Livers/Blues, Psychosis, Critical Mass, 600 Hps and Soil


Well-Known Member
:clap: those are going to finish beasts man. cant wait to see em in full swerve
thanks don yeah im finking they should end up pretty big carnt bloody wait meself to see em in full swerve lol even more so carnt wait to smoke some of this livers! when i here you and other users say how nice she is to smoke i just no its gonna be gooood!

carnt beleive you finally chopped that panama red 6.5mnths thats commitment lol

subbed up.
thanks man...

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
:leaf:Fuck Sambo, Ive never seen a plant with so many budding sites!!!!!!! is it even possible to count them all???????????? it would probebly take like hours!! that is really an AMAZING PLANT, did you start it from clone or seed.?????????
Its going to be really fun to watch all those buds expode. I wonder if you will need some bamboo sticks to keep the buds up?
And the YIELD.. your prob going to break some records here!!!!!!!:leaf::-P:leaf:

and thanks, wow, for describing supercropping and lollipping.. i didnt really know what that was!:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P
Peace, Amber

Are you kidding me sambo? They just grew into perfectly round bushes? You lucky man! I had to battle my bitches every day for 60 days to get them into that shape!

Supercropping is where you bend stems over to encourage other shoots to catch up. Removing lower growth like you did is known as lollipopping.


Well-Known Member
:leaf:Fuck Sambo, Ive never seen a plant with so many budding sites!!!!!!! is it even possible to count them all???????????? it would probebly take like hours!! that is really an AMAZING PLANT, did you start it from clone or seed.?????????
Its going to be really fun to watch all those buds expode. I wonder if you will need some bamboo sticks to keep the buds up?
And the YIELD.. your prob going to break some records here!!!!!!!:leaf::-P:leaf:

and thanks, wow, for describing supercropping and lollipping.. i didnt really know what that was!:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P
Peace, Amber
thanks doc the plant i took the overhead pics of is a clone-only strain called Psychosis i didnt do anything to it just vegged her for 4wks under a 600hps it the genetics of the plant i think? the livers in the left hand corner is pretty much the same with bud sites everywhere, am hoping for a good yeild but aslong as i get 12oz from the 3plants il be happy.

when i started vegging the livers and psychosis i couldnt stop thinking how nice las could grow these strains in his scrogs!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
the psyco is gonna be a mini scrog about the size of the casey jones i got in 12.12 at the mo, say 3 weeks veg. the livers is gonna be on the same screen as the lemon haze, the one the LSD was on untill i pulled it down, probs about 6 weeks veg :)

don g&t also wanted 2 see the livers in a mini scrog :) could be onto a winner with the livers and scrogs, maybe some strains are suited to it like that cut of lemon we got?


Well-Known Member
im gonna go el naturel with the 1st lemon the cutting is gonna get vegged up for a good while then will prob chop some of the lower growth to encourage the top make clones from that and once i see a few roots on me 1st clone flower the mom, i carnt be arsed yet with scrogs im still learning to just look after them properly lol

liked the line about the the weather earlier ''had to turn the fan controller up'' you poor thing lol fuck m8 il be turning heaters off,opening doors and all sorts lol need a fan controller asap!


Well-Known Member
Alright sambo, just popped in for a quick peek while i get the chance mate. Been real busy man, hope all's green n mean bro!



Well-Known Member
Awesome mate, like amber said there are so many bud sites!
is just the strains WoW nothing ive done m8 had a few people ask me now if i trained the psychosis i didnt even no what they ment until you explained lol justa long veg under the 600 and the genetics.

Alright sambo, just popped in for a quick peek while i get the chance mate. Been real busy man, hope all's green n mean bro!

thanks for popping in cindyg i been reading ya thread m8 i no ya a busy man, all green n mean tho bro cheers...


Well-Known Member
what u use for a flowering booster bro??
all i have ever used las is the bio-bizz then at wk 5 i will use pk13/14 you got any other recommendations? the person who showed me how to grow is a nob-jockey m8 ive already well passed that mugs game lol sorry m8 he just winds me up spose to be family carnt wait to charge the cunt 20 a g for my livers!!! what really winds me up m8 is my riu friends help me more than family!!!!!! thats wrong bro.

sorry for the rant m8 no weed so vodka tonight lol

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
hmmm yeah i got some suggestions lol i've got a couple of testers of bio-heaven, u ever used that before? i use canna boost and pk13/14 together, i've tried bio-heaven and pk but didnt see much difference and i'm a canna boy at heart. the doc sent me over a few samples and i'm sure she wouldnt mind me sending the love on? :)

theres loads of other boosters out on the market but i havent really tried hardly any of them, kinda almost certain that boost works but its damn expensive lol


Well-Known Member
hmmm yeah i got some suggestions lol i've got a couple of testers of bio-heaven, u ever used that before? i use canna boost and pk13/14 together, i've tried bio-heaven and pk but didnt see much difference and i'm a canna boy at heart. the doc sent me over a few samples and i'm sure she wouldnt mind me sending the love on? :)

theres loads of other boosters out on the market but i havent really tried hardly any of them, kinda almost certain that boost works but its damn expensive lol
ive tried the heaven before m8 and really wasnt impressed for the price??? that heaven is some expensive stuff. I no a couple of users dragon and don have used shooting powder was finking i mite try that? you ever heard or tried it las?

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
wow lol :) donny's ur man for that i think, i'm sure he used it a while ago? i do like my canna boost and pk, seems to work for me :)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yeah but we was talking on pukka's thread they make it 4/8 or something now but the instructions are the same (same per L). u can use hammerhead all the way through from 2 weeks in till flush, kinda same results as using slightly weak PK13/14 all the way through lol.

edit - but people might disagree lol


Well-Known Member
yeah but we was talking on pukka's thread they make it 4/8 or something now but the instructions are the same (same per L). u can use hammerhead all the way through from 2 weeks in till flush, kinda same results as using slightly weak PK13/14 all the way through lol.

edit - but people might disagree lol
ive read that you can use the pk from the 1st sign of buds i.e wk 2-3, what amount do you use for soil tho las ive always use 1-2 per ltr?

also m8 a heads up the livers carnt handle shit shes showing nute burn on the early stages of the bio-bizz feeding chart? and dons said also that she burns real easy, the psychosis tho drinks anything you can chuck at it from what ive seen so far anyway.