DWC/Soil - 400w HPS - Sexy Avatar!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Done and posted
Your too good to me SR! Thx for the posts! Those shut-in's have never seen the likes of a woman like u before! lol

And, BTW, hope ur brother gets back home safe and sound! Tell him there's people out here who appreciate his service more than he'll ever know! I was at a funeral about a month ago, and when the preacher started talking about the man who'd died's military service in WWII, he started tearing up. I could tell how much it touched him talking about the deceased man's service and dedication to his country.
There was a younger boy there who had joined the military and happened to be there on a brief leave, and afterward I approached him and told him what I'm telling you now: If it weren't for men and women like your brother and him and others, then we wouldn't be what we are as a country today!


Well-Known Member
Hey SR, you wouldn't happen to have a step by step of your blower modification would you? I'm thinking about maybe doing the same thing soon. I know summer is still a bit away but I need to start preparing, don't want to go through hell like I did with last summer heat wave

thanks in advance :leaf:

Silent Running

Active Member
Hey SR, you wouldn't happen to have a step by step of your blower modification would you? I'm thinking about maybe doing the same thing soon. I know summer is still a bit away but I need to start preparing, don't want to go through hell like I did with last summer heat wave

thanks in advance :leaf:
I think my first post in this thread has the steps I did. But I'm not even going to take any credit for it. I got the idea and a lot of the steps from this thread. And last time I checked, they had another mod to it I haven't done to increase the CFM.


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha, thanks, totally fkn forgot about that :weed:

Thanks to the weather lately my temps have been great but I need to start thinking summer and avoiding that fucking heat wave we had late last year...

Silent Running

Active Member
Most blowers I have encountered in the past actually had three outlets.
I stay away from the two outlet models.
Hmmm, see now...I know of the three inlets...or I guess you could say two inlets one dual purpose outlet/inlet....but I'm not sure I've seen a three outlet only. ;) Would the outlet classify as a male plug because I figure inlet is a female receiver. Let's pack and burn and think on it. :))

Silent Running

Active Member
Brother is still here. He flies out tomorrow night and I'll get some pictures up Monday. I think I'm going to stay soil until the current girls are done and then switch back over to either dwc or ebb & grow with 2-3 scroged. Not totally decided yet. I want a new tent for veg and move the 400w hps in there and put a 600w in the flower tent. *sigh*


Well-Known Member
Brother is still here. He flies out tomorrow night and I'll get some pictures up Monday. I think I'm going to stay soil until the current girls are done and then switch back over to either dwc or ebb & grow with 2-3 scroged. Not totally decided yet. I want a new tent for veg and move the 400w hps in there and put a 600w in the flower tent. *sigh*
it is my beleafe that soil is superior to hydro in terms of taste....... but hydro will yield more slightly faster then soil given the same conditions...same strain, same pheno, same vegtime, same wattage, nutes, ect....


Active Member
Brother is still here. He flies out tomorrow night and I'll get some pictures up Monday. I think I'm going to stay soil until the current girls are done and then switch back over to either dwc or ebb & grow with 2-3 scroged. Not totally decided yet. I want a new tent for veg and move the 400w hps in there and put a 600w in the flower tent. *sigh*
I know... soooo much to do... soooo little time ! (or funds ) either way... i would love to have a building I could split into 4 rooms and have 4 different grows (soil, dwc, bubble ponics, etc.) wouldn't have to be a huge building.. but big enough for 4 rooms... I've never done any hydro growing.. but DWC seems to be pretty easy.
Looking forward to the pics !
Hope everyone is doing good and travels safely !

PS........... I love that Avatar........ one of the best parts of my day ; ) lol


Well-Known Member
I know... soooo much to do... soooo little time ! (or funds ) either way... i would love to have a building I could split into 4 rooms and have 4 different grows (soil, dwc, bubble ponics, etc.) wouldn't have to be a huge building.. but big enough for 4 rooms... I've never done any hydro growing.. but DWC seems to be pretty easy.
Looking forward to the pics !
Hope everyone is doing good and travels safely !

PS........... I love that Avatar........ one of the best parts of my day ; ) lol

lol keep it real how many many times you rubbed one out to her avitar???? im on number 5 for today...... :)