Dr Greenthumbs G13

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
There is a company advertising in Michigan that through "tissue cultrue" they can take a plant back to its origins. Anybody know anything about this? can this really be done...sounds fishy, but if it can be done maybe this could settle the matter.
I was thinking about this myself. lets say you say had a hybrid like C99-haze (just an example). that hybrid would have phenos of both C-99 and haze. it would stand to think you could take a hybrid, grow out like 1000. from you could theoretically find specific C99 or Haze phenos and back-breed (i guess thats what i'll call it) until you have a crop of strickly one pheno. If im wrong then no issue, it's just a thought i had. Its like standard breeding only instead of taking two plants and crossing them until the desired pheno presents only backwards. your taking a hybrid and reducing it back to it's parents.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I like how you left out the begining of the statement that says Greenthumb got it from a third party and DD had nothing to do with it. DD can't be held responsible for another persons actions.

It's Greenthumb's responsibility to research his strains before he try's to pawn them off to the masses as something they aren't.

Again, if Greenthumb said it was an S1 of a cross there would be no problem and it would probably make the sticker price laughable.
How did I leave out it came from a 3rd party? He says that he traced it back to the person he gave a clone to, in other words a middle man or 3rd party. I stated I believe a person that would spend thousands of dollars on a strain would sufficiently research it and e came to the conclusion he wanted to buy it and I assume he thought it was g13. I am not saying DD'ss cut is the real g13 but I was under the impression that he has showcased this strain over many years and was already proven to be g13, up until this tread I argued that g13 might ave never existed (I mean obv something was called g13 but the rest of the story seems far fetched) and if it did, someone was still growing it. I dont care what it is called, g13, butt-nugget hash plant, whatever. The strain interests me based on the growth structure and yeild, the price as I have said all along is unimportant. Either you buy it or you don't based on it's quality, I couldn't care less if it was a strain sold under false premises or the strain really came from a labratory in some research facility. I think the doc did what he could to aqcuire tis cut like I said (not the real g13 this cut) whic he believes/believed is g13 and that is all that matters to me.

Now you're just reaching for excuses...
No, just because I have a different opinion on this issue tan you doesn't mean you have to nit pick my statements to try and discredit me. It's a fact-I smoke cigarettes and my most recent harvest of Mikado has subtle flavors that I haven't picked up on from past harvests. Other growers have described a fruity smell in this strain and I never picked up on it before, but I did now. Grapefruit isn't exactly a flavor I taste often, especially in cannabis, like oranges and lemons. Besides, the Doc didn't make this strain so it's okay to grow it, right? I sure hope so....I never knew you could prove MY OPINION to be false, touche. :bong:

Brick Top

New Member
Besides Dr. Greenthumbs description of G13 being fruity, where else would you go to find something that supports his claim?

Originally Posted by Brick Top
The original G13 was not described as being fruity. I have posted an original description several times and part of it said it was like urine and feces. That does not sound fruity to me so describing it as fruity does not support it being real true; "pure G13." But it does match the description of Neville's G13 x NL description.

Thanks, but I was trying to make a point that nobody besides Dr. Greenthumb describes it as fruity...

I was not clear enough in what I said in that I was supporting or backing up what you said in that his description does not match other descriptions I have read from the past when the strain was still in existence and being used in crosses.


Well-Known Member
How did I leave out it came from a 3rd party?
My bad I meant to say you didn't mention he got it from a third party with no involvement from DD.

I couldn't care less if it was a strain sold under false premises or the strain really came from a labratory in some research facility. I think the doc did what he could to aqcuire tis cut like I said (not the real g13 this cut) whic he believes/believed is g13 and that is all that matters to me.
That's all well and good and not what this thread was about and again, it is that his strain which he is trying to pawn off as pure G13 is not pure G13.

Brick Top

New Member
There is a company advertising in Michigan that through "tissue cultrue" they can take a plant back to its origins. Anybody know anything about this? can this really be done...sounds fishy, but if it can be done maybe this could settle the matter.
I ran across this piece recently but only scanned it. You might want to read it and see if it goes into detail about what you asked/mentioned and if so if it supports what you have read.



Well-Known Member
No, just because I have a different opinion on this issue tan you doesn't mean you have to nit pick my statements to try and discredit me. It's a fact-I smoke cigarettes and my most recent harvest of Mikado has subtle flavors that I haven't picked up on from past harvests. Other growers have described a fruity smell in this strain and I never picked up on it before, but I did now. Grapefruit isn't exactly a flavor I taste often, especially in cannabis, like oranges and lemons. Besides, the Doc didn't make this strain so it's okay to grow it, right? I sure hope so....I never knew you could prove MY OPINION to be false, touche. :bong:
The thing is, fruity and piss smell are two completely different smells, wouldn't you agree? If I eat strawberries enough times and you smelled my shit each and every time, do you think you'd eventually get a subtle smell of strawberries in my shit? Most likely not.

His sense of smell because of cigarettes (or yours) being degraded shouldn't be an excuse to why his cut smells the complete opposite of what the original was described as.

There is nothing supporting his description of G13.

I was not clear enough in what I said in that I was supporting or backing up what you said in that his description does not match other descriptions I have read from the past when the strain was still in existence and being used in crosses.

I misunderstood, I thought you were questioning me...

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
My bad I meant to say you didn't mention he got it from a third party with no involvement from DD.

That's all well and good and not what this thread was about and again, it is that his strain which he is trying to pawn off as pure G13 is not pure G13.
Okay fair enough but the fact that DD traced it verifies that it did come from him, 3rd party or not. If it is g13 x NL well then tis thread should be titled, LOL 3rd parties G13 and if DD's cut is not really g13 then the thread sould be titled LOL, DD's g13. I just feel that people's anger is misdirected is all. I have smoked mr nice and it is great, if this is g13/NL than it will probably be killer too, and those beans are 216$ for a 10 pack of regs. I planted 3 Jack herers which are 200$ a pack too and I got 1 dud and 2 males. At that rate I'm looking at 3 females in a 10 pack of seeds too.


Well-Known Member
Well, i havent read it for myself nor have i looked for it but i was under the impression that DD described it in a similar way. One thing to take note of is the very first thing Doc said about the taste on the MMMA web site before he put it up on his site, was that it had very little taste at all and would be good for people looking for a stealth plant. He added that it had a slighlty floral, fruity taste. So, i dont think this is going to be a pungent fruit smell by any means, and so far they hardly have any smell to them what so ever.

Found this here....http://www.seedsman.com/en/origins-of-g13/

"According to the most reliable story, written by Jesse for the Treat Yourself Magazine, this plant was apparently liberated by an unknown assistant from a government research facility at the University of Mississippi. The G13 was part of a project run by a Dr. Carlton Turner, who was conducting research on both cannabis sativa and cannabis indica drug strains. One thing is known for a fact and that is that Neville Schoenmakers, who also founded the Seed Bank, got a hold of a clone marked G13 some way or the other. Opinions vary but apparently it was given to him by man called Sandy Weinstein, who had a friend working at the government research facility in Mississippi. The G13 was found among a batch of Afghani indicas labeled G1 through G23. The G13 was said to be highly superior to the others, sporting fast indoor flowering, massive resin production, excellent potency and extreme hybrid vigor."
This doesn't even follow Jesse's account and is just put there to legitimize someones strain just like Greenthumb is trying to do, Jesse never said anything about extreme hybrid vigor. That doesn't even make sense becuase it was a pure affie. These are all describing G13 Hybrids that people are trying to pass off as G13.


Well-Known Member
Okay fair enough but the fact that DD traced it verifies that it did come from him, 3rd party or not. If it is g13 x NL well then tis thread should be titled, LOL 3rd parties G13
The thrid party isn't marketing this strain as pure G13.

and if DD's cut is not really g13 then the thread sould be titled LOL, DD's g13. I just feel that people's anger is misdirected is all.
Why, this had nothing to do with DD until Greenthumb dragged him into it and others and I have said we don't think DD's G13 is pure G13.

I have smoked mr nice and it is great, if this is g13/NL than it will probably be killer too, and those beans are 216$ for a 10 pack of regs. I planted 3 Jack herers which are 200$ a pack too and I got 1 dud and 2 males. At that rate I'm looking at 3 females in a 10 pack of seeds too.
That was your luck. What if someone buys Greenthumbs 3 seeds for 200 and gets 1 or even no plants? It's all semantics because I'm sure there are people that grew the same strains as you and got 10/10 females.


Well-Known Member

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
What do you mean by take a plant back to it's origins? This is a legit question I'm just trying to understand what you're saying.
I heard an ad on the radio and didnt really get the whole thing. I looked it up but couldnt remember the name of the company so couldnt find it.
I took it to mean they could somehow take a G13xNL and weed out all the NL and give you a plant that was only G13.
At least thats what it sounded like they were claiming...they play it on saturdays on the Medical MJ radio show...i willl listen for the co name this sat.

I ran across this piece recently but only scanned it. You might want to read it and see if it goes into detail about what you asked/mentioned and if so if it supports what you have read.

Thanks...I will check it out.

Brick Top

New Member
Originally Posted by Brick Top
I ran across this piece recently but only scanned it. You might want to read it and see if it goes into detail about what you asked/mentioned and if so if it supports what you have read.


I heard an ad on the radio and didnt really get the whole thing. I looked it up but couldnt remember the name of the company so couldnt find it.

Thanks...I will check it out.

I read another piece on the same topic from another site and from someone else but I failed to bookmark it or I would have posted a link for it too. From what I read of each, just a quick scan of each, for the most part they both seem to have said the same things but each seemed to pick out some certain points or possibilities or benefits and make a little more of them than the other. If I run across it again I will get the link to you.

There is a Tissue Culture / Micropropagation thread on Cannabis-World you might want to scan through. I only glanced at it a time or two so I do not really know if it is just in general or cannabis specific, and it might not go into more than just how to propagate that way and not into how a strain might be .. taken back in time, so to speak, and it's original genetics separated from those that have been added, but something might be found there that would be interesting to you.



Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Yes it looks a lot like Greenthumbs doesn't it? It's also an incross of a BX of Pacifics G13 which isn't G13 at all. Also notice the price, not even close to $100 a seed.
I thought it was a cut of g13...the pacific cut. Don't quote me but I thought u were the one who said this. If it's not really g13 why is there no thread about them using the g13 logo to fool customers? And were is the real g13?


Well-Known Member
I thought it was a cut of g13...the pacific cut.
This is old news and Pacifics cut turned out not to be G13 at all and was admitted by Pacific himself.

Don't quote me but I thought u were the one who said this. If it's not really g13 why is there no thread about them using the g13 logo to fool customers? And were is the real g13?
I didn't say it and no ones bashing it because he's stating what it is. It's a IX of a pacific's G13 BX and everyone should know by now that Pacific's G13 isn't G13 if they did any research.


Well-Known Member
Okay fair enough but the fact that DD traced it verifies that it did come from him, 3rd party or not. If it is g13 x NL well then tis thread should be titled, LOL 3rd parties G13 and if DD's cut is not really g13 then the thread sould be titled LOL, DD's g13. I just feel that people's anger is misdirected is all. I have smoked mr nice and it is great, if this is g13/NL than it will probably be killer too, and those beans are 216$ for a 10 pack of regs. I planted 3 Jack herers which are 200$ a pack too and I got 1 dud and 2 males. At that rate I'm looking at 3 females in a 10 pack of seeds too.
not trying to prolong this but i thought mr.nice seeds came in packs of 18. thats what my critical mass was


Well-Known Member
I have some of these G13 seeds and really hope they really do originate from Jim Ortega.I really havent heard much about double d other than he grows heath robinson style of indoor trees but i have been reading alot of great things about Jim ortega. I just recieved a pack of Capt Crips Ortega X OG kush, here is a link to what Capt has to say about the ortega indica http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=205225

consumer reports

Well-Known Member
Just checked out dogless and for being out of the weed game the dude seems heavily connected "the eme fire cut, quesa negro those are real gangster strains that everyone knows are only available to the "mexican mafia marijuanos". Its doubtful those strains will ever hit the market but if Dr Greenthumb is reading this c'mon doc lets get the negotiations going to get these cuts asap!
You can find La Eme Fire and Queso Negra at USP Lompoc and Pelican Bay SP for $80-$100 a spoon depending on who you know.


Well-Known Member
The thing is, fruity and piss smell are two completely different smells, wouldn't you agree? If I eat strawberries enough times and you smelled my shit each and every time, do you think you'd eventually get a subtle smell of strawberries in my shit? Most likely not.

His sense of smell because of cigarettes (or yours) being degraded shouldn't be an excuse to why his cut smells the complete opposite of what the original was described as.

There is nothing supporting his description of G13

If I cut an dry it wrong the sweetest bud can smell an taste like shit?