Petflora, without knowing how much you're actually feeding or the specific micron sizes your pump is producing, it's really impossible for someone to pull a number out of their ass and tell you "how much more" you could be yielding if you actually ran consistent, high pressure aeroponics.
Hell, even if someone had all the variables I mention in the first sentence, they couldn't tell you - it's an art, not a science.
The one thing that no one doubts, however, is that you would yield more (and in a more efficient manner) by using an accumulator and being able to dial in your feed times and droplet sizes.
Pounce, I (and others) think that it's not really HPA without being able to control droplet sizes and feed cycles to a fairly precise degree, but that's certainly debatable, and there's no doubt that a pump hooked up to a timer is less complex (although possibly more prone to failure due to pump short cycling) than a proper accumulator setup - it works for Pet, he's happy with it, no need to beat that dead horse any more.
For people reading this journal, do your own research and you can decide if an accumulator setup is right for your specific setup or, back to the Pet grow show.