Livers/Blues, Psychosis, Critical Mass, 600 Hps and Soil

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yeah thats what i've done as recommended by someone that visits here lol.

this is how i did it. start of at 0.5ml per liter week 3 building up to 1.5ml per liter at week 6-7 depending on strain type thing (based on a 9 week strain) soil coco hydro, same amount of pk :)


Well-Known Member
yeah thats what i've done as recommended by someone that visits here lol.

this is how i did it. start of at 0.5ml per liter week 3 building up to 1.5ml per liter at week 6-7 depending on strain type thing (based on a 9 week strain) soil coco hydro, same amount of pk :)
monday they are all coming out the tent for a trim im gonna chop off some lower growth and the odd big fan leaf and gonna grab some pk aswel gonna give it to em from wk 3...

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
hey sambo all looking good boyo, thought i'd pop in for a nosey.
i wouldn't recommend the shooting powder mate it burns just about everything, i'm sure it's meant for agricultural farming where the soil has been depleted of nutes over the grow season and needs a top up, i still got some yer from my last go with it if you want it to run a trial? i wouldn't put it anywhere near the livers though mate.
on a side note i picked up a booster called monster bloom by grotek 0-50-30 and don't know if it'll nuke the plants? oh well another trial down the road mate


Well-Known Member
hey sambo all looking good boyo, thought i'd pop in for a nosey.
i wouldn't recommend the shooting powder mate it burns just about everything, i'm sure it's meant for agricultural farming where the soil has been depleted of nutes over the grow season and needs a top up, i still got some yer from my last go with it if you want it to run a trial? i wouldn't put it anywhere near the livers though mate.
on a side note i picked up a booster called monster bloom by grotek 0-50-30 and don't know if it'll nuke the plants? oh well another trial down the road mate
thanks m8 ive been looking at the shooting powder for over a year now but im with you drag its too strong, fuck nos why you got another super nute again tho surely that will burn too? and also if say you were considering smaller plants surely your gonna be more prone to burn especially with mega strong nutes.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lads both of those are just pk13/14 the shooting powder is basically raw mono P & K died orange. not sure the monster but both are basically the same thing as PK13/14

fuck im starting to sound like uncle ben ........:shock:

hope your both doing good?!


Well-Known Member
lads both of those are just pk13/14 the shooting powder is basically raw mono P & K died orange. not sure the monster but both are basically the same thing as PK13/14

fuck im starting to sound like uncle ben ........:shock:

hope your both doing good?!
uncle ben lol

all good m8 but trying to lose some weight for the summer and not liking this diet malarky 1 fucking bit lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
lads both of those are just pk13/14 the shooting powder is basically raw mono P & K died orange. not sure the monster but both are basically the same thing as PK13/14

fuck im starting to sound like uncle ben ........:shock:

hope your both doing good?!
yeah doing well cheers mate, how you been keeping?

it's always good to have our own UB the more solid knowledge the better especially when you got dull fuckers like myself about lmao


Well-Known Member
with regards to the pk usage, do what works for you, there are so many conflicting reports as to when to give it to them, even coming from the manufacturers there is a lot of mixed info. the plants will tell you when they are ready, give it to them too early and they seem to go backwards, give it to them too late and they won't grow to be monsters. i'm going to wait untill the buds are fully formed and are starting to join together and form colas before they get it.

looking good sambo, subbed


Well-Known Member
with regards to the pk usage, do what works for you, there are so many conflicting reports as to when to give it to them, even coming from the manufacturers there is a lot of mixed info. the plants will tell you when they are ready, give it to them too early and they seem to go backwards, give it to them too late and they won't grow to be monsters. i'm going to wait untill the buds are fully formed and are starting to join together and form colas before they get it.

looking good sambo, subbed
thanks ghb

yeah i agree theres so much different info ive always just used the pk 3wks before the chop but no a few who use it earlier with good results gonna give it a go this time around wk 3ish or like ya said when they are forming colas.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i look at it this way, all the bloom boosters are just Phosphorus and Potassium in varying different degrees. when the plants ready to swell they make use of the extra elements. you could add it at full strength at week 2 of flower and burn your plants cos they arent ready to use it. a smaller dose built up over time generally doesn't burn. its all about learning to read your plants i reckon.

no i really sound like unky ben.....


Well-Known Member
Hey sambo my man sorry ain't been on in a while mate I'm working away got a new job and that soo happy days . Anyway them plants are coming on lovely mate well done . 4 weeks mate got a present for you lol . That psychosis I'm going to mother straight away soo il be watching yours closely . Speak to you soon mate


Well-Known Member
HIGH Sambo. Not really got a chance to catch-up with you yet mate, I should b be on more than in recent months, today n tomorow, so i'll have a wee peek through your thread in try catch you on mate! We got a couple same thing's going so can come n go man with eachother mate ;)



Well-Known Member
Hey sambo my man sorry ain't been on in a while mate I'm working away got a new job and that soo happy days . Anyway them plants are coming on lovely mate well done . 4 weeks mate got a present for you lol . That psychosis I'm going to mother straight away soo il be watching yours closely . Speak to you soon mate
yeah the psychosis is doing the best out of my 3 shes huge now il try get some pics up in the next couple of days.

HIGH Sambo. Not really got a chance to catch-up with you yet mate, I should b be on more than in recent months, today n tomorow, so i'll have a wee peek through your thread in try catch you on mate! We got a couple same thing's going so can come n go man with eachother mate ;)

Alrite m8 im always lurking in your thread dont worry i should post more meself but aint in your breeding leagues lol fuck bro im still too scared to even try coco lol its all good our mutual friend always speaks highly of you, your welcome to pop in here whenever ya wont im lazy and dont really update it enough with pics gonna get on that when i get back just visiting family at the mo, got a 20mg connection here tho gonna fill my laptop up with downloads me finks lol

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
morning bro :) hope ur good? i think the cold is lifting, starting to get stoned again lmao ;) shame i've nearly polished off most of my draw now hahahaha :) i can hear the g-bomb calling me, just waiting for the pot to dry out then "off with her head" lol might even chuch the de-humidifier in there today to help the process lol

right off 2 water the girls that need feeding in the tent :)


Well-Known Member
morning bro :) hope ur good? i think the cold is lifting, starting to get stoned again lmao ;) shame i've nearly polished off most of my draw now hahahaha :) i can hear the g-bomb calling me, just waiting for the pot to dry out then "off with her head" lol might even chuch the de-humidifier in there today to help the process lol

right off 2 water the girls that need feeding in the tent :)
not quite morning now lol but all good here m8 feeling stoned have eaten so much i feel abit sick tho lol diet aint going to well...

the g-bomb calling ya name is it then lol


Well-Known Member
Hey sambo man home for the weekend yippie :D .you got any pics mate ?Thanks . Rolla
alrite rolla

gonna get on the pics at some point 2day been away visiting family, going back today tho. I dont trust others with feeding so they just been aving water the last 3days should be all good, wana get some pics up and ask a few questions anyway.

hope the new jobs going well m8.


Well-Known Member
Where's these pics then sambo lol. It's going well man apart from working from home thats a bitch but I can't complain with more money soo that the way it has to be unfortunately . How's things with you mate ?.


Well-Known Member
Where's these pics then sambo lol. It's going well man apart from working from home thats a bitch but I can't complain with more money soo that the way it has to be unfortunately . How's things with you mate ?.
sorry man i been smoking a real heavy indica this last week and smoking fair too much of it too, i only got back home from the family visit yday and will get on to the pics 2day at some point promise.

apart from the lack of pics lol im all good m8 had me birthday last week so been smoking abit too much need to step back into the real world and start functioning again lol