Proper grammar promotes peace, imho.
Proper grammar promotes peace, imho.
For someone that doesn't. depend on the internet you sure do seem to get pretty mad when you get trolled. I'm very well versed in the usage of your/you're, unfortnately I added a random letter to the end of "your" and my Sidekick 4G auto-corrected it to "you're," but congrats on correcting grammar online.there you go, another asshole who graduated from havard school of proper grammer trying to give me shit about how i type or what i type. i like to make ppl feel good about themselves.
and by the way asshole, it is your, not "you're" dumbass!!!
yea, to bad some of us here on RIU dont give a shit about proper grammer online!!!
IN the classroom, very different story
For someone that doesn't. depend on the internet you sure do seem to get pretty mad when you get trolled. I'm very well versed in the usage of your/you're, unfortnately I added a random letter to the end of "your" and my Sidekick 4G auto-corrected it to "you're," but congrats on correcting grammar online.
it is just soo funny how you give ppl shit for inproper grammer, yet your spelling sucks ass bro!!!
that is an "ad hominem." LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!
grandmaster proper grammer sir
For someone that doesn't. depend on the internet you sure do seem to get pretty mad when you get trolled. I'm very well versed in the usage of your/you're, unfortnately I added a random letter to the end of "your" and my Sidekick 4G auto-corrected it to "you're," but congrats on correcting grammar online.
Just for shits n gigs I was going to tell you how many errors this post had, but I lost count after 3 attempts and called it quits. Besides, ad hominem and arguement from authority are rules of debate, and have nothing to do with grammer. I've only had this phone for a few days, plus I-81 is not a very smooth road, so please exempt me from the long arm of the grammar police.
lol I said grammer then grammar, I shoul at least be consistent when trying to be subtle about pointing out irony.
olylifter, quick question. How do you define a troll?
lostreefer, i dont care what a troll is. It does nothing for me and i do nothing for it.
and honestly, i had never heard of the word "troll" before coming to RIU. Pretty wierd how ppl make shit up when they cant stand up for themselves
lostreefer, i dont care what a troll is. It does nothing for me and i do nothing for it.
and honestly, i had never heard of the word "troll" before coming to RIU. Pretty wierd how ppl make shit up when they cant stand up for themselves
Seems your stupid 4g auto correct is not working and for someone who is very well "versed," your damn spelling sucks!!!!
So quit trying to correct ppl, when you yourself cannot spell for shit!!!
oh, and by the way, it is unfortunately, not "unfortnately."
but i see where you're going with this, so please, entertain us all!!!
and no, i dont get mad, I get high and enjoy seeing your dumbass correct ppl while you yourself suck ass at grammer.
using these big words that you probably got from wiki, (the most unreliable tool) to try and make ppl feel dumb.
get a life doc
Did Poplars get banned for that?Poplars pointed out that a "troll" came into his thread causing problems and everything and he stood up for his own thread, telling the guy to fuck off and whatever. Be it that might not have been the right way to go about it while staying within the ruls, he ended up getting banned while the troll didn't get anything, what kind of shit is that?
Did Poplars get banned for that?
Did Poplars get banned for that?