Ramblings of a Grumpy Old Dreamer

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Man, 36w is all? They look BRIGHT! How many lil bulbs in them?

Imagine if you put Them on some light movers you could get like 2+ gr/W yeilds?
Run 4-plants per light ?

What about acrylic grids (they transfer light great from the edges) for the scrog lit with leds (Kissel)...bongsmilie
If laid across the whole length the Kissel would light em even when the light on the mover isnt directly over em.
I'd love to have the room to use light-movers, I've seen a couple of youtuve vids of Kessil lights on light-movers and it's definitely the way to go.

Not sure about the effectiveness of acrylic grids, acrylic rods seem to transmit light along their length rather than push it out sideways.

those led lights are pretty badd ass lookin. and sounding. whats the lumens output?
No idea about the lumens, not even sure whether lumens is relevant when dealing with exact and specific light spectrums.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
ahh. well i have heard some good things about them. Do they still give the concentration needed to tighten up colas?
My first grow with a Kessil light produced firm, solid but lightweight colas ... totally covered in trichomes. It seems that the mass of the plant material was missing but not the trichomes.
It was my first and it was stunted and suffering from other issues, so it can't be used to draw any conclusions.

My second grow is 4 weeks from finishing, and it's the same strain and the same shyte soil so I expect similar solid (but light) buds. After my 3rd grow (1 week in flower now) I will have more of an idea of what the colas are like - that grow is being done using the hempy system and I don't have a clue what to expect.

All of my buds are for personal consumption and so far I'm more than happy with what the lights are producing. I have been smoking the Red Dragon daily for 4 weeks now and my stash will last till my next harvest. The next harvest will be 2 to 3 times the yield of the first and that will be quickly followed 2 or 3 weeks later with the 3rd harvest - I'm quickly heading to the situation where i'll have more than I can smoke.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Just a quick update on the Magic Bud mini-ScrOG.

After being under 12/12 for a week it is just showing the first pistils and I will now allow it to grow through the screen, I can't wait to see this one start to bud-up, finally I will get to see what the Kessil lights can produce ... remember that all this greenery is being lit by a single light that draws a total of 36 watts.

View attachment 1435366

The 5 attachments below show this mini-ScrOG taking shape ...


Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Grumpy - looking good. That screen filled out quick!
Thanks Walter - Magic Bud looks like it likes growing in hempy pots with cheap-ass general purpose nutes :-)

G.O.D that screen is like artwork, it looks fantastic!
Thanks MH, what it looks like in 5 or 6 weeks time is going to be interesting.

I think that my mini-ScrOG system is finally starting to realise the potential that I had hoped for when I started this "project".

Yesterday I replanted 4 clones of Barney's Farm L.S.D. from individual mini-hempy pots into one of my large square hempy pots - time to get the next ScrOG ready to take over from the current Red Dragon in about 4 weeks time.
I also have another 4 L.S.D. clones (different pheno) that will be ready for the screen when the Magic Bud is done.

I suppose technically I am running a perpetual grow.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Great work G.O.D im sub'd to this and as walter said great screen work!

you keeping that spider in your pics as a bug deterant are ya?
Took me a while to find the spider in the photo.

My grow area has lots of spiders - mainly daddy-long-legs, and they love eating fungus gnats. The beauty of the daddy-long-legs is that they keep the Redbacks away, don't want those suckers spoiling my day.

I'm really happy with the way that that screen has filled and in a weeks time it will look vastly different. It's taken a while to get my ScrOGing working how I planned it to work, but I think I'm heading for an interesting grow with the Magic Bud.
Can't wait to see what the yield will be - 38 (ish) small colas will have to produce a reasonable amount of bud (and a few seeds).


Active Member
we cant either G.O.D 38 colas is a wonderful site, such viewing pleasure for you and us in the weeks to come

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
110214 MB 4 way SCROG.jpg

Photo taken this morning, 5 minutes before the lights came on, the screen is starting to disappear.

I have also just germinated 2 Barney's Farm Tangerine Dream seeds so future grows are starting to line up.


Active Member
oool some tangerine dream would be lovely!!, you have most definately got that screen dialed in, any chance of have a side view picture for us subbies? i would like to know your screen height off the top of your perlite mix, i have seen all your screen exstensions that clip onto the screen but am un sure of your desired height?


Well-Known Member
6 weeks later and I'm finally subed. :) My 5 TD are still soaking, been about 52.5 hours now. Your Kes screen is looking very nice.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
6 weeks later and I'm finally subed. :) My 5 TD are still soaking, been about 52.5 hours now. Your Kes screen is looking very nice.
Welcome aboard buddy, my first seed took a while to pop but the second was much quicker.
You will definitely have some TD buds well before I do as I've a long wait till I get to the 12/12 stage.

oool some tangerine dream would be lovely!!, you have most definately got that screen dialed in, any chance of have a side view picture for us subbies? i would like to know your screen height off the top of your perlite mix, i have seen all your screen exstensions that clip onto the screen but am un sure of your desired height?
My screen is only about 3 inches above the rim of the pot and the perlite is maybe an inch below the pot rim.

Here are a couple of photos of my final soil grow (Red Dragon) with a side view showing the screen height.

110214 RD 4 way SCROG A.jpg 110214 RD 4 way SCROG B.jpg

Because of the stunted nature and the seemingly inability of my Red Dragon plants to stretch under LEDs, half of the buds are above the screen and half still below it.

The Red Dragon has only 3 weeks left based on the 10 week flowering of the last Red Dragon grow, and the resulting buds will be a great smoke.

When it is harvested I will replace it in the flowering chamber with the L.S.D. ScrOG that I'm getting ready, the L.S.D. clones (next photo) are looking healthy and will be more than ready for 12/12 in 3 weeks time.

110214 LSD ph 1 ScrOG.jpg


Active Member
yeah as you say the RD is taking a bit to get to the screen, thanks for for adding extra photo and the rim-top layer measurement as well!! looks like you might have a bit of popcorn to sample before she's up G.O.D?
After a few indoor grows and i will be hunting for some good L.S.D pheno's am looking forward to seeing what BF have?

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
what exactly is the screen doing for you? jw
The screen on the Red Dragon is not doing too much because it is a stunted little f#$ker, but have a look at the Magic Bud plant in post #71.
That screen has neatly spread out 38 colas in a 52cm diameter circle which perfectly fits the footprint of my Kessil light.
The screen will be supporting a great deal of developing buds, hopefully all the same size and getting equal amounts of light and maximising bud development ... bear in mind that the light draws a total of only 36 watts.
If I just let the plant(s) grow without a screen, then I would have light distribution and penetration issues that would reduce the yield.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
yeah as you say the RD is taking a bit to get to the screen, thanks for for adding extra photo and the rim-top layer measurement as well!! looks like you might have a bit of popcorn to sample before she's up G.O.D?
After a few indoor grows and i will be hunting for some good L.S.D pheno's am looking forward to seeing what BF have?

My last RD grow was the same, that's why I have stopped using soil and am trying the hempy method.
I will definitely get a reasonable amount from the RD plant and the beauty is that my Magic Bud plant should be ready for harvest about 3 to 4 weeks after the RD then the L.S.D. should be another 5 to 6 weeks later ... getting close to the stage where I will never run out AND I will have multiple strains to choose from.


Active Member
thats where i would like to be and end up, you know something that you can germ, grow and smoke whenever you please, i hope the hempy pots work out for ya G.O.D, its great to know that your happy and content with the yeilding capabilities of your kessil outfit and the low elec consumption it uses, i am highly interested in your knowledge of bonsai's as this is where i wanted to start out when i was a kiddie green thumb, your prunning and grafting amazes me more rep+ to ya