My First Attempt at a Hidden Grow (Tips Please) Pics Included


Well-Known Member
thanks dude that would be much appreciated i defo want to get into cloning etc, i should be in the positive in 2 weeks so hopefully buy some more bits.

i kinda made that mistake in my small cab at first i didnt think they'd still grow in flower so hit the roof then flipped them. First cab was maxed out lol.

its was only a few days later i read that they still "veg/grow" in the first 3 weeks of flowering.

Going to go prep some pots and start germing some new babys , not sure what good seeds ive got now wasted 24 germing in rooting pellets. >.<

got loads of the poo strain but dont wanna use them might try tap one of the locals up for some seeds :P
yeah its a piece of piss with the cloner i got, cut em at 45 degrees, chuck em in the cloner an then 7 days later when theyve got roots just chuck em into soil

also i dunno where you bought that bug spray but they sell it in the 99p/pund shops, might save ya a bit of money each time ya have to buy one lol


Well-Known Member
sweet i broke some lower growth so put it in water hoping it survives and i can plant them. but theyll probably die.


Well-Known Member
hey whats that digital meter called in one of your pics? also are you setting em up indoors and growin outdoors or whaa? and i noticed u made the swap from floro to a brighter bulb.. i dont wanna sound like a pro but HPS right?

Also how old was ur mother plant when u took the clones? cuz i was considering takin some off mine. not sure if ready.. but i kinda am.. but not sure IF i shuud.. hmmm

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Yo if you guys are looking for a cheap good light source look at my pictures and do that... That setup is what I use to start my seedlings but works very well and you can add as many as you want..

You'll need

Cheap 3 dollar(pc) powerstrips
Piece of wood
zip ties
and lightbulb to socket adapters...

I built this for under 20 bucks...



Well-Known Member
Yo if you guys are looking for a cheap good light source look at my pictures and do that... That setup is what I use to start my seedlings but works very well and you can add as many as you want..

You'll need

Cheap 3 dollar(pc) powerstrips
Piece of wood
zip ties
and lightbulb to socket adapters...

I built this for under 20 bucks...

wait wtf.. so that power strip (surge protector with multiple sockets to plug things into) was ONLY 3 dollars?!?!?!? bro!!! god dam it! im just gettin ripped off left and right, i spent 10 bucks for a 3 socketed one. = (


Well-Known Member
Ive never tried growing a thing in my life not even a sun flower seed so i believe im doing well , alot of people with big lights and place todo it just knock my grow tho. Im in it all for the experience more than yield. I do like all newbs have a couple of questions.

Height is an issue this is the only space i can do this so did some research read a little about topping plants but apprently u can only do this twice. Im guessing i should go this route and start to flower before i run out of room.

im trying to train them because of height restriction also , i have realised one error on the first go , my lights were to far away in the begging , so unfortunatly there a lil streched. I plan to lower that fluro light 2mrw tho.

i think my lights are a bit too under powered things seem well but i want more growth :P will those cfl bulbs i keep reading about work in that desk lamp ?

Thanks for reading and all help is appreciated :D

sorry for typos u know how it is :P

woah! they are super stretching


Well-Known Member
Yo if you guys are looking for a cheap good light source look at my pictures and do that... That setup is what I use to start my seedlings but works very well and you can add as many as you want..

You'll need

Cheap 3 dollar(pc) powerstrips
Piece of wood
zip ties
and lightbulb to socket adapters...

I built this for under 20 bucks...
Hey Thats my Set up! except i got a shoe string hahaha !


Well-Known Member
hey whats that digital meter called in one of your pics? also are you setting em up indoors and growin outdoors or whaa? and i noticed u made the swap from floro to a brighter bulb.. i dont wanna sound like a pro but HPS right?

Also how old was ur mother plant when u took the clones? cuz i was considering takin some off mine. not sure if ready.. but i kinda am.. but not sure IF i shuud.. hmmm
erm morning hijackers :D lol

FG i started with that small cab the 2 cfl and long blue fluro. i still have this set-up but it has now become my vegging cab.

(the spectrum in the first cab is very blue so they veg really nice.)

My 2nd cab (the big one) is housing a 400w hps , has 5x's the lumen out put of the veg bulbs and also a red spectrum needed for flowering.

My cuttings were accidental cuttings unfortunatly, decided to move my cab and somehow the light inside fell damaging some growth.

So i got a clean razor and cut the damaged growth off at the stem with a 45 degree angle to allow moisture to run off the wound.

Then i ran the razor up the middle of the growth and placed in water in my veg cab. (normally u need rooting/cloning gel but i didnt have any)

They actually seem to be surviving which is a bonus as i know the 4 in there are all female.

My mother plant was chosen on size and growth structure , it was originally an outdoor plant (only ever went outside cuz ran out of room) but now i have the big

flowering cab i have put it in there to find out what sex it is. If its male it gets chopped. If its fem i will remove it from 12/12 and it will live its life under 24hr veg

constantly growing more female cuttings. :) should know sex in 2 days.

Anyways im still led in bed i got some updates todo today so ill get on with them once im up :)


Well-Known Member
Just checked on my seeds i have germing theres 10 or 12 in there i dunno count if


u care. 2 are ready to go to ground but ive run out of party cups lol.


So took stanley to the coke bottle and made a shallow rooting pot :)

I have also prep'd 2 pots ready for them to transfer too.


Im unsure what i should do with my broken branches/clones, there not dieing but

im not seeing any rooting either but has only been like 3 days.


FG i forgot to mention the digital device is for temp and humidity , ideal is 80c 40%

but harder to get it right in a bigger cab with hps lol.

And just for the hell of it a quick flower cab shot :)



Well-Known Member
nice to see its all coming together for ya now you have got a HPS, might have to send you a couple of clones down to really get things rocking, the difference is amazing between bagseed an decent genetics


Well-Known Member
Hahaha yeah i cant knock my luck tho got 5 fems 1 changing and 2 still in veg and 2 in germ argh rotation :)

Im going to use the small cab to start the veg process and will let them veg under the hps for a couple of weeks too before i flip them.

my mate just started bought seeds 2 weeks ago there already looking mean. mine got steched :( not next time tho ;)

clones are always welcome im just stil la bit chicken about the address thing :P


Well-Known Member
Got 8 cuttings currently waiting to go into soil 2 more seedling and another 2 waiting to pop through so will get some pics up 2mrw.

Will also get some of the girls in flower as there starting to get crystals n shit now.

Some of you may remember i had some outdoor plants also , so will update about those too.

Happy smoking and keep your pointers coming :)


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys ill today just havent got the energy to update and also im unsure if people still follow this so im probably going to hold off updates until pre harvest. thanks for your interest and all your help.


Well-Known Member
just havent got the energy to update....tell me about it :) uggh, sometimes life is a bit bumpy, but hey at least we have a life to enjoy! I'm still here.


Well-Known Member
Ill post the harvest here when its done its coming along alot better than expected. ive just started some clones and seedlings which ill use for a new progress thread wanna get things a bit more dated and organised on my next grow , no more ghetto :P


Well-Known Member

So i dont know whats going on with this plant but the other bits of the plant are now going the same way , i havent found an answer i know ive got nute burn i was testing limits maybe i should flush the pot ? ill get some more pics of this one today

the pics below are from my friends cab hes looking after some of my babys for me. had to remove a male from his cab couple days ago but whats up with this plant its totally different from anything i even seen the leafs all feel artificle its growing well but its wierd , could it be the type of strain if so can anyone guess at it ?


quick bud shot of one plant from last week.



Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about that plant mate but the yellow tips would suggest some burn, if the leaves are really crispy then that's probably the case, if you're in soil then just give it a flush. The droopy leaves sort of look like over watering, but the leaves should be soft if that's the problem. You could wait for the soil to dry then flush, then drop the nutes down 0.5ml next watering?

good luck my friend.