Lordjin, I did something really bad today. Read about it on my 300w Journal.
I've been busy, so I haven't had much forum time. Your girls are looking mighty fine there! I bet you're just itching to chop lol. Went back a few pages and saw your humorous run in with the cops! Sounds like good times! I don't think our area cops are as coolMan how I want to move lol
Also, thinking of you, we popped a BUKU seed last week! (Burmese Kush and OG Kush cross) It's doing well, I'll try to snap a few pictures next time I'm upstairs with the camera![]()
Missed your ladies! Looks like they've been busy busy!!
My photography skills are ill son...
Peace brah...
Man id love to see how some lou would grow in your setup....hes ove 4ft tall....dont know if he would fit.....
nice ladies
Interesting. I see we have more in common than we thought. I've been shooting mostly with the 7D these days. The HD video through a true SLR lens is to die for. I use my twenty year old first, and I mean FIRST generation Nikon point and shoot digicam for my bud shots, tho. This thing was one of the first digital cameras to hit the market widely.... before the digital SLR technology was perfected. It's old as fuck, but it still takes rich pix. I don't use my professional camera on my grow because I don't need 18 megapixel images to upload to RIU... Lol.
I am interested in all forms of photography: landscape, urban, abstract... But as you might have guessed, my main focus is glamour photography of beautiful female models. I've done nude studies with most of the models you've seen in my journal -- the artistic/glamour nude is my reason for picking up a camera... big surprise, huh? But I can't share those images with you here, unfortunately. I tried putting up some implied nudes and they were promptly removed. A female moderater even removed one where the model was fully clothed in a blouse and skirt... I don't know what was up with that move. I've also been getting into production photography for independent horror films. I recently did a character shoot for promotional material on an indie slasher movie a friend of mine is directing. It was a blast. The cast and crew were great and they even had their DP there in the studio shooting me shooting the actors for behind the scenes footage (dvd bonus features). It was cool talking to a moving picture camera expert... she was just as fascinated by the process of still photography as I am by the process of moving photography (film). I think I'm gonna keep pursuing this aspect of photography. This project could open huge doors for my director friend... and based on the work I did for him free of charge on this project, he'll have something nice for me if something nice happens to him (and it's already started happening).
If you have a user account at Deviant Art, I could give you the link to my profile that showcases my nude work.
I see some signs of mild foxtailing on a few of the heads. I actually think foxtails are kinda' cute now. i smoked a foxtailed Pure Kush bud last night and it was fun slicing off the dense horns and smoking those first.
The smell is so powerful now that I have to close the door to my room because the constant fumes can get to you...and the box is in the living room pretty far away from my room.
Right on! Sounds like you're pretty serious about it. Way cool. I quit my old job a while back and have been looking for an artistic outlet that's worthwhile, and of course, able to subsidize my somewhat lavish lifestyle. Haha. I started tattooing for a while, but that's a pain in the ass. Not the actual artistic aspect, anyways. It just sucks swallowing your pride and doing a 4 hour tribal piece on some turd. Tried wedding/senior photos and film. No fucking way am I dealing with people in their "me me me" moments like that. Holy crap. So, now it's on to simply honing my skills as an individual artist. Not easy either. Shoot me your DA in a PM, I'll definitely check it out.
Are you going to the cup in San Fran later this month?
Right on! Sounds like you're pretty serious about it. Way cool. I quit my old job a while back and have been looking for an artistic outlet that's worthwhile, and of course, able to subsidize my somewhat lavish lifestyle. Haha. I started tattooing for a while, but that's a pain in the ass. Not the actual artistic aspect, anyways. It just sucks swallowing your pride and doing a 4 hour tribal piece on some turd. Tried wedding/senior photos and film. No fucking way am I dealing with people in their "me me me" moments like that. Holy crap. So, now it's on to simply honing my skills as an individual artist. Not easy either. Shoot me your DA in a PM, I'll definitely check it out.
Are you going to the cup in San Fran later this month?
man those buds just keep putting out new growth still...
Must be nice!
Id givem 10 more days.....jmo
I kno the sunst supper shop....its about 3 miles away from me...
Never went there... i tend not to go to downtown for meds or holywood..
Evn though i went to la and hollywierd to get meds before....
Theres allot of overpricd meds... but ive had some god experience....
IMO..... the valley and Eagle rock have the best meds ....for good prices...
I wouldnt pick up clones from a med shop either...
Usually these shops dont let go of ther best cuts...(cuts are good tho)
The creator of lou doesnt even name his buds louie 13....
He runs a couple shops , but changed the name since everyone claimed to have the real deal ...
And he pretty much knew who had the real cut and where it went.....
Now this cut is made into several different strains.. and sold as home brands....(at his collec)
He told me it was just ridicoulous all these people claiming to havve it....
He would never let go of this cut for 15 some odd dolllrs...lol
This cut is over 17 years old.... and was gifted to him 10+ years ago....(for alot of money)...back then it was different....
Yeah the cut has been leaked, sold for big money in the past, and dubbed by a totally different collective....
He told me (weve met..his shop is a mile away from me)... that he would of just wanted to call it og kush ....but there were about 5 different ogs and people would get confused......(hes a very reputable dude)
Before we became friends ... he would have never gave me this cut.....
He was just selling blue dream , black domina, and you would never seee his cut for sell....
The only ones who will have it are the ones who grow it for the shop.....
And a couple lucky people like me....
I usually go to a dispenciary in the valley....
They have a genetic database and a breader....
They have had drops from raskal, swerve, from there actul mothers...
But mostly source cuts from memebers....
People like you and me.... that souced the cut out and verified it.....or were just gifted the cut....
There are so many cuts available....diablo of coarse is there...
We have a genetisist .... plants are grown out and confirmed.... and pics are posted on the weedtracker...
At this point you just need to network with other growers....
There are tons of people wanting to gift me cuts.... trade cuts... they just want my lou...lol
Im thinking maybe white bubba, the power, sour dubs , and maybe another skywalker this run.....
maybe diablo....
Hi ya! Would like to ask a couple of Q's via PM, will you accept a friends request please?
wow jin!! i just want to say i love your grow man. i just reread your entire journal. watching you grow these victorian secret models has inspired me to get an under current system. i needed to add another veg unit to handle my perpetual but decided im just going to get rid of the aero units and replace it with a 4 bucket under current system. then in another 3 weeks or so im going to replace 1 of my aeroponic racks with a 8 site UC. thanks again for all your hard work. amazing job! i see im going to have to come down to cali sooner rather than later!! lol.
wow jin!! i just want to say i love your grow man. i just reread your entire journal. watching you grow these victorian secret models has inspired me to get an under current system. i needed to add another veg unit to handle my perpetual but decided im just going to get rid of the aero units and replace it with a 4 bucket under current system. then in another 3 weeks or so im going to replace 1 of my aeroponic racks with a 8 site UC. thanks again for all your hard work. amazing job! i see im going to have to come down to cali sooner rather than later!! lol.