Gumballs CMH Powered PC

Hey Gumball, I took off for a while but I'm back. I just dropped a couple seeds in soil. Big Bang, The Church, Wappa, and Chronic. I have a feeling the Big Bang and The Church are duds though. They are the last of the 5 packs I ordered of both and I have had a 0% success rate so far with them. I'll start a thread once I have it up and running and let you know. Your setup looks awesome and I'm glad to see it going so well for you now. Happy growing bro.
Well I had a long reply to everyone, and I lost it, dammit :fire:

I feel your pain Daniels, but its better than fighting with sick plants by all means.

Glad to have you visit CowboyLogic and NLNo5!! I can try to tone down the language, and to think I cuss less now than in the past :lol: Sounds like a nice case NLNo5, post up a link if you start a thread.

Diesel89, I havent encountered anyone using any of the PC grow cases purchased from online. But the 26" tall unit you posted here definitely sounds like your best bet!

Hey Jebus, glad to have you back around!! You still growing out of the same op, or have you changed anything? That TNR has really taken off (there's a slim chance it is KC x Brazil), Got more clone growth than I can handle myself :wink: Hit me up if you need any. Post up a link when you start up a new thread.
Hey everyone :D well i broke todays video update into multiple sections because I have told a few folks I would include something on my watering system. I still have to get a timer, air pump, and a few other accessories to kick it off, and determine proper placement to have the system come into the cabinet. If you have any input or questions let me know. :D
Sorry for the length of both videos!

Here is the grow update. As you can see everything is looking fairly good, a little much to handle, but oh well. I don tthink I will take any clones for a few weeks, as I have more than I need now!! Enjoy :D
good update man. interesting watering contraption. plants are looking good. keep it up. like the vape. how much did you say it was? ive used a volcano, ssv, and vape bros. do you know yours compares to those? id be interested to know

I get amazed every-time....outstanding all around bro....


great job on the update gumball!

+reps man

Thank you both :bigjoint:

good update man. interesting watering contraption. plants are looking good. keep it up. like the vape. how much did you say it was? ive used a volcano, ssv, and vape bros. do you know yours compares to those? id be interested to know


Thanks CT. It was $99 dollars even, no tax and no shipping. You see how small it is, so it really doesnt compare with those. Plus it is battery operated which has its pros and cons. They have a AC power adapter in beta now, but it is around $60 extra dollars. So I am looking for a ~1.2-1.5 volt power adapter :twisted: I can make a lot of stuff, and I aint afraid to drill into a AA battery :lol: I like it a lot though, and there are very few bad things said about it. There is no bag and you have to pull yourself, but the element gets real hot for the first few draws off a charged battery, and the hits are awesome. Then they are a little subpar till a freshly charged battery is used. Still great product, and lifetime warranty on the vape too :D
Thank you Concord Dawn :mrgreen: I have a solution for making the best use of my space in there, but I have to get the 2 big plants out. Still several weeks off for that. I am gonna try and start on my lighting reconfiguration tomorrow.
sounds real cool man. thatd be a sweet lil dude to take on trips. just take a few energizers with ya and youd be straight
sounds real cool man. thatd be a sweet lil dude to take on trips. just take a few energizers with ya and youd be straight

hell yeah, I have toked it around everyone, people that dont even smoke, like in the next room, not a clue. i love vaping so far. cottonmouth aint as bad, red eyes dont seem to be as bad unless I get real stoned!!! JSGamber has the VaporGenie and I like it, only $50 too, but it uses a lighter. I didnt think I would like that part of it, but it was hard decision. I could never spend more than this on a smoking device, and it was a gift card was the only way I got it, so I didnt actually spend it. Look at me, stoned off of it and rambling away!!! nice chatting wit'ya :D
hell yeah, I have toked it around everyone, people that dont even smoke, like in the next room, not a clue. i love vaping so far. cottonmouth aint as bad, red eyes dont seem to be as bad unless I get real stoned!!! JSGamber has the VaporGenie and I like it, only $50 too, but it uses a lighter. I didnt think I would like that part of it, but it was hard decision. I could never spend more than this on a smoking device, and it was a gift card was the only way I got it, so I didnt actually spend it. Look at me, stoned off of it and rambling away!!! nice chatting wit'ya :D

are the batteries holding up well, holding a good charge and all?
are the batteries holding up well, holding a good charge and all?

They do seem to be considering the use. I want to pick up a 4 pack of energizer 2300mah batteries to compliment what I do have. I think 3 or 4 batteries would get me through the day fine.
Great update GB!! You sure get massive results in such a small space!!

It's pretty funny the reasons we bought our vapes. The batteries were the deal breaker for me. I'm not known for carrying around spare batteries but I always have a lighter or 10 lying around somewhere! :D

To be honest, I never liked smoking from a pipe for the reasons you state. But there's something about a huge hit out of an ice cooled bong that I can't resist. Plus you will find your tolerance will go down a bit just by changing between your smoking devices, just like changing between different strains. I don't know why that is and maybe it's mental on my part, but even if my mind is tricking me into getting even higher, then who am I to complain? :bigjoint: But the vape is a different high and it works real well for me when I want to remain clear and active while still enjoying the other benefits of pain relief, stiffness, etc..
A couple things to remember to do with vaporizors. 1) Use a grinder and grind your weed. It allows better airflow through your weed and increases the efficiency of the extraction. 2) Grind up the stems!!! Since they don't burn, they don't taste terrible but the few trichs on them still vape (hmm, I'm wondering if vaporizing dried and ground up sugar leaves wouldn't make a good option too). 3) Save your spent weed!!!! I use it to make hash oil but other people use it to make butter.

Here's my stash of spent weed. I figure 3 to 4 oz since I pack them tight. I guess it's been awhile since I made some oil! :eyesmoke:

