Dr.Amber Trichome: Super Lemon Haze and Snow White Fingerez Scrog Style


Well-Known Member
he really asked you to leave the store doc? what a nob-jockey lol

i went to buy some of them smellyproof baggies today from a headshop/market stall and the fuckers where smoking green lol just blantant lol twats bet they last long.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
that sucks bushy.. i feel for ya buddy.. damn .. i wanted to read that sooooo bad.. dont worry, its ok.lol

Yup sambo, he was a freakin POSER dick.. you'd think with long ass dread like down to his hips and with his jamacina accent he might be a kinda hip? NOT
i should have stolen something from the store.. ahh, maybe i did..lol...there should be a weed strain called Klepto..that would fun.
i didnt really get what happened at the store with those bags, the dudes were smoking some cheese and didnt offer you a piece? lol


Well-Known Member
you shouldve thrown your MMJ card at him like a chinese throwing star, then TAKE YOUR BUSINESS EELSSSEWHEERRREEE, what a crank.


Well-Known Member
I got fuckin KNOCKED OUT BIG TIME smoking that g13..95% indica.. im not an
indica girl at all. I am still reeling from the downer of that super hitting
shit... good for pain but i was a fuckin incapacited zombie with some of the
most severe couch lock i have ever had in my life. I was practically
Hahaha Great story Amber and I particularly liked that part. Welcome to my world.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
that sucks bushy.. i feel for ya buddy.. damn .. i wanted to read that sooooo bad.. dont worry, its ok.lol

Yup sambo, he was a freakin POSER dick.. you'd think with long ass dread like down to his hips and with his jamacina accent he might be a kinda hip? NOT
i should have stolen something from the store.. ahh, maybe i did..lol...there should be a weed strain called Klepto..that would fun.
i didnt really get what happened at the store with those bags, the dudes were smoking some cheese and didnt offer you a piece? lol
twat! lol i had the same thing at a headshop in the depths of east london doc now this fucking shop had pipes that you could only smoke crack in mind and the cunt wanted to blank me for talking bout weed lmao

no m8 these people smokin at the headshop fingy today when i brought the baggies where smoking some nasty what we brits call dirt/thai/commercial weed i kinda understood why he had so many smellyproof baggies left cause no need for them with the shite he was smoking lol


Well-Known Member
the cheese or real cheese in the uk is not as comman as ya might think its what we call our high grade and go's for the high grade prices if ya lucky enough to get it lol most smalltime hood-rats selling benners opps i ment £10 deals lol will call everything ''cheese'' tho lol

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yeah thats it bro, a lot of it its what i refer to as "watered down cheese" but the little shits are still selling it for 1.3 for 20 quid :( lol


New Member
Watery Cheese!!!!!!??????? NO, No me gusta! :(

PS....LAS....I added a smidgeon of my veg formula along with my flowering mix on a few that are about halfway down. Saw some yellowing on some of the leaves and thought I might as well take your advice. Not sure why the myth is perpetuated not to add N during flowering (especially when it obiously needs it), anywho, you learn somethin new everyday! :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
no fuckin beuno!? asked you to leave hahahaah shit honestly this is the kind of practice that gives mmj its seedy backroom misconceived image. mmj card shuriken FTW! i've actually played with a death star they are surprisingly accurate.

new dispensary sounds bomb doc! g13 is some potent shizz, i tried a cross of it BLZ bud and it did a number on me. a big number 2 :lol:

and 1.3 for 20 bones is fucked up las.


Well-Known Member
He peeps, I can see Docs point, but I am sure there was, or is a reason for the shop acting like that. However you would think the guy would just say something that would clear himself up and still get your business, too many people are dickwats.

Here's a little tale from the city that would have been the Capital of Europe had the Nazis had their way. After a long day my wife went to bed and I decided to go out for a few beers in the strange town of Linz, Austria. I ended up in a bar that was playing Metal and had some local team in that were fairly typical of the younsters I saw around (a lot of heavy metal types - sorry, there may be a sub genre that I don't know about, but to me that's what I'll pigeon hole them as for the time being.) Anyway, after a couple of beers I started to talk to the DJ who spoke excellent English. I had heard a few things about MJ in Austria. So it turns out that you can go into a grow shop and actually ask to buy small plants. You can effectively have up to 10 plants in your possesion. However, you are not allowed to flower these plants!!! (lol) If you are in the shop and ask them anything about the growing of the plants, the flowering of the plants, etc, the little plants get put away again and you get blanked. Notice the use of the word plant. Again no discussions about MJ are had, or the little PLANTs get put away. It's funny to see how our little plants and us as customers are treated across the world. "Eh, can I have 10, eh, wink wink, nudge nudge, Juniper bushes please?" so stoooopid. I later thought about our little plants as I cycled through the vineyards of the Wachau, thinking, hold on a god dam minute, these vines didn't originate here, how can there be fields upon fields of plants to make alcohol, yet not a single corner reserved for our little Plants...boohoo.

Hey Dr and also Bushybush. got some cool burners to show you all.



Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
haha, i like your story DST. Yeah, this craziness about being so scared of MJ is so pathetic. I still have never said what plants im actually growing to my Hydro guy, who has helped me from the very beginning with my set up and everything. He just knows.. yes some psychic knowledge of some special phrases or vibe i must give him? I just cant get myself to say .. "heres my MJ card" is it ok to say the word now? its so ridiculeous. But your story is even more pathetic.. unbelievable really. HOw goofy can humans get? What planet are we living on ? obviously one of the stupidist in the universe. I wish i lived on another planet.. like the green weed planet as a green space alien with TCH blood. The water would be thc laced. There would be dope growing everywhere and life would be peaceful and chilled.
Yeah, and i recall at that store where i mentioned the word Marijuana, i was going to purchase some big ticket items to start my grow set up. Their loss. How can a state issue me a MJ card but not allow me to say the word in a Hydro store where I need to purchase my supplies..? Anyway.. im kinda high right now. I ate an English Muffin with cannabutter this morning . This is the first time i tried cannabutter and i didnt get sick. I feel real good.
I have a bunch of picture to show you and my girls look better too!!!!!!!!!
Have a wonderful day.


New Member

I'll see you there....I will never supoort this site ever again...they are in bed with leo



Hey friends,
thanks for stopping by my journal and giving me such nice comments and such wonderfully positive vibes. I appreciate it so much, you guys are so cool!:lol: and understanding.

Since i have switched my light to superlumen HP for flowering I have seen some major changes in my turbo Loving tent.
Basically my heat has soared and my humidity had lowered and i was underwatering and underfeeling my girls.:-(

Yesterday i began to try to work theses issues out.
My Auto Blueberry"LouLou" and my superlemonhaze"Queenie" were dehydrated so bad that their bottom leaves were wilting. Last weeks watering schedule (1 day water 2 days none) . I have some MAJOR yellowing issues and leaf damage on almost all my girl.. some not so much other are pretty ill..... im going to try to work this out with wisdom and patience, oh, and a lot of weed. lol...

So yesterday i gave to all girls, and more to the severly yellowed girls..a cocktail of..
12ml/gallon Bio Grow
8ml /gallon Bio Bloom
1 ml/gallon bloombastic
4mls/gallon Hydrozyme

I also opened my tents side vents, put a fan on outside the tent to go through the vent and into the tent. I opened the garage window. I raised my humidity level to 55% on the dehumifier.
This allowed me to sustain a much better temp at 25 C and humidity at 50%.

My dehydrated wilted plants have made a significant comeback. Their leaves really perked back up.

But there contiued to be some major yellowing of my leaves . Please check out my pictures below. I know that it will take a few days for my nitrogen to kick in .. a slow painful thing to wait for:lol:

For tomorrows feeding i have brewing some Bat Crap Tea with Humasol in it.

I hope you guys are having or had a really awesome weekend. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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hahahaha,... even with all the drama in the turbo lover i was still able to get my hair done, smoke a HUGE backflip zoot and get breast implant! lmao..what da think boyz???ahahahahahah
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what do you think fingerez? my first backflip. DAMN that is THE WAY to roll a nice even smooth burning joint. It was such a pleasant super smokeout out sweet burning joint.thanks for teaching me how to roll the proper way!!!!!!!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
So I drew this for you. lol:lol::lol:
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I moved my filter to the back of the tent to allow my light full access up to the top of the tent. :lol:

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Snow WHite mortisha

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Scrog girl Lia super Lemon haze
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Queenie, Super Lemon HAZE.

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LouLou, Auto blue...she was at one point my greenest healthies plant.. one week really fucked her up. Too much heat, not enough food. This is post wilted leave. You should have seen how bad she looked before.

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Stoner Barbie, Auto blue.. again her leaves have really gotten yellow

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Super Lemon Haze, Regan.. she looks the healthiest.. why .. no clue?

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Snow White

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Super Lemon Haze, Medusa
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Super Lemon Haze, Regan.. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Super Lemon Haze, Regan.. she looks the healthiest.. why .. no clue?

This strain is wicked hearty and can take quite a beating. Can tolerate heavy ph changes temp changes and just about anything else you can throw at it. Think that is why she looks so good compared to some of your others. I have grown it and harvested 4 times now....if this is your 1st grow of SLH you are going to love how it turns out. Enjoy!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
:blsmoke:Hey everyone! hope your all having a wonderful time. bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
My babes are looking much better today. The nutes that i gave on Sat and possible the BatCrap tea i fed them Monday really turned them around, as you will see from the pictures below.
This morning i fed them a blast of this Nitrex to get more green back into there bodies. I like the idea that this high nitro food is organic, so that i am not veering from my organic path too much. I hear that the organic soil grown weed is the best tasting by far and im really looking forward to that tasty day. :lol:
11 ml Nitrex per gallon water today.
garden 010.jpg

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with the changes in the weather I really have to watch the tent temps. So for more cool air exchange I duct taped some screening that i had around one of the openings on the side of the tent and have an oscilating fan blowing that direction. No fuckin bugs are getting into my garden if i can help it!!!!!!! hahahahabongsmilie

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ahhhhhh, my weekend bud awaits ....yum yum..:lol:bongsmilie:lol:bongsmilie:lol:bongsmilie:lol:

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The dreaded G13.. never again... lol....it tasted like chemicals anyway.lol

Some pictures of the girlies as of this morning.. much improved with some nice new bud porn for you as well. Enjoy!!!!!!!!:lol:;-);-);-)
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Auto Blue "LOULOU":eyesmoke:

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top cola Super Lemon Haze:lol:

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Line up from left to right... ;-)Auto Blue, :lol:scrog SLH, :lol:SLH, ;-)Auto blue
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Snow white tops

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Snow white

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snow white
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super lemon haze scrog
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super lemon haze scrog..lia
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snow white

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Super Lemon Hazes:lol:
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hahahahha... kinda looks like Charlie Sheen...with an Amnesia Bud behind him.. ... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: