Libya: No Fly Zone is a Go! International Effort and No Troops on the Ground

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Capitalism is NOT the problem, it is government interfering with capitalism that IS the problem. Free markets self regulate. Corporate welfare and subsidies are not capitalism. It did work for a while when our country was young, just like the government operated alright without robbing people of their property.
World-wide cap on wealth? How would you enforce that? One world government? New World Order? One planet, one voice?
This class envy mindset is almost as pervasive as thinking Democrats and Republicans are different. The puppeteers are stealing the world's wealth while we argue over who has more than me...

"Bureaucracy is the epoxy that greases the wheels of progress"
Dr Jim Boren


Well-Known Member
At least we see how easy it is to go to war.. Even in our own country.

So what is the peace plan?
Agreed, it's FAR too easy. Our governments act like those people who are being killed by OUR bombs are just nameless, faceless, manequins. They are not. War has very real, and very awful consequences. People's lives aren't replaceable! When they are dead, they are dead! That's it! Game over! Police action, No fly zone enforcent..........whatever you want to call it, people are dying and this isn't even our fight! It should at least be a cause worth dying/killing for. I'm not completely anti-war. I believe there are circumstances which make it unavoidable. Perhaps we shouldn't wait until someone we think might be a threat to other countries makes a move. It makes me sick to my stomach, it really does.:spew:


Well-Known Member
We should commendeer all their oil, weren't we supposed to take Iraqi oil to pay for the cost of liberating the iraqi people? what happened to that? If were paying for all this national defense shouldn't we be able to get gas for 99 cents a gallon?


Well-Known Member
It's the "we" part isn't it?

We the people are those who pay the interest/taxes but the "we" the people benefiting will be shareholders the world wide.

Maybe this is why we have no jobs?

I was thinking today that we have lost the fight for survival on this planet because we depend too much on dividends rather than honest labor practices.


Well-Known Member
It's the "we" part isn't it?

We the people are those who pay the interest/taxes but the "we" the people benefiting will be shareholders the world wide.

Maybe this is why we have no jobs?

I was thinking today that we have lost the fight for survival on this planet because we depend too much on dividends rather than honest labor practices.
This is why I support Isolationisim and Nationalisim. Buy American, invest in America and don't let others screw us.


Well-Known Member
This is why I support Isolationisim and Nationalisim. Buy American, invest in America and don't let others screw us.
Capping private wealth world wide is a better way.

It will happen either by war or by disaster of some form.


Well-Known Member
Capping private wealth world wide is a better way.

It will happen either by war or by disaster of some form.
How much will be the grand cap at? You do realize that all currencies float to one another and some devalue while others increase. Like for instance 15 years ago a Canadian dollar was worth $.67 cents in American, but now 1 Canadian Dollar is worth $1.04 American. How will your world wide wealth cap work then? Have you really even given this cap the wealth idea any real thought? Or do you just want to stick it to anyone who makes more than you? If capping wealth is so great please explain how it would work and how it would help. Whoever is incharge of the money i can assure you will use the money for their own purposes and eventually you will just be right back to where you started, only this time No one has any money and government rules all. Probably go back to Vassals and Lords, peasants who work the lords land and then beg for scraps from the lords table. Sounds great, where do i sign up?


Well-Known Member
How much will be the grand cap at? You do realize that all currencies float to one another and some devalue while others increase. Like for instance 15 years ago a Canadian dollar was worth $.67 cents in American, but now 1 Canadian Dollar is worth $1.04 American. How will your world wide wealth cap work then? Have you really even given this cap the wealth idea any real thought? Or do you just want to stick it to anyone who makes more than you? If capping wealth is so great please explain how it would work and how it would help. Whoever is incharge of the money i can assure you will use the money for their own purposes and eventually you will just be right back to where you started, only this time No one has any money and government rules all. Probably go back to Vassals and Lords, peasants who work the lords land and then beg for scraps from the lords table. Sounds great, where do i sign up?
I would defer the calculations to those able to compute them but I would expect the process to be open and voted on.
If you are against a cap on private wealth how do you explain poverty?

We are drifting off topic.. But do feel free to reply.. last word here.


Well-Known Member
How much will be the grand cap at? You do realize that all currencies float to one another and some devalue while others increase. Like for instance 15 years ago a Canadian dollar was worth $.67 cents in American, but now 1 Canadian Dollar is worth $1.04 American. How will your world wide wealth cap work then? Have you really even given this cap the wealth idea any real thought? Or do you just want to stick it to anyone who makes more than you? If capping wealth is so great please explain how it would work and how it would help. Whoever is incharge of the money i can assure you will use the money for their own purposes and eventually you will just be right back to where you started, only this time No one has any money and government rules all. Probably go back to Vassals and Lords, peasants who work the lords land and then beg for scraps from the lords table. Sounds great, where do i sign up?
Do I get to have a sword and march blindly into battle without any tactics too? Or even we could do the old day musket style tactics again. READY.. GET SHOT... STAND.. AIM.... GET SHOT... FIRE... RELOAD.... DIE... Woops we lost, retreat.. someone get my tea ready. lol. Oh please me me me me me


Well-Known Member
I would defer the calculations to those able to compute them but I would expect the process to be open and voted on.
If you are against a cap on private wealth how do you explain poverty?

We are drifting off topic.. But do feel free to reply.. last word here.
Besides being impossible, it is immoral.


Well-Known Member
Well time to re-sync with the thread theme..

This poor woman has been detained after reporting the rape.

(CNN) -- Eman al-Obeidy, the woman who claims forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi raped her, spoke Tuesday with her mother, who has come to her defense, for the first time since her ordeal began.
Al-Obeidy told Aisha Ahmad that a court employee pulled a weapon on her when she went to a courthouse.
Al-Obeidy, who burst into a Tripoli hotel last month to tell her harrowing story to journalists, told CNN's Anderson Cooper in an emotional phone interview that the administrative court employee threatened her life.
"The people came and started pulling him," said al-Obeidy, who related the incident to her mother, also on the phone. "The whole day in the court they were saying we are going to kill this failure who reports on our brigades."
A car took her home, al-Obeidy said. "They don't want me to go to the court at all."
CNN could not independently verify the 29-year-old law school graduate's claims.
Al-Obeidy, who is no longer in custody after authorities rushed her away from the hotel, said she still fears for her safety in Tripoli, which she called a "large prison."
Rebel leaders "disappointed" by NATO's efforts

Alleged Libyan rape victim speaks out

She told "AC360" that Gadhafi forces took her passport and would not let her cross the border into Tunisia.
Her mother, Aisha Ahmad, who lives in the eastern coastal city of Tobruk, urged al-Obeidy to return to her parents "before they kill you."
"You have Allah with you, you have Allah with you, you have Allah with you," Ahmad said. "Do not change your statement."
Ahmad tried to comfort her distraught daughter, saying, "they lie in the Libyan media."
"I dream of them trying to kill me," said al-Obeidy, who has spent time with her sister and is concerned about the health of her father back home.
Ahmad told al-Obeidy the world is praying for her and not to be afraid.
"I'm not afraid," the daughter replied. "The one thing that really bothers me is that I'm far from you. Nobody is standing by me here in Tripoli."
Asked by Cooper if she were still trying to leave the capital, al-Obeidy said, "How can I possibly get out of Tripoli when Tripoli is under siege? There are only two ways to get to my family, by way of Tunisia or through the eastern zone and they're both under siege."
Al-Obeidy, who was encouraged by Ahmad to pray and keep her faith, was grateful for the opportunity to speak with her family.
"We'd like to thank the American people and every person who tried to make my voice heard," she said.
In two previous telephone interviews with Cooper, al-Obeidy spoke about her alleged abuse. At times in tears, at other times defiant, she recalled men pouring alcohol into her eyes and repeatedly using rifles to sodomize her.
Al-Obeidy said she spent 72 hours under interrogation after being dragged away from the Tripoli hotel where she tried to tell journalists about her alleged abuse.
She has said the public statements from a state TV anchor and government officials, who initially called her mentally ill, drunk and a prostitute, have ruined her reputation.
Al-Obeidy burst into the Rixos Hotel in Tripoli on March 26 while international journalists staying there were having breakfast. She told reporters she had been taken from a checkpoint east of Tripoli, held against her will for two days and beaten and raped by 15 men.
When CNN saw her in March, al-Obeidy's legs and face were bruised and she had blood on her right inner thigh. Her visible injuries appeared to support her allegations, but CNN could not independently verify her story.
CNN's "AC360" spoke with al-Obeidy Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.
Since Gaddafi knows how to use the Media she was taken away when she tried to tell her story to journalists.


Well-Known Member
I would defer the calculations to those able to compute them but I would expect the process to be open and voted on.
If you are against a cap on private wealth how do you explain poverty?

We are drifting off topic.. But do feel free to reply.. last word here.
Instead of a cap on wealth how about a floor on poverty instead. makes much more sense and it actually helps the poor instead of the rich, powerful and well positioned.

Wade Benz

New Member
So... Libya's 'People's Freedom Army' Commander in General is rebuking NATO for its lack of military action after being pushed back again by pro-Gaddafi forces. Even mentioning going to the head of the UN council or w/e to complain because after working with NATO and giving key co-ordinates on encroaching pro-Gaddafi forces, they failed to act or lend support as is their UN mandate and therefore saw more countless deaths....

Interesting when the rebels #1 in command of the army is complaining about NATO not doing their jobs as they have vouched to do. Wonder whats really going on behind the scenes of their military diplomacy...


Well-Known Member
So... Libya's 'People's Freedom Army' Commander in General is rebuking NATO for its lack of military action after being pushed back again by pro-Gaddafi forces. Even mentioning going to the head of the UN council or w/e to complain because after working with NATO and giving key co-ordinates on encroaching pro-Gaddafi forces, they failed to act or lend support as is their UN mandate and therefore saw more countless deaths....

Interesting when the rebels #1 in command of the army is complaining about NATO not doing their jobs as they have vouched to do. Wonder whats really going on behind the scenes of their military diplomacy...
France is now running two war fronts. The dynamics could relate as far as I know.


Well-Known Member
When do we set boots on the ground? You got a timeline on when you THINK it might happen? Im going to say by June we will have American Military assets in country.


Well-Known Member
When do we set boots on the ground? You got a timeline on when you THINK it might happen? Im going to say by June we will have American Military assets in country.
The USA handed the Air duty to NATO and split.. I think we have boots on the ground in collation aid.
Oh the USA has it's finger in the pie no doubt..
The death count went into the 400's after weapons were given to civilians.

Wade Benz

New Member
CIA has units on Libyan soil, as well as Qatar and Turkey special forces and I'm assuming a few other countries that we don't know about.... It's new ground for the world, pushing the boundaries of foreign intervention...

Wonder what happens when their is a foreign-planned coup to overthrow a legit country leader mastermind by some special agency from some Communist country (hey ya never know, would be a good film script)....

Either way, USA starting to speak up about Yemen now and demand a peaceful transition of government.... Another one getting more and more international exposure....