Hey friends,
thanks for stopping by my journal and giving me such nice comments and such wonderfully positive vibes. I appreciate it so much, you guys are so cool!

and understanding.
Since i have switched my light to superlumen HP for flowering I have seen some major changes in my turbo Loving tent.
Basically my heat has soared and my humidity had lowered and i was underwatering and underfeeling my girls.
Yesterday i began to try to work theses issues out.
My Auto Blueberry"LouLou" and my superlemonhaze"Queenie" were dehydrated so bad that their bottom leaves were wilting. Last weeks watering schedule (1 day water 2 days none) . I have some MAJOR yellowing issues and leaf damage on almost all my girl.. some not so much other are pretty ill..... im going to try to work this out with wisdom and patience, oh, and a lot of weed. lol...
So yesterday i gave to all girls, and more to the severly yellowed girls..a cocktail of..
12ml/gallon Bio Grow
8ml /gallon Bio Bloom
1 ml/gallon bloombastic
4mls/gallon Hydrozyme
I also opened my tents side vents, put a fan on outside the tent to go through the vent and into the tent. I opened the garage window. I raised my humidity level to 55% on the dehumifier.
This allowed me to sustain a much better temp at 25 C and humidity at 50%.
My dehydrated wilted plants have made a significant comeback. Their leaves really perked back up.
But there contiued to be some major yellowing of my leaves . Please check out my pictures below. I know that it will take a few days for my nitrogen to kick in .. a slow painful thing to wait for
For tomorrows feeding i have brewing some Bat Crap Tea with Humasol in it.
I hope you guys are having or had a really awesome weekend.

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hahahaha,... even with all the drama in the turbo lover i was still able to get my hair done, smoke a HUGE backflip zoot and get breast implant! lmao..what da think boyz???ahahahahahah
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what do you think fingerez? my first backflip. DAMN that is THE WAY to roll a nice even smooth burning joint. It was such a pleasant super smokeout out sweet burning joint.thanks for teaching me how to roll the proper way!!!!!!!!!

So I drew this for you. lol

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I moved my filter to the back of the tent to allow my light full access up to the top of the tent.
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Snow WHite mortisha
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Scrog girl Lia super Lemon haze
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Queenie, Super Lemon HAZE.
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LouLou, Auto blue...she was at one point my greenest healthies plant.. one week really fucked her up. Too much heat, not enough food. This is post wilted leave. You should have seen how bad she looked before.
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Stoner Barbie, Auto blue.. again her leaves have really gotten yellow
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Super Lemon Haze, Regan.. she looks the healthiest.. why .. no clue?
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Snow White
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Super Lemon Haze, Medusa
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Super Lemon Haze, Regan..