Damn I always miss all the good threads when they were hot. But just stop with the whole "We shouldn't have to keep what we are in check" BS, because that's not reality! Now before you go all out on me and say *facepalm* "Not another one" listen up. Gay people should never have to put up with anyone putting them down or insulting them or god forbid be the victim of violence. Neither should people practicing their religious beliefs, or showing how they are a fan of whatever it is they are a fan of, or for being over weight. Or in my case, a super skinny kid with glasses the size of coke cans and half a front tooth who loved playing star wars cards in the library, and the kicker, was a Jehovah's Witness. Oh man, I've been the brunt of a great a many threats, insults, fights and things of the like. The point? This exists, there's nothing we can do about it all you can do is adapt. Did I agree with going door to door and shoving the bible in peoples face? no! Do I think i had the right to do so? Yes, until I met a no trespassing sign, or a big ass dog. Am I still a Witness today? no. Did i get my tooth fixed? yes. Did I stop playing Star Wars cards in public? Yes. Also have a new hairdo, Dress the way i want (Yes my mother dressed me according to "bible standards") and got contacts. The reason? I hated getting picked on, made fun of, running from 3 dudes waiting for me outside.
Now, after everything is said and done, You guys have EVERY right to be with a dude in America. What you do in your house and in your life is your business. But don't be all shocked when your on the main float of a Gay Rights parade, wear more make up than my sister in beauty school or make out with yer boyfriend on the city bus and then consequently get hit with a baseball bat. The reverse argument of that is earlier in this thread "Well you stop putting your arm around your wife or GF and stop kissing her in public and stop wearing clothes that suggest you are straight". Me personally, I think public displays of affection is retarded and doesn't belong, gay or straight. But that's not what we are talking about. It's acceptable to kiss your wife in public. Unfortunately it's not ok to kiss your gay lover. And in today's society, that's just the way things are and again, there's nothing you can do about it.
In conclusion, Do as the blacks did back when they didn't have a soul, stay in the back of the bus, drink from your own fountains, walk in your designated areas. After the dust settles who knows, maybe you'll get reparation's like black people get now and have school's named after your leader like Richard Simmons High School, or for the african americans MLK High School.