Man Shot and Killed While Watering Friend's Lawn


Well-Known Member
And to the pussy faggot that neg repped me.

Too much of a chicken shit inbred fuckhole to say your name. Fucking little bitch. Not really an insult if it's not directed at a specific person. So suck it fuckstick.

Fuckin hide bitch.....fuck you.


Well-Known Member
Why do we even have drug laws? It seems that most of the shit happens with drug raids, stings, etc. Cops usually take a big chunk of the money they find and claim they found less. Drugs are the cops piggy banks :wall:


Well-Known Member
Ahhhh, don't really care......fucking faggot.

Lost a whole 12 points. Got 3 times that in the positive for making a sex joke earlier. Bring it bitches

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
i got neg rep too 20 points from the guy in the plane. how can he go around neg repping people. cuz people dont like what he says? THATS NOT RIGHT.


Well-Known Member
thanks, but i still have hurt feelings from the neg reps. stated.

I agree with Socata, UR a freakin retard

Pussies hide behind shit like that. If it's a mod, they should have no fear in saying so. What can I do? Nothing.

Seems like something a snitch would do.......just sayin.


bud bootlegger
i just tried to rep you devil, but i've gotta spread the love sum first.. i don't see why peps don't leave a name for reps, negative or positive.. i always want the person whom i'm repping to know that it was i who thought that they were witty or w/e it was that made me give them rep in the first place.. and like devil says, i try and recipricate rep when i can..


Well-Known Member
lastmonth in dallas tx. the narcos were doing surveilance on a dealer. he gets in his car and drives off...they send in a patrol car to make a rolling stop, he stops then takes off ...the cop grabs ahold of the car (dumb ass move) ANYWAYS THE COPS GETTING DRAGED SO HE PULLS OUT HIS GUN AND STARTS BUSTIN CAPS KILLING THE DRIVER TURNS OUT THERE WERE 3 LITTLE KIDS IN THE BACK SEAT of the car that the police had (by their own admission) under surveilance. now sacota, i know your gonna spew off some shit about he shouldnt have ran and its true, but those fuckin police would rather risk the lives of those 3 kids instead of waiting and getting him later... now how in the fuck can you justify that mr. im so fuckin good. lets get your expert answer suck-o-ta
Actually... the cop probably saved the life of those 3 kids... and himself. Had he not fired and magically fallen off the car and survived, and called off the pursuit, the driver of the car probably would not be aware of this and would've continued driving like an idiot until he wrecked at an intersection or on a turn, like we too often see on police chase videos.

However, since the cop DID kill the driver, the car stopped safely, and 3 kids + a cop are alive due to his actions... bravo!

i got neg rep too 20 points from the guy in the plane. how can he go around neg repping people. cuz people dont like what he says? THATS NOT RIGHT.
I negative repped you not because you didn't like what I said, but because you didn't even comprehend what I said and instead twisted it around and added false meaning... my post was about respecting those that live around enough not to do dirt around them.

thanks, but i still have hurt feelings from the neg reps.
Sorry, but I still have hurt feeling over being called a creepo for projecting my respect for my neighbors... my goal is to better the life of my neighbors, not destroy or endanger it by bringing unnecessary police presence to their homes.

Yeah socata is a huge fucking internet douche bag
Yes, I'm the douchebag because I believe in treating people equally and not generalizing against a specific profession...

In that case, is there an award I can win for that?

And devil dog... you're the one getting angry on an internet forum, while I'm the one stating that no matter who I've argued with on these forums, I'd gladly sit down with them, laugh, and smoke with them... because I understand that everyone has different opinions and that those differences shouldn't stop anyone from finding similarities...

So really, who's the mentally challenged individual here?

And, I always leave my name behind reps, positive or negative... just ask mongo.


Well-Known Member
Yeah socata is a huge fucking internet douche bag
If it was him that neg repped me.....I love he tries to make it like he is someone else....agreeing with his own point of view.

"I'm not saying he's a snitch, just snitch-ish !" ( a rework of Jamie Foxx standup)

Fucking LAME !!!!!!!!!

He can take that offer to smoke a joint with me, and use the time to set someone else up.

Other than murderers and rapists, nothing worse than a snitch. Not even coke dealers. Some are good people caught up in life.

Snitches are scum. And they even sometimes rival murderers and rapists....well not rapists. I know a couple people who have been convicted of murder, in varying degrees. I would trust them more than some snitch motherfucker....

Why, because I know the reason they did what they did. Life got all fucked up. Snitch fags on the other hand........they do it because they can, it suits them, it takes pressure off them, they did it for money, or to eliminate competition.

Pussy ass shit.


Well-Known Member
i dont care if hes half literate the dog is cute as fuck.
Agreed, it is a pretty cute dog!

Mongo, you should bump this thread with a bigger pic of your dog!

If it was him that neg repped me.....I love he tries to make it like he is someone else....agreeing with his own point of view.

"I'm not saying he's a snitch, just snitch-ish !" ( a rework of Jamie Foxx standup)

Fucking LAME !!!!!!!!!

He can take that offer to smoke a joint with me, and use the time to set someone else up.

Other than murderers and rapists, nothing worse than a snitch. Not even coke dealers. Some are good people caught up in life.

Snitches are scum. And they even sometimes rival murderers and rapists....well not rapists. I know a couple people who have been convicted of murder, in varying degrees. I would trust them more than some snitch motherfucker....

Why, because I know the reason they did what they did. Life got all fucked up. Snitch fags on the other hand........they do it because they can, it suits them, it takes pressure off them, they did it for money, or to eliminate competition.

Pussy ass shit.
So... because someone respects the police they're a snitch? You're almost as bad as those people who talk on TV that call themselves rappers... very confused mind you have!

keep my name out your mouth please plane guy. give me my reps back u stole them from me u cock gozzling semen spitter.


I love you man, you're great!


Well-Known Member
i would never steal a dog. because i know the lengths i would go to to get my boy back.

i once told my wife id feed her to my dog if nuclear fallout destroyed all vegetable life on earth and all animal life was zombies except for us.

it only bothered her a little.