"Those Who Oppose Gay Rights Are Vilified"

Now do you see the kind of crap we put up with? Cannibusguru is a perfect example of pure hatred and bigotry. I've got news for him..... I prayed for years asking God to set me free and turn me straight as I hated being abmormal and closeted. If being Gay is a perversion against God, why does it exist? Why wouldn't he "cure" me? I've even had hands laid on me, no good.... While I don't enjoy being gay, or thinking it is cool, I have come to learn to accept it. To those that say being gay or lesbian is a choice, all I have to say is, they are ignorant.

And cannisbusguru is also an example of selective bigotry. He openly welcomes two gay females but is disgusted by two males.... I got news for the guru, those two women, want nothing to do with pigs like that. ;) If they wanted dick, they'd get it from an intelligent representative of the male species...

If it's so unnattural why do so many animals partake of it? Why do males have a prostate gland in their anus capable of giving them an orgasm to rival ANY woman's orgasm?Your arguments here are weak and ignorant, and your assertion that you understand exactly what your god wants is arrogant.
so...those against gay´s right are so disgusted because they are imagining a dick up their ass or their own dick up someone´s ass?

well, there are a lot of foods that i find disgusting, so i dont keep on imagining it in my mouth.

dont see the point in spending so much time about someones taste´s and preferences, not like they are constantly offering you their ass, or is that maybe the problem, disgusted (maybe socially conditioned, did your father hate gays? how was his marriage?)

yet troublingly curious? after all they seem pleased about their actions :D

ive no such troubles with it, ive given gay sex enough open minded thought, to know for sure i dont fancy guys.
a man´s ass just doesnt do anything for me. woman´s ass and pussy, emphatically yes.

titties, no, but i kinda think thats just cause i didnt get to breastfeed and that other men just have mommy issues or maybe i just have them because i didnt breastfeed, i sometimes (rarely) do get a boner looking at titties.


for fuck sakes, its not like the gays are doing it in public, i rarely even notice when i meet gays, that they are gays, they are just guys and i have no sexual interest, well, if they are really flamboyant it can be funny, entertaining really.

its a hardly noticable thing aside from the parades, so any problem you have with them, im sorry, but you are going to have to blame your imagination.

why the fuck are you going around imagining dicks in asses if you arent interested? so im guessing most of the disgust and shame is really directed at yourself, but you just cant handle it.

cause you are not gay, right?

Now do you see the kind of crap we put up with? Cannibusguru is a perfect example of pure hatred and bigotry. I've got news for him..... I prayed for years asking God to set me free and turn me straight as I hated being abmormal and closeted. If being Gay is a perversion against God, why does it exist? Why wouldn't he "cure" me? I've even had hands laid on me, no good.... While I don't enjoy being gay, or thinking it is cool, I have come to learn to accept it. To those that say being gay or lesbian is a choice, all I have to say is, they are ignorant.

And cannisbusguru is also an example of selective bigotry. He openly welcomes two gay females but is disgusted by two males.... I got news for the guru, those two women, want nothing to do with pigs like that. ;) If they wanted dick, they'd get it from an intelligent representative of the male species...

I can one up you on that. After my partner was murdered I moved to Utah and started Reparative Therapy. Four years of it. I still can't believe I did it. I tried my best to be straight. I prayed, I fasted, I wept, and I avoided all things gay. Ended up in a psych ward after a suicide attempt. That's when I decided, fuck this shit. It's ok to be gay. Haven't looked back since. I don't recommend slitting your wrists. It fucking hurts.
One thing a gay person has to deal with is the fact that he/she can never change. No amount of money, hard work, medical advances, or praying will ever change the nature of their existence. This leads to frustration because we are taught that if we don't like something about ourselves we can change it. Naturally a teenager who realizes their homosexuality resists it. Just as most straight men who woke up tomorrow finding they are suddenly attracted to penis would freak out and want to change back. Afterall, a child is told to expect certain things out of life, marriage, happiness, family, being able to express attraction; things which come completely natural to others. It's not easy to accept that all semblance of a normal life is gone and move on. It's not easy to come to terms with lost horizons and unfulfilled promise. When one does decide to move on you are then faced with the question, move on to what? What if you don't care for clubs, promiscuity, or the common things a gay life has to offer. What if the idea of spending intimate romantic time with the same sex still disgusts you, despite the fact that you are gay. Someone who is in the throes of these conflicts does not care if the majority of people support gay marriage. They do not care if the balance of public opinion is unfairly tipped in their favor. Even if the whole world stepped up and said "you're okay", it would not erase the intense internal struggles gay people face every day.

So even though it may be true that it's unpopular to be anti-gay, I don't think most gay people really give a shit one way or the other. At the end of the day, it still sucks to be gay.
social advantage? workplace advantage? What planet are you living on? Most states have absolutely no protection for LGBT's in the workplace. As I stated before I was fired when my employer found out I was gay. That wasn't 20 some odd years ago that was less than 10 years ago. I can be denied housing in a lot of states. Social status? What as a punching bag? Gay bashing victim is now a social status? Really? I lost a partner to gay bashing and I myself have been assaulted on three separate occasions. Yes such a great fucking life I have. Karrion you are full of shit and have no clue what you're talking about. You're pulling most of this right out of your ass.

It's obvious that the social and political climate where you live is quite far from where I live. Maybe I have no fucking clue what I'm talking about, but if that's the case, then neither do you. A company around here that fired someone for being gay would be sued into nonexistence within a couple of months. Gays in the schools have twice the number of friends as straights. There are countless CHRISTIAN churches flying rainbow banners on their doors. I'm not pulling this out of my ass, I'm pulling it out of my experiences.

Yet you persist in your insistence that you are being vilified for your "beliefs" and have yet to clarify what those beliefs are. You say you are apparently FOR gay marriage and equal rights and have "gay friends" (I still can't believe you used that tired old cliché) so what exactly is your point?

My point is the fact that I'm attacked for even saying that someone who expresses a perceived anti-gay position gets attacked and vilified. This is not rocket surgery, here. Try to see past your hate and actually read the words I'm writing.

Probably my closest friend in the world, who is Bi, recently had her facebook defaced and spammed by a gay guy who was pissed off that she was a republican. She didn't say a thing about gay rights(she is a strong supporter of them), but because her ideas on foreign policy and financial security of the nation align with a group that this man feels go against his rights, he has the right to post all kinds of nasty shit that her family is going to see? Fuck that.

Oh shit, did I use a cliche again? I'm sorry, I didn't know your group was so exclusive and that straights can't interact with you.

There are a FEW who feel we should go main stream. A few. These are the folks that let the years of abuse and shame get to them and want a revolving closet door so they can go in and out at will. Kind of like a security blanket. All I see are beautiful children of God celebrating their individuality and the freedom to express who they are. If you want to turn the tables I can judge the entire straight population by Spring Break or Girls Gone Wild!!! You see how ridiculous that is? Do you really think people in gay pride parades conduct their daily lives in the same manner? Really? After the plethora of posts from you its quite clear that you have no gay friends nor ever had any.

I don't know what this means. What is "go mainstream?" I'm not talking about a Gay Pride parade here, and I'm not talking about a few downtrodden individuals who want everyone to hide in the closet their whole lives. I'm talking about emotionally mature people who want to settle down and have normal lives and normal relationships and families, that are sick of the "scene" making them all look like a bunch of drug crazy whores that do nothing but dance in clubs and fuck each other. Even from the post you just made it sounds like you don't want to be seen that way. Why don't you work within your community to smash some of those stereotypes? Sure there are straights who act like that, but straights are a much larger group of people and don't generally have to work to change their image. Yes, this stereotype is perpetuated by some straights, but it's perpetuated by the scene itself as well. I'm going to chalk this one up to your thinking that everywhere in the country is exactly like where you live as well, and give you the benefit of the doubt in assuming you've never actually seen the types of places I'm talking about. If not for my "nonexistent" friends, I wouldn't have, either.

While New Mexico isn't the most progressive of states, it's not the least by any stretch of the imagination. I can't imagine there is no scene there. Maybe it's you who needs to find some gay friends?

Why would going out with gay people threaten your sexuality? Because once again you're intimating that we're all sexual predators and want nothing better than to destroy your precious heterosexuality. If your straightness is that fragile and so easily influenced.... maybe you're not so straight as you might think. People secure in their sexuality aren't sitting around worrying that the GAY might rub off. Give me a fucking break.

You really think I believe that? I was responding with the same fallacy he was using - saying that I hate gays because I'm a closeted homosexual myself and fear that having gays around me will turn me gay. I wasn't targeting you - your later posts have been more civil. He on the other hand is an ass, and I was responding in turn. I'm fairly certain you already knew all this anyway, but you wanted to get a dig in there. That stupid kind of shit isn't conducive to an intelligent discussion, and it's the same thing he said, which is why I responded in turn.
I can one up you on that.

That's called "more-persecuted-than-thou" syndrome. It's pretty prevalent in the pagan community too.

I don't remember where it was that he used to live, though I want to say Montana. A friend of mine had been the target of the types of REAL prejudice and gay bashing that you refer to, as well as having a group of guys try to burn him at the stake for being Pagan. After he moved here, he has serious issues with the people who live around here and claim that they've been discriminated against because someone gave them and their boyfriend a funny look.
Come on.. If you say something stupid, whether it's part of your religion or not, and I say your stupid for saying it, I am not infringing on your "fundamental rights".

Stupidity never gets a pass.
No, but people getting fired from their jobs or having legal action taken against them IS infringing on their rights.
It's obvious that the social and political climate where you live is quite far from where I live. Maybe I have no fucking clue what I'm talking about, but if that's the case, then neither do you. A company around here that fired someone for being gay would be sued into nonexistence within a couple of months. Gays in the schools have twice the number of friends as straights. There are countless CHRISTIAN churches flying rainbow banners on their doors. I'm not pulling this out of my ass, I'm pulling it out of my experiences.

The social and political climate that I live in is typical of what's going on across the nation. You live in New England, the most progressive part of the nation. Of course it's fucking different where you live. A company "around there" can't and shouldn't fire someone for being gay because it is illegal "around there" the business deserves to go under. You understand that's against the law, right? Just checking. On another note, have you ever heard of a business going under because they were sued for discrimination against LGBT's? I sure haven't. Let's make sure the fear mongering continues. A baseless claim. Countless Christian churches, seriousy? A dozen or two at the most.

I'm still sticking to my claim that you are pulling all of this out of your ass. I'm a member of the human rights organization and group called Partnership that promotes equality and equal treatment for all. I give talks on cultural awareness for businesses that have never dealt with Native American issues or Native American culture. I give talks on LGBT issues and help to promote tolerance. I deal with statistics and demographics on a weekly basis so I can honestly say I DO KNOW WHAT THE FUCK I'M TALKING ABOUT.

My point is the fact that I'm attacked for even saying that someone who expresses a perceived anti-gay position gets attacked and vilified. This is not rocket surgery, here. Try to see past your hate and actually read the words I'm writing.

You just can't get away from the victim role can you? So losing a debate equates to "being attacked." You on the other hand have made some outrageous claims that were quite offensive and trust me.. I've been rather calm about it. And please don't attach emotions to me that don't exist. What were you saying about vilification, hypocrite?

Probably my closest friend in the world, who is Bi, recently had her facebook defaced and spammed by a gay guy who was pissed off that she was a republican. She didn't say a thing about gay rights(she is a strong supporter of them), but because her ideas on foreign policy and financial security of the nation align with a group that this man feels go against his rights, he has the right to post all kinds of nasty shit that her family is going to see? Fuck that.

You gotta be fucking kidding. You're going to use that as example to equate the shit we have to put up with? Seriously? You want to use one stupid ass individual on Facebook as your poster child for GAY HATE. More fear mongering.

Did you hear about gay couples (yes plural) that are living in constant fear because people are spray painting hate rhetoric on the homes and cars. Their property is being vandalized on a weekly basis and one couple lost their home to a fire. How about the man in a coma who wasn't gay but was perceived as such and was beaten into a coma or the two brothers walking down the street and one was beaten to death because, why? They were perceived as gay. How about Uganda? Two evangelical christians went over there and stirred up the shit and now we have the Kill-The-Gay bill and murder. A gay activist was bludgeoned to death with a hammer not too long ago. I just finished watching a Mike Huckabee campaign speech where he referred to gays as evil and will be responsible for the destruction of this nation. He calls on his fellow brothers and sister to become "warriors." What kind of impact do you think that is going to have on this nation? Not a positive one I can promise you that. When you can come up with numerous examples of gay people attacking and beating straight people then we can talk. Right now, you're just talking out of your ass.

While New Mexico isn't the most progressive of states, it's not the least by any stretch of the imagination. I can't imagine there is no scene there. Maybe it's you who needs to find some gay friends?

Yes, ad hominem attacks are really going to help your argument. Yep. Oh and for your information, Santa Fe is one hopping little gay friendly town. I spend a lot of time there and enjoy the SHIT out of myself. Once again.. talking out your ass.
No, but people getting fired from their jobs or having legal action taken against them IS infringing on their rights.

People get fired for violating company policy and have legal action against them because THEY BROKE THE LAW. This is not a difficult concept.
The social and political climate that I live in is typical of what's going on across the nation. You live in New England, the most progressive part of the nation. Of course it's fucking different where you live. A company "around there" can't and shouldn't fire someone for being gay because it is illegal "around there" the business deserves to go under. You understand that's against the law, right? Just checking. On another note, have you ever heard of a business going under because they were sued for discrimination against LGBT's? I sure haven't. Let's make sure the fear mongering continues. A baseless claim. Countless Christian churches, seriousy? A dozen or two at the most.

LOL@ "fear mongering"

You just can't get away from the victim role can you? So losing a debate equates to "being attacked." You on the other hand have made some outrageous claims that were quite offensive and trust me.. I've been rather calm about it. And please don't attach emotions to me that don't exist. What were you saying about vilification, hypocrite?

No, It's not the victim role that I have a problem sticking with, it's the thread topic. You on the other hand have rattled off at least 20 different ways gays are victimized.

No, losing a debate is not being attacked.... being attacked is being attacked. In this particular debate, attacking someone for stating anti- gay statements constitutes would constitute losing the debate. Attacking someone for stating they believe people should be allowed to say what they want to say would constitute epically failing the debate.

You gotta be fucking kidding. You're going to use that as example to equate the shit we have to put up with? Seriously? You want to use one stupid ass individual on Facebook as your poster child for GAY HATE. More fear mongering.

No, I'm not fear mongering and I'm not equating an asshole on facebook to murderers. I'm making a point towards the original topic.

Did you hear about gay couples (yes plural) that are living in constant fear because people are spray painting hate rhetoric on the homes and cars. Their property is being vandalized on a weekly basis and one couple lost their home to a fire. How about the man in a coma who wasn't gay but was perceived as such and was beaten into a coma or the two brothers walking down the street and one was beaten to death because, why? They were perceived as gay. How about Uganda? Two evangelical christians went over there and stirred up the shit and now we have the Kill-The-Gay bill and murder. A gay activist was bludgeoned to death with a hammer not too long ago. I just finished watching a Mike Huckabee campaign speech where he referred to gays as evil and will be responsible for the destruction of this nation. He calls on his fellow brothers and sister to become "warriors." What kind of impact do you think that is going to have on this nation? Not a positive one I can promise you that. When you can come up with numerous examples of gay people attacking and beating straight people then we can talk. Right now, you're just talking out of your ass.
The fact that gays are persecuted isn't mutually exclusive to the fact that people who are against gay marriage are persecuted.
It's a common tactic to advance one's position by playing the "poor me" card. The religious right plays it all the time: "Poor us. We're being persecuted for our beliefs." Asking a gay-bigot to justify his or her hate is the same as attacking them, persecuting them. Calling out anyone on the right for their lack of humanity is the same as persecuting them.

Too bad, it doesn't work with me.
Its wrong we all know it. It goes against the process of pro creation. But Im already the Coopdevillan :)

Hrmm so by that logic, any time you have sex without the intention of pregnancy it is wrong. That would make everyone who has ever used a condom wrong; anyone who has ever pulled out; anyone who has ever masturbated; and anyone who has ever received oral sex.... pretty bland world you must live in.
Shit I got a black berry so Ill roll over from my old lady to reply instantly to this madness. I speak against it in terms of ethics and religion, and you have the opacity to bring forth good times and great oldies. Come on Heisenberg were having a educated conversation here keep your derelict mind on a leash early into my morning :)
Shit I got a black berry so Ill roll over from my old lady to reply instantly to this madness. I speak against it in terms of ethics and religion, and you have the opacity to bring forth good times and great oldies. Come on Heisenberg were having a educated conversation here keep your derelict mind on a leash early into my morning :)

lol, First of all it's not ethical to discriminate against someone for who they are and secondly I guarantee you that you and any other religious people don't follow your faith to a T. You people pick and choose as it suits you and it shows just how ignorant you are. The simple fact is that Old Testament references in Leviticus do treat homosexuality as a sin ... a capital offense even but it also states that eating shellfish, cutting your sideburns and getting tattoos were equally prohibited by ancient religious law. Religion was just one of the first ways to keep the sheep in check while imposing religious leaders own personal agendas. Hell, they even tell you they are the shepherd and you are part of the flock. Fucking sheep!
homos choose to be gay and they are looked down on for their poor decisions...if god wanted us to be gay there would only be one sex
homos choose to be gay and they are looked down on for their poor decisions...if god wanted us to be gay there would only be one sex

"if god wanted us to be gay there would only be one sex"

That. Is. Genius.

I mean, I never saw it before... I never reasoned it out like that... Like, all these years, if I had only realized that wait.. there are two sexes, male and female, and.. if we were supposed to have sex with only the one sex, then that's all there would be. It's OBVIOUS! Holy shit dude! THANK YOU!!
PS. to anyone who still uses the unbelievably retarded argument "they choose to be gay", answer me this.... Why the hell wouldn't they choose to be straight? Between being discriminated against, ostracized, outcast, threatened with violence, and in some cases actually being attacked and living a happy "normal" life like the rest of us... the choice would seem pretty fuckin' clear... but hey, maybe it's just me..
Shit I got a black berry so Ill roll over from my old lady to reply instantly to this madness. I speak against it in terms of ethics and religion, and you have the opacity to bring forth good times and great oldies. Come on Heisenberg were having a educated conversation here keep your derelict mind on a leash early into my morning :)

Hrmm so in that one sentence you explained the nuance of ethics and religion? It seemed to me as if you were stating a premise and conclusion. It goes against procreation and therefore it's wrong. I was simply exploring the implications of your logic, and hoping the absurdity would be apparent without resorting to ad hominem attacks.

homos choose to be gay and they are looked down on for their poor decisions...if god wanted us to be gay there would only be one sex

If you think that homosexuality, or anyone's sexuality, is a choice then you are not educated enough to express any sort of informed opinion.