New Beginning


Well-Known Member
fuk,,lookin good B-Spit,,better than mine, mine were root bound in the little seed starter tray,,I just didn't think they would root that much that fast,,,,nice work B:hump:

sorry to hear you had the same prob kaya,,I'm only on my 4-5 grow,,so when you see something you never seen before,,it just makes ya lose hope or think negative,,can't believe I didn't look under 4-5 days ago,,,they started drooping on day 6-7,,by day 10 I knew I was missing something,,lol,,(frikken stoner),,anyway

Day 11

recovering from a root bound problem of 3 or more days,,here are my 9 babies in there new home,,my cool tube/cab is at 77-80 degrees with the fan on low,,humidity I just started pumping in with a cool mist humidifier on the outside blowing in,,they are looking better already,,couple of days should show some improvement,,all comments welcome

Keep on Growin


Edit: Damn,,gotta make a shade for this thing



Well-Known Member
hey hole...those did get root bound fast...they are looking better now...
ya,,those containers are like 2 inches tall,,,,lol,,,and I put the seed in about 3/4 of an inch,,it grew down and spread as fast as it grew up,,I still have to get used to this Pro-Mix medium,,it's very very airy,,holds water for 2 days,,and it's dry,,gonna have to stay on top of that,,,but in the new pots,I filled em almost full,,,then packed it in,,topped it up,,watered,,let settle,,,then transplanted as high as I could,,and topped up again,,I think I can do this in these pots,,long as I keep up on the waterings,,,and Feedings,,:hump::blsmoke::mrgreen:

Keep on Growin



New Member
ya,,those containers are like 2 inches tall,,,,lol,,,and I put the seed in about 3/4 of an inch,,it grew down and spread as fast as it grew up,,I still have to get used to this Pro-Mix medium,,it's very very airy,,holds water for 2 days,,and it's dry,,gonna have to stay on top of that,,,but in the new pots,I filled em almost full,,,then packed it in,,topped it up,,watered,,let settle,,,then transplanted as high as I could,,and topped up again,,I think I can do this in these pots,,long as I keep up on the waterings,,,and Feedings,,:hump::blsmoke::mrgreen:

Keep on Growin

I am using the pro-mix also. I am using the poly grow bags and I filled them up w/pro-mix today in preparation for planting. what nutes do you use?


Well-Known Member
I am using the pro-mix also. I am using the poly grow bags and I filled them up w/pro-mix today in preparation for planting. what nutes do you use?
Advanced Nutrients,,Sensi grow A and B,,and Sensi grow Bloom A and B,,and I got DNF Veg Fortifier,,and Piranah Fungi,,and Big Bud,,and Carbo-Load,,,and Overdrive,,,,I am slowly getting the HoLE line of Advanced with the exception of the DNF Fortifier,,my hydro dude gave me for free,,very happy with them so far,,keep an eye on the Pro-Mix,,it's wet,wet,wet,wet,,,,,and then boom,,it's dry,,but very good and airy still,,,,make sure ya packed it in,,,it will fluff totally after,,so cram it in,,,good luck,,and thxs for being a part of my New Beginning

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Day 13

plants are getting quite comfortable after the transplant so here's the lo-down

9-13 day old seedlings nestled in a medium of soiless Pro-Mix HD in 8 inch pots,,all have recieved a 1/3rd strength dose of vegetative nutes,,as well as some veg fortifier from DNF and some Piranah beneficial fungi,, almost all curled leaves are now straight again,,,temps are steady @ 71 - 75 degrees and humidity is @ 30-35 percent,,this cab and tube I made are working frikkin awesome,,I have the tube 18 inches above them but I could put the 430 watt Son Agro closer if I wanted to and just turn up the fan a little which is currently operating on low ,,pics below are of the first to break the dirt,,or # 1,,and one of the latter to break dirt,, # 7,,all 9 are between an inch and a half to an inch and three quarters tall,,,all comments or advice are welcome

Keep on Growin




New Member
hi hole, your babies are looking good my friend. i'll keep popping in to check on their progress from time to time. keep up the good work.
ps. i like the cabinet.



Well-Known Member
looking good hole love the new cab and plants look good too. how many grows do you have now? you can tell there was alot of thought put into this one. good luck looks like a HoLe in one lol.


Well-Known Member
thxs guys,,and Giggle Girl of course,,bwinn this will be my 5th time around:hump:

2 Weeks

yes 14 days old today from seed,,pic below is of # 1,,the first up of 9,,lets face it,,9 different pics of babies is a waste of space,all pots recieved a litre of water today ,,temps today are 76-78 ,,humidity is 30 per cent,,and the lil army stands at an inch and three quarters to two inches tall:mrgreen: all comments or advice are welcome

Keep on Growin



t dub c

Well-Known Member
Looking good,
ohh and I swear by promix, if its the same as mine. I like it because it dries fast. great when flushing. You could add a little potting soil to keep water in a bit .... good luck with these babies you'll for sure get a nice lady out of those seedies.

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Nice looking start! I see you have a bird, a friend has a cochateel I know thats not how its spelled but I hope you understand! He loves when I come over with my tupper ware tray, He comes over and pics seeds out of my weed for me! Of course it's brick seeds haha. dose your bird like seeds?
:peace:peace man:peace:


Well-Known Member
There still an army!!, I bet they go through a growth spurt now in there new homes, looking good hole ;-)


Well-Known Member
Only just noticed that you even had a new grow hole:mrgreen:
You need a sig link.
Looking good so far anyway dude.
Best of luck with it.
Now im subscribed i will pop my head in now and again:blsmoke::peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
thxs to all for comments

hey Rope Smoker,,I have 2 birds but only the green one is in the pic,,the other is pure white with some light blue in him,,,and is a real fukker,,loves attention,,but pretends not too

waddup Robbie,,and GF,,they got their probs,,but are growin

HoLE just winks @ Chiceh ;-)) <---Canadian ,,eh!

Looking up at the sky,,natmoon found my thread,,yayyyy,,un-intentionally as if hypnotized shouts out "AIR BASKET" ,,,and returns to normal,,,ok ,,where were we,,oh yeah,,natmoon,,sig link,,,ya,,ok,,you know I can't even figure out my camera,,but now think I can add a sig link to my thread,,roflmao,,,,,man,,it's hard enough to re-boot my pc,,I do try to figure out stuff,,over time,,but am kinda pc defiant,,or STONE-age:mrgreen:,,I do try to learn my pc better and occassionally klik a new button,,and then close it after a minute of lookin at it,,but I'm totally glad yur here dude and appreciate it

sorry ppl,,last post was incorrect ,,date wise,,from the calendar and not my memory,,(<--------Weedzaihmers),,they are 3 weeks old today,,in my opinion they look shit compared to previously grown 3 week olds,, but I am totally new to the Pro-Mix Soiless,,it says on the bag to start feeding at 7 days that I read too late,,at 6 days my plants started drooping,,I waited and didn't water,,(thinking I was overwatering),,to then come to think maybe they were rootbound a little,,in the little seed starter trays that you can see on Day 9-10,,and transplanted,,I also think my Pro-Mix is holding water better than normal because I "really packed" the pots to 3/4 high,,and lightly covered the top 1/4 where the trans-Plants landed,,my cool cab and tube are working so good that under the plants is 60 degrees in,,at pot top level it is easy to keep 70-80 with the over-kill 495 cfm fan exhausting the unit,,lucky it is variable control and on low,,anyway

Day 21

3 weeks old,,humppf,,2 days ago they recieved full strength A and B veg nutes,,Veg Fortifier,,Piranah Beneficial Fungi,,Humic and Fulvic Acid,,and yes,,Mother Earth Super Tea,,some new growth looks good,,some looks like crap,,3 are totally heat stressed,,but 6 are not,,so I am un-concerned with the three,,if they make it,,they make it,,why sacrifice 6 ,,I'm convinced my Pro-Mix is holding water well,,cuz I packed it in,,and am gonna let em dry out good before watering again,,they may end up on a 4th day water,,4 more days feed schedule,,I'm goin to California for a vacation this week,,and have a VERY good friend looking after my birds,,and my babies,,he know's the HoLE story,,and may not post for ya,,but will be takin care of filling my humidifier every 12 hours,,and know's when to water,,so,,tallest and best looking is spitting out 5th node,,and is 3 and a half inches tall,,one pic is of the 8th to come up,,and is the smallest at 2 and a half inches tall,,spitting out 4th node,,sorry for my camera abilities right now,,but 1st plant up is showing inner growth,,we just can't see it:mrgreen:,,least I can spell:hump:

Keep on Growin




Well-Known Member
im glad your useing the mother earth super tea love that shit lol. good luck hole things look good.


Well-Known Member
holee-molee, looks like your becoming a real pro, and the plants look great. stop by my new journal mastas ghetto buds 2 sometime.