So, what's the deal with polygamy?


Well-Known Member
I dont know the purpose of it being illeagle but I dont see anything wrong with it..........I believe you can love more than one person and have a true relationship...........its not for me due to divorces are fucking expensive as hell.....Ive had 2 thats enough for me..............Mormons caught hell for it for some reason and that group in San Angelo Texas they raided and took the kids I think was a polygamy practiceing deal...not sure...............I think maybe cause its in the media as an occult thing or a brain washed religeous thing the media trys to make out of it............but I stand by my statement you can love more than one strong your love is will determine how it works out..........and how honest you are about it love or just a sex thing to play opinion your mileage may vary.


New Member
Check out Polygamy Pale Ale......bring some home to the can never have only one....those are a couple of their slogans! Funny shit!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I see no issue. It's illegal because some politician sais it is, in the same way they say a gay couple cannot marry of a straight couple van only marry and not be civil partners. Because a politician sais so.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
there is a tribe in africa where the wemon are the matriarchs and the have a choice to have more than one husband ...if done responsibly , not young members of an occult promised to old pervs then why not to each their own


Well-Known Member
there is a tribe in africa where the wemon are the matriarchs and the have a choice to have more than one husband ...if done responsibly , not young members of an occult promised to old pervs then why not to each their own
I watch a discovry channel documentery on that....was awesome.........we all know women have the power they just let us think we can do things LOL sorry had to toss that in there......


Well-Known Member
Intolerance and jealousy too. We aren't a country based on acceptance of different cultures and customs and never were.

It's hard enough to deal with one wife though, anyone who can manage more deserves everyones respect as long as none are forced into it.

This guy married all his backup singers you see in this video and more, I think 21 in all, my hero.



Well-Known Member
Why is it illegal and what's your opinion about the practice?
I do believe it is illegal in America due to the whole "christian" thing. Same way homosexual marriage is illegal(in most areas thereof).

My opinion on the practice? I don't think criminalizing things that do not lead to death at its basic use is right at all. Take anal sex for instance, its illegal in many places, but lots of people do it, and you cant stop people from doing what they want to do, prohibition and coincidentally marijuana come to mind.

If one dude has enough game to hold down 5 chicks, then let him. I mean even if he cant marry them legally, he is still going to have them in his house or something similar, you cant stop people from doing what they want to, and if its not affecting me then I don't see why we should restrict this type of freedom.


Well-Known Member
Why is it illegal and what's your opinion about the practice?
As long as all parties consent I don't see the problem. Why certain people see the need to control others lives is beyond me. Polygamy hurts nobody yet your freedom can be taken away if you practice it?????? Sounds kinda like another law we are all too familiar with.:evil:


Well-Known Member
I don't think the practice of polygamy is a big deal, I think it is the fact that the children in these households are not properly educated and the women are married at a very young age. A woman is seen as more valuable based on how many children she produces for the family. This day in age, that doesn't make sense, there is enough overpopulation in the world. Stop having babies. The women are also forced to dress a certain way, no pants, long dresses, hair up, no makeup, no birth control, no self expression... It's very old fashioned and anti-women. Women are treated like possessions.

Did anyone see that show on TLC with the polygamist family? They were a bunch of fatties living in the middle of no where. I thought they were kind of pathetic, the husband wasn't really well-off enough to support all those women and kids. Not a lifestyle I envy. I would imagine most polygamy families are similar to that. They aren't cute and fun like they show on HBO's "Big Love".


Well-Known Member
Polygamy..sure, why not.

Pedophilia, fuck no. And that's the real problem with those whackos in Texas and AZ or wherever


Well-Known Member
The cult thing I dont consider polygamy ......thats slavery for sex in my opinion......I was thinging of normal ppl LOL whats normal right LOL but ppl that are in love for real....I can see it is love.........


Well-Known Member
The cult thing I dont consider polygamy ......thats slavery for sex in my opinion......I was thinging of normal ppl LOL whats normal right LOL but ppl that are in love for real....I can see it is love.........
Yep, I agree with that.


Active Member
I've seen an episode of a show with a man who had 3 wives. They were all happy and shit, but at the same time I kept thinking that the wives had this look the whole time....they weren't really happy.. the husband was ofcourse :lol:

Live and let live I say :)


Well-Known Member
The cult thing I dont consider polygamy ......thats slavery for sex in my opinion......I was thinging of normal ppl LOL whats normal right LOL but ppl that are in love for real....I can see it is love.........
Maybe that is "plural marriage"? I am not sure. I think the word polygamy has a negative connotation in general.


Active Member
The only reason why its illegal is because the government cant regulate birth rates if every man has more then one fertile mate.

I agree in terms that i believe you can love more then one person.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
What are the laws on being polygamous, only that you're not married, or hell, just not married in the official manner that the state would recognise. Are people able to live that lifestyle of multiple partners and kids living under the same roof? Or would they just get child protection in etc saying it's not a fit environment for kids etc? Other than the nature of what polygamy is i no nothing about laws and whatnot, most detailed information i've been made shown would naturally, the news being the news, the aforementioned texas crazies.


Well-Known Member
There is no law I know of says you cant live with sevearl women or women liveing with several men.............think the so called legal marriage would be for INsurance and inheretince and things like that would be long as you dont introduce yourself as husband and wife it would be ok in texas but if you have a joint bank account and accept the others name you are married by comman law in texas........introduceing yourself as husband and wife is same thing comman law............Im sure each state has its on terms of comman law marriage..........and trust me you have to get a real divorce in common law........if you should break up............

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
There is no law I know of says you cant live with sevearl women or women liveing with several men.............think the so called legal marriage would be for INsurance and inheretince and things like that would be long as you dont introduce yourself as husband and wife it would be ok in texas but if you have a joint bank account and accept the others name you are married by comman law in texas........introduceing yourself as husband and wife is same thing comman law............Im sure each state has its on terms of comman law marriage..........and trust me you have to get a real divorce in common law........if you should break up............
Who the fuck knows what common laws we might have to work around in england, the governemnt does everything in it's powers to make you believe there is no common law and that legislation pwns all and sundry, yet half the onvictions in the UK seem to be for common law offences and the police even have training guidelines on what constitutes common law offences and legislative offences. So i'e no fecking idea where i'd stand over here with that.

I don't see how someone can have a legal definition of what marriage can be and how it mmust work. Why would my marriage have to conform to yoru view of marriage. If i had a girlfriend, and i beat the shit out of her, she accepted it, essentially everything a girlfriend boyfriend relationship isn't, but who the fuck is anyone to decide that they can't be called boyfriend girfriend. I say the same for husband wife. If i introduce my self as the slave, people do not think slave, they think joke etc. BAsically that was a pointless rant simply re-asserting who the fuck do they think they are to judge me and what i decide to call things. God forbid one of my bosses ever visits texas, she often referes to men she has her eye on as her husband, in a daft joking way, she's a litty kuckoo, but would texas deem her a married woman or something? :D that would be entertaining.