"Those Who Oppose Gay Rights Are Vilified"

So we went from THE BIBLE DOESN'T SAY THAT!!! to oh well, that was then, this is now. You can say the same thing about bigotry against LGBT's. It's archaic and is simply a Semitic tribal taboo that has outlived it's expiration date. The funny thing is the anti-gay folks pick and choose what laws to enforce and which ones to ignore. Like eating shell fish or allowing a child to live that does not honor his parents or stoning to death adulterers (look out Newt Gingrich). The list goes on and on.

It's pile of steaming hypocrisy that is perpetuated throughout our society. Once again, just leave us the fuck alone to live our lives and we'll do the same.

No, I will repeat what I had said earlier. That is that the Bible goes on later to instruct the Jews to release them after their debt is payed. Which is not slavery. It says that if those people decide to remain on their land than those people will serve the owner of that land as their master for as long as they live or move out of the land. It does not say that they can hold people against their will for ever. Just because you don't understand it does not make it wrong.
No, I will repeat what I had said earlier. That is that the Bible goes on later to instruct the Jews to release them after their debt is payed. Which is not slavery. It says that if those people decide to remain on their land than those people will serve the owner of that land as their master for as long as they live or move out of the land. It does not say that they can hold people against their will for ever. Just because you don't understand it does not make it wrong.
44Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids.

45Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession.

46And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever

Spin it all you want. This is directly from the Bible. I can repeat stuff too.

"bible this and bible that" aside, the title of the thread says it all. people being villified for villifying others. i know you guys can't see me, but just know that i'm playing the world's smallest violin. the irony is delicious. earth is awesome. some of you should stop by for a visit some time.
Wow. No wonder I like to keep people in the dark as to my orientation. it's just plain safer. I also try to avoid labels as much as I can. Why do so many people give a shit about what amounts to a non issue? Better to blend in with people you don't know.
Really. I feel no guilt, shame or pride for my lust. It's such a small part of who I am and what i create.
Sex is a drive, not a choice. Please, remember more lgbt kids kill themselves than any other minority group. If you have hate in your heart for these young men and women, keep it to yourself. You change nothing by propagating hate. If you are even a little
empathetic with tortured souls who live with indifference every day, then when you see them on the street, a smile or a nod goes a long way. it can be very healing.
First off , ill state my stance on the subject, i am a Christian have been since i was 19 years old :-D (not saying i am a good man or a holy roller). I do not agree with homosexuality in the least, i have reasons that are based in religion and i also have reasons to why i do not agree with it homosexuality that i do not consider based on my own religious views.

I also do not think this means we should treat homosexuals any different than a strait person, i think its a choice and just because i do not agree with that choice does not give me the right or anybody for that matter to make the life of another hell. Furthermore even if it was not a choice and i believed you were born homosexual, that still would not give anybody the right to persecute another for that reason. :peace:

As for being vilified, I think there is a fair amount negativity from both sides of the spectrum. If i stated i was anti-homosexual i would get flak for it from someone, and i am sure if i stated i was homosexual i would get flak for that (probably more in fact).:-|

The point im trying to make is this, Load a fucking bowl and chill out. Love one another, were only on this shitty planet together for a short period lets make the best of it. :joint:
What makes you think it's a choice?

What are your reasons for opposing homosexuality?

If your reasons for opposing it were proven to be concluded with poor logic, would you change your opinion?
What makes you think it's a choice?

What are your reasons for opposing homosexuality?

If your reasons for opposing it were proven to be concluded with poor logic, would you change your opinion?

It is a choice, i think its the same as me choosing to be a strong advocate for cannabis. For the same reason i choose to be a republican (of the Ron Paul variety lol) and the fact that i choose to be a Christian. I choose to be strait and like girls with their awesome lady parts and such :).

I think were all hardwired to like the opposite sex, i think its a choice to like the same sex. I also feel that there are factors that might influence a person on making this decision.

My other primary reason for this is i just do not think its natural, it does not seem right. I think certain areas of the male body female for that matter are exit only. And i know this is the part where someone puts up a link to a video of all the different animals that like to enjoy a fling with their bestie who also happens to be the same sex. :)

On a side note is there any documented cases of animals forming life mate relationships with the same sex?

And no, I do not think you could convince me otherwise, and id like to clarify that statement...You couldn't change my mind because i feel its wrong. Simple.

Yes as a Christian i do not agree with homosexuality however, God could come down and say hey Kevin i was wrong, being homosexual is not wrong and that would not change my tune because i thinks its wrong in my heart of hearts. In a simple nutshell its just not my cup of tea. :-o

I would like also to reiterate that i do not hate homosexuals at all, and my stance is simply disagreement. If you fall in love with someone another man/woman and your happy go for it, i mean its really not effecting me is it?

But yeah thats about it, musings of a simple breeder. :)
I think were all hardwired to like the opposite sex

Sometimes, the wiring gets fucked up. There are distinct differences in the straight person and gay person's brain, chemistry, and hormones that can be measured.It's not a choice who you are attracted to. However, the vast majority of people aren't specifically straight only or gay only. It's a bell curve, just like anything else. I happen to fall very far to the "exclusively heterosexual" side of the spectrum, but I know people who sit pretty close to the middle, and a few guys who are almost 100% on the "exclusively homosexual" side.


There are lots of people who make a choice of what type of lifestyle they want to live based on just who it is they are most attracted to, or who they are most comfortable with. It's not a choice who they are attracted to, but more people who are attracted to both same and opposite genders choose to follow a gay lifestyle now that there are more resources available and less chance of ostracization than they have ever faced before.

I also feel that there are factors that might influence a person on making this decision.

We know that certain environmental and psychological factors can affect someone's overall sexual identity, but that people also have a physical predisposition. Once again I'm speaking on who someone is naturally attractd to, not some choice these people are actually making. If You personally are "choosing" to be straight, that means you are located somewhere near the middle of the spectrum(in a word, you're bisexual like the majority of people) and you should open up your sexual appetite to have a better human experience.

edit: I've just noticed that you used the term "bestie". It's now become fairly obvious that, contrary to my previously staing you likely fall on the middle of the spectrum, you must sit pretty far on the gay side.
Wow, that would explain all the gay porn ive been watching :shock:, joking aside. I dont really put too much stock into the Kinsey Scale.

Following the Kinsey scale to me is the same as an atheist trying to put trust in the bible. Statistics can be and often are manipulated much like the bible. Case and point, the federal governments stance on cannabis is dictated by false statistics and mis information. The Kinsey Institute is a very biased organisation, thus i do not put much stock into any study put out by them. I do not take statistics to heart that are released by any organization.

Yes i choose to be strait very simple, the reason you may ask? Cause the thought of being with another man churns my stomach. Its not based on hate or anything, it is just not appealing to me. Same way the thought of another human being having sex with an animal is not appealing...to me atleast, i mean to each his own right.

Look we can debate about this all day long, but it is a debate that i have had many times before and it almost always degenerates into and argument as opposed to a debate. I simply just was posting my stance and and replied to the threads title.

So I respectfully disagree with you Karri0n, but its okay to disagree. :)
if its a choice..
then i suppose you guys get boners over guys too? just chose to have sex with only girls?

as some animals are gay too, id say homosexuality is natures way to combat overpopulation. because its quite obvious its not a choice, unless you havent got a half a brain perhaps, so if there was a creator that did this, create beings in a certain way and then condemn them for it, is quite a vicious evil god.

though that theory is supported by the fact of the bible supporting slavery among other things. stoning people for the smallest things. f.e.

you could say, after having read the bible And listened to you.

that you are devil worshippers.

intolerance and cruelty to the different seem to be the least of your vices.

wonder what the real god (Actual love) would say about you.
Wow alot of anger in this one, you can almost see the moment this conversation degenerates into hate spewing. Its cool bud your opinion is yours and ill respect that. My aim was to avoid the religion angle simply because of your post. I does not matter which side of the issue the negativity comes from, your just perpetuating the hate that infests the issue.

My Christian beliefs teach me that homosexuality is wrong, that does NOT mean i hate anyone for being gay. If they were born that way or chose to go that path i will not hate you for it or even dislike you for that matter. Im not too sure you understand this fact, let me reiterate it.

Example A. I am wrong about what i believe in, religion really is bullshit. God doesn't exist and everything that i have spent massive amounts of time contemplating on for most of my adult life was a waste of time. Homosexuals are born the way they are. That does not change my feelings on the subject.

Example B. Im correct and God exists. Homosexuals choose that path even tho it is incorrect. Again my feelings on the subject have not changed.

I suggest that you try to converse with those you disagree with as opposed to insult them. Maybe smoke a bowl right before you do to mellow out a bit? bongsmilie

Oh and I am sure the real God (whom i worship) would say, You know what Kevin despite all the conviluded bullshit mankind has twisted my teachings into, you handled your self quite well". Yes i know i missed spelled that conviluded. :)
This is the most ridiculous thread on RIU to date. You claim we're the hate mongers and you all just keep it going ad nauseam. It always amazes me that religious zealots seem to know more about being gay than us gay folks. Just like men seem to know more about rape and the female body than women. Don't take my word for it, look at all the "defining rape" and abortion laws that are popping up all over the nation.

The Lord said, "judge not..." for a damn good reason.
When did you choose that the thought of being with another man churns your stomach? You aren't choosing your sexual orientation. You are atraight, therefore the thought of sleeping with a man is not desirable. Even if a gay man is sleeping with a woman, he's not "choosing to be straight". He would be sleeping with a woman in spite of the fact that he's gay.
i do not hate

But yeah thats about it, musings of a simple breeder. :)

...and mb not so simple. Those four simple words are something Christ would have said. Probably did. And to say that is not simple but brave, and shows character.
Sex only complicates things. Love is the real issue.
it always amazes me that religious zealots seem to know more about being gay than us gay folks.

Does a crazy person know more about all crazy people than a psychotherapist? Just because someone isn't gay themself doesn't mean they have no idea what they are talking about when approaching the subject. Nor does it mean they don't know more than any random person on the internet(such as yourself) who happens to be gay
Does a crazy person know more about all crazy people than a psychotherapist? Just because someone isn't gay themself doesn't mean they have no idea what they are talking about when approaching the subject. Nor does it mean they don't know more than any random person on the internet(such as yourself) who happens to be gay

Clearly they don't or they wouldn't be spouting the bullshit that has perpetrated this thread since you started it. And thanks for equating homosexuality with mental illness. Nice guilt by association attempt. Not to mention you trying to elevate a zealot with a bigoted opinion (nothing more) to the training and education of a certified psychotherapist. So my living my entire life as a gay man doesn't make me well versed on the subject? In what universe? Seriously? That is the best argument you have? Wow.
Really? Religious zealot? Okay lets do this in order.

Carne i never claimed you were all being hate mongers. Nor did i ever ever state that i new what it was like to be a homosexual. In the post before last was directed at sso, i did forget to quote him so that may have lead to confusion. My apologies. I was just defending my view from sso, he had for some reason decided to be a bit bunt and a little insulting. Which is okay ive read some of his posts in the past and thats how he rolls its all good. Ive also noticed he seems to be very passionate about his views which is admirable. Further more you assume im a religious zealot, how did you come to this conclusion? If you really think im a zealot for disagreeing with you.You would shit yourself if you met a actual religious zealot they have no room for acceptance or tolerance.

Karrion, i never chose for my stomach to turn at the thought of having sex with another man. Beyond this maybe your right, maybe your born this way maybe you dont choose. It doesnt matter i wont hate you for it. You seem to be trying to change my mind, i do not see that happening. This is a conclusion that i have arrived at of my own free thinking thought process, not what a damn book told me. Hell the bible has been effed with so many time im sure the lets punish gays with death was added in by some doucher.

Really guys if anything you are showing that your more intolerannt than not (not intended to insult just a observation), i have yet to directly or indirectly insult anyone nor do i have a desire to. People seem to be reaching for the pitch forks.

Now guys honestly if ive said anything that leads you to think i hate you please please please point it out so that i may correct my self and apologize.

I disagree with you, i do not hate you nor am i upset that you disagree with me. Were all freethinking adults. :)
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