer to my estimate of 2 oz. when I get a digital scale. I think I did pretty good on that little plant. 1/4 pound wet on a 13-14 inch plant. And I used cheap nutrients and no frills additives. And all I used was one LSB or low stress break. We'll my next grow is going to be full size BM and I'm going for a pound a plant. 3 Blue Mystic and 3 White queen. I'm going to change my setup of coarse...I'm going to go with a 4x2 table maybe a 4x4 and I'm upgrading to a 1k light and a bigger tent like the 76x76x96. We'll see what my wife say's about that....Lol Good growing chief


Well-Known Member
Man Icannabis, 4 oz wet weight if definitely a good grow to me! Your dry weight should be close to 2oz. Are you going to use LSB with the full size BM? Man that baby will be a monster:) More room means more big ass trees. At what age do you do the LSB on a plant? The Master Kush babies are 27 days old. I plan to veggie then until they start smelling or 3-4 more weeks, then I will move them to the tent for flowering.
It was closer to 4 oz. wet but I averaged everything down a bit...I hope it's closer to my estimate of 2 oz. when I get a digital scale. I think I did pretty good on that little plant. 1/4 pound wet on a 13-14 inch plant. And I used cheap nutrients and no frills additives. And all I used was one LSB or low stress break. We'll my next grow is going to be full size BM and I'm going for a pound a plant. 3 Blue Mystic and 3 White queen. I'm going to change my setup of coarse...I'm going to go with a 4x2 table maybe a 4x4 and I'm upgrading to a 1k light and a bigger tent like the 76x76x96. We'll see what my wife say's about that....Lol Good growing chief


Well-Known Member
I don't really go by age I go by what node I want to break Tina for instance...I'd break her over at the 4th node (4th set of branches). When the head comes up an inch or so you can break. If you want to do a 3rd node break like topping it's time now. If Tina is a full sized plant go for the 4th node. Now here is what to look for. The branches will thicken and swell were you break. This is the growth hormone being stopped to repair the damaged branch. You'll see all the other branches bulk up too. Just be real careful worse case is you top the plant. And hell yeah I'm going to super crop the shit out of my next grow...1600 watts of power one MH and a HPS going at the same time. I want 6 foot tall trees. lol Good growing chief


Well-Known Member
What's up Icannabis? Been working my ass off, haven't had time to get online for any length of time. I'm going to LSB and Supper Crop Terrie. I want to experiment with different growing techniques and thanks to you I not worried about jacking up:) I don't might getting a nice bush with Terrie. I'm sure your bush will look more like a mountain with that light power:) I wanted to try a scrog with Tina, so I supper cropped her and have a small screen over her. Well wish me luck with LSBing Terrie!!
I don't really go by age I go by what node I want to break Tina for instance...I'd break her over at the 4th node (4th set of branches). When the head comes up an inch or so you can break. If you want to do a 3rd node break like topping it's time now. If Tina is a full sized plant go for the 4th node. Now here is what to look for. The branches will thicken and swell were you break. This is the growth hormone being stopped to repair the damaged branch. You'll see all the other branches bulk up too. Just be real careful worse case is you top the plant. And hell yeah I'm going to super crop the shit out of my next grow...1600 watts of power one MH and a HPS going at the same time. I want 6 foot tall trees. lol Good growing chief


Well-Known Member
Good luck you won't need it though...remember tie it back up...and gentle!!!! lol Oh and thanks for stopping by the other tread got more people interested in the LSB I'll post a tread.


Well-Known Member
Update!!! I harvested the blue mystics...I added all the wet weight together. I got 718 grams or around 25oz or 1.5 pounds. I still have one short ryder going another two weeks at minunum...So my total weight will have to wait. I took the buds out of the tent for a day no water so they were pretty dry. I've got alot of pictures. So here they are enjoy!!! :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
This is a point of reference shoot to show how big my plants where at time of harvest...and I put the method of drying in there too. Good growing and thanks for viewing my tread. :-P



Well-Known Member
Man Icannabis, that is a GREAT harvest. I can't believe I'm correct in predicting your yield. If you got 25 oz wet weight, then you should yield 10 oz or more in dry weight:) I told you those colas looked like they could weight 1 ounce along!! I'm so jealous of all that Blue Mystic you are going to have to smoke on:) It looked like you LSB your plants several times. How long does it take for the plant to show signs of healing? When can I LSB (Low Stress Break:) Joni again?


Well-Known Member
Damn Icannabis! Big bucks, big yield, big smoke brother. Amazing thread and amazing finish! I hope you are as correct about my yield


Well-Known Member
Update!!! The auto BM's are Jared and dried...I cured right at 12 oz. total dry weight. The clip board is one plant dried before I clipped the stems and weighted. I was too blazed to take more pictures of all of the plants. The clip board is BM#2. I sold 2.5 oz this morning to pay for my grow. I still have 9.5 oz. for personal use. That is what is pictured. Good growing



Well-Known Member
Icannabis, nice harvest of 12 oz wow! Your weed pantry is how I want mine with Blue Mystic:) Man I hope I can get 2 ounces off Joni. When are you harvesting the Short Ryders?


Well-Known Member
Hey chief, wife just inform me...I sold 3 oz. this morning and I gave away a 1/2 oz to a friend. So what is picture is 8.5 oz for personal. You know it's a weird feeling to find 900 dollars in your pocket and not know where the extra came from. And I think 2 weeks at the least if she makes it that long...I think she will. And 2 0z off Joni is an understatement Kong is going to give up 3 oz or more. Good growing chief


Well-Known Member
I take that problem any day about finding $900 in my jacket! Someone would have had to put it there but I wouldn't care:) I would sell some of my harvest if my better half didn't smoke as well. So you think Kong will yield 3oz? Man that would be great since I grow for 2 people and not just me. Those Short Ryders colas are soooo big, wow! They are definitely ready to be harvested in 2 weeks. I think you will yield 5 ounces for both of SRs together.
Hey chief, wife just inform me...I sold 3 oz. this morning and I gave away a 1/2 oz to a friend. So what is picture is 8.5 oz for personal. You know it's a weird feeling to find 900 dollars in your pocket and not know where the extra came from. And I think 2 weeks at the least if she makes it that long...I think she will. And 2 0z off Joni is an understatement Kong is going to give up 3 oz or more. Good growing chief


Well-Known Member
Yeah my better half does most of the smoking I'm the light weight...I take 4 hits off a joint and I'm stoned...doesn't help that this Bm is a creeper and potent as fuck...I smoked a whole joint the other night and I was tripping balls. Yeah I'm like the worst at selling my stuff...I get whatever I'm going to sell ready and lay it on the table and roll a joint of the stuff up before hand...I sit it there in front of them in a small glass ash tray and I start weighting the stuff after centering the scale with my 5 gram weight...I weigh it all up and pass them the tray for inspection...if everything is to there liking...I put it in a bag for them. "Man here you go"