4 Strain DWC Grow! LED and CO2!


Active Member
Trim the leaves.. some of the more damaged ones you may even notice pluck off with an incredibly light tug. The plant is going to use energy trying to restore those leaves that it could be using on new vegetation and bud formation.


Active Member
Trim the leaves.. some of the more damaged ones you may even notice pluck off with an incredibly light tug. The plant is going to use energy trying to restore those leaves that it could be using on new vegetation and bud formation.
Thank you for the input. Ya I figured this would cost me about a week of growth and bud development to repair the leaves.
So in your opinion tendran, is my grow ruined or still largely recoverable?


Active Member
Its hard to tell from those pics, but it looks like the tops were the most affected by the light intensity. I don't think it is a complete loss though. Until the plant is laying dead and wilted and the root ball has shriveled up, I'd say there's always hope.. though setbacks will generally affect your harvest yield. I've never experienced light bleaching on the scale you have here, but when I was using LED's to flower I did get a little bit. I just trimmed the affected leaves off, adjusted the light height, and let it continue.. If I had plants like yours, and if those issues and all of my plants were affected I would probably attempt to top them and reveg. In your case it seems like space may be an issue as it is, so a reveg would turn your cab into quite the cluster fuck without some incredibly aggressive trimming.

All in all, I guess you could say "I'm not exactly sure and I don't want to steer you wrong."


Active Member
Its hard to tell from those pics, but it looks like the tops were the most affected by the light intensity. I don't think it is a complete loss though. Until the plant is laying dead and wilted and the root ball has shriveled up, I'd say there's always hope.. though setbacks will generally affect your harvest yield. I've never experienced light bleaching on the scale you have here, but when I was using LED's to flower I did get a little bit. I just trimmed the affected leaves off, adjusted the light height, and let it continue.. If I had plants like yours, and if those issues and all of my plants were affected I would probably attempt to top them and reveg. In your case it seems like space may be an issue as it is, so a reveg would turn your cab into quite the cluster fuck without some incredibly aggressive trimming.

All in all, I guess you could say "I'm not exactly sure and I don't want to steer you wrong."
Hey thanks for the insight. Ive got the light raised about 10" offthe tops of the plants. There seems to be some green regrowth on the tops that got bleached. My plan is to increase the N in my nute schedule for a week or two to help the plants grow new leaves


Active Member
Hey guys. Here's some pics I took yesterday and today.

I added a CAP ppm4 co2 controller that I just bought at my local hydro store.

And I also put an axial fan that I had lying around at the top front of the tent to air out the hot air from the led panel. that thing puts out a fair amount of heat

Does anyone else's electrical outlets look like this too? haha


Active Member
Deeefinitely salvagable! Tons of healthy green on the lower portion.. and it's not as crowded as I thought in there. Didn't realize you had so much vertical height left to work with. One thing to note, is next time you may want to use even less of that height though and do a low profile scrog or sog grow (from clones, preferably, as they'll be bigger and juicier in less time). The LED's DO work in flowering to an extent, but you've got a lot of growth far below the main colas that are going to put out a bunch of wispy popcorn buds that won't amount to any significant yield. 6-12" is as far as I'd ever recommend moving an LED away from the plant.. and that depends mostly on the light intensity (as you discovered the hard way, unfortunately).


Active Member
More Recent pics. Just trying to nurse them back to health.

For those just joining, I light bleached the tops of my plants pretty badly. Im guestimating that it will set me back about 10 days on the grow

And this is some new additive I got from my local hydro shop. They're the exclusive retailer on this new stuff.
It's supposed to be bomb. For 10 bucks I said why not, I'll try it haha



Active Member
Day 24 of 12/12

Hope everyone had a great 420 :)

Here's some new pics from this morning. The plants are starting to regenerate green leaves.

But there is still a lot of green on the underside.



Active Member
Deeefinitely salvagable! Tons of healthy green on the lower portion.. and it's not as crowded as I thought in there. Didn't realize you had so much vertical height left to work with. One thing to note, is next time you may want to use even less of that height though and do a low profile scrog or sog grow (from clones, preferably, as they'll be bigger and juicier in less time). The LED's DO work in flowering to an extent, but you've got a lot of growth far below the main colas that are going to put out a bunch of wispy popcorn buds that won't amount to any significant yield. 6-12" is as far as I'd ever recommend moving an LED away from the plant.. and that depends mostly on the light intensity (as you discovered the hard way, unfortunately).
Question for you tendran. I was just comparing my pics from 4/16 to the pics I took today, 4/21. And in the pics from 4/16, it looks like only the tops got bleached.
But in the 4/21 pics, it looks like some of the lower leaves got bleached as well. And I noticed that before I took the pics.

Is it possible that the tops showed the initial bleaching effects, but the lower branches were just slow to show bleaching?
It's kind of like nuclear exposure. The effects do not show immediately on everyone. Or in this case, some of the leaves are slower to reveal effects of being light bleached.
Hopefully all that makes sense.

Anyone else with experience on light bleaching, please feel free to comment as well


Active Member
I'm afraid I couldn't answer that with any solid knowledge. I've only seen minor light bleaching issues myself, I'm not an expert on the subject.. But the tops of the plants are looking better. I suppose there could be some sort of residual change if new growth is leeching energy from the lower growth (only a theory), but then I would assume that the lower growth would show signs of deficiency and dying off, not so much light bleaching. Are you positive all this damage IS light bleaching? What was that Pot o' Gold stuff supposed to help with exactly? Are you supplementing your regular feeding schedules with that? Depending what is in it, it could be creating an overabundance of certain nutrients causing some sort of lockout? I've never witnessed lockout, to my knowledge, so what would happen if the top growth was being told "repair repair repair!" and lockout occurred through the root system.. would it then draw upon resources in the lower green growth?

Perhaps someone else can elaborate further.


Active Member
I'm afraid I couldn't answer that with any solid knowledge. I've only seen minor light bleaching issues myself, I'm not an expert on the subject.. But the tops of the plants are looking better. I suppose there could be some sort of residual change if new growth is leeching energy from the lower growth (only a theory), but then I would assume that the lower growth would show signs of deficiency and dying off, not so much light bleaching. Are you positive all this damage IS light bleaching? What was that Pot o' Gold stuff supposed to help with exactly? Are you supplementing your regular feeding schedules with that? Depending what is in it, it could be creating an overabundance of certain nutrients causing some sort of lockout? I've never witnessed lockout, to my knowledge, so what would happen if the top growth was being told "repair repair repair!" and lockout occurred through the root system.. would it then draw upon resources in the lower green growth?

Perhaps someone else can elaborate further.
thanks for commenting back tendran. here's pics of the labels from the pot of gold, so you can hear it from the horses mouth.

And I agree with you, it is all very unclear as to the cause of the problem. There are many variables at play.

And re the pot o gold, i've been using less than the recommended dosages

Any how, here are some pics from tonight



Active Member
Hmm.. Yeah, I'm not so sure about that. As soon as I read the bottom of the label I had to go Google this stuff and see what sort of feedback I've found. The general idea behind the product seems to be to increase water cycles. Now from the stupidly technical word usage on the second paragraph, about "stomatal conductance" and "transpirational flux" lead me to believe it does this by increasing the transpiration rate somehow, forcing the plant to uptake more water.. If this is the case, I'm not sure how this would do anything but force you to water more (which in hydroponics is going to cause you to cycle through nutrients faster) There was one guy who claimed to have used it on the last 4 weeks of flowering.. Prior to purchase he said he was yielding a little under an ounce per plant straight from clone. In 6 plants, after using the product for 4 weeks, he yielded 4.5 ounces.. So clearly it didn't do much in terms of boosting his yield.. I don't know how "little" under an ounce per plant he was getting, but 4.5 out of 6 is only 3/4 ounce per plant. That's more than a little under, I would say.

I'm not really sure what to think about the product. From just the wrapper I would assume it was intended for use in vegging to help plants recover from the stress of pruning and training. In that regard, I could see why you picked it up.. But overall, I don't think I would go out of my way to try this product.. if at all..

Edit: An after thought.. The added transpiration of water from your plant could be causing additional drying out... or the additional water uptake could aid them.. It's your coin to toss man.


Active Member
Thanks again for the insight tendran. I still say its all a confusing mess.

So I've decided to put these plants back into veg. Back to an 18/6 light schedule.

I'm planning to keep this light cycle for about 3 weeks, or until enough leafage regenerates.

How does this plan sound to everyone?


Active Member
So I think I finally figured out what happened to my plants. In addition to getting light bleached, im pretty sure their suffering from from nute burn as well.

The nite before the light bleaching incident, I added nutes to the res. And I bet it was the tiger bloom that did it.
Ive been doing some research on ff nutes and a ton of people have had burn issues as well .

So for now I'm just reviving the plants with straight RO water


Active Member
Hey everyone. I know its been a while since my last post, but not much has been going on with the plants.

They are verrryyy slowly growing out new leafage.

I transplanted 3 of the plants into a new DWC system that I made. I got rid of the White Siberian because that thing was just twigs, no leaves or sign of recovery.

I'll try to get some natural light shots tonight.



Well-Known Member
what do your roots look like? Root rot will make your plants look light bleached and nute burnt. Seen it myself, last 2 grows.


Active Member
what do your roots look like? Root rot will make your plants look light bleached and nute burnt. Seen it myself, last 2 grows.
Roots looked fine when I transplated to the new dwc box. Not slimy or even stained for that matter.

Perhaps it wouldnt hurt to add a bit of h2o2 tho?