N.C Outdoor Grow 2011


Well-Known Member
I cut this branch and trimmed her up a little bit earlier

I will probably let the rest of the plant go another week

i just want to feel the difference from the high from cutting now to the high from cutting later

i know the clear / cloudy is more body narcotic high

and the cloudy / amber mellows you out and sedates you

im just bored i guess lol

here is a couple pics

little blurry sorry



Well-Known Member
This vid did not turn out so well

i just did it hoping you could see the cola in it a little bit better then in the pic

im not the best trimmer i know

i leave a little extra on because i always worry that i might cut to much off lol

i know in the vid it sounds like i have a lisps lol ,



Well-Known Member
Well i went out and checked on them today and their still doing good

Than N.l is gonna be a monster at the end of the season lol

also the bigger Royal hash that i was thinking might be a male well ( ITS A GIRL )

She is starting to show little pre flowers

one of the other Royal has i think is a male , it looks like its developing little male pre flowers but im gonna wait a little while longer to know for sure

and my last royal hash is not showing any signs of sex yet , so its still a waiting game

but if those 2 turn out males i will yank them up and throw my clones out their ,

i took a cutting from them to sex to find out a little quicker

their is still enough time for me to get some little decent plants out of em lol

i took some pics , but i could not get a decent pic of the pre flowers for you , so it just pics of the plants

the first is the Royal Hash that i believe i starting to show small male pre flowers

the 2nd is the one not showing any signs at all yet

the 3rd is the Royal has that is a female

and the 4th is the N.l that is also female

the 5th is the cuttings i took off of the 2 to sex

their little cuttings but that's what i wanted since im just sexing so dont laugh lol

The pics are not good , the sun was not fully up yet and their was not alot of lighting



Well-Known Member
Thanks you all

and tristy , pic 4 is that N.l that i first lst`d through that chicken wire

she bushed out so nicely for me :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I just went out and checked on them

i now have 3 for sure females :)

the one iv been waiting on to show sex is showing now and its a girl

i still believe the one might be male

im not liking how the royal hash are growing , tall skinny and lanky

but the one royal hash that i just found out was female is growing nicely , short a little busy , nice thick stalk

but the other two i just dont like

well here are a few pics

the first is the one royal hash that i believe is a male

the second is a royal hash , female ,

1st and 2nd pic are the 2 royal hash that i do not like how its growing

the 3rd is the royal has that is growing nicely and is female

and the 4th is the bushy N.l

I still have not put anything in those other 2 spots i have but i will



Well-Known Member
that NL is nice bro. I ordered 5 NL fem's from nirvana this year and they look great also i love how they are growing i have taken 15 clones from them and they clone super quick and easy like i said this is my first year buying seed and im happy with everything but the swiss cheese.


Well-Known Member
thanks my man

iv taken some from clones for her but im not having to much success

i dont do alot of cloning so not the best at it lol

i have 1 or 2 that looks like their gonna take , and 1 or 2 of the royal hash that looks like they will take also

well see how they work out , i got my fingers crossed lol


New Member
thanks my man

iv taken some from clones for her but im not having to much success

i dont do alot of cloning so not the best at it lol

i have 1 or 2 that looks like their gonna take , and 1 or 2 of the royal hash that looks like they will take also

well see how they work out , i got my fingers crossed lol
do u use a humidity dome
what seems to be problem with clones not making it


Well-Known Member
Iv done it with and without the dome and the ones that make it whenever i do clone are the ones without the dome

I think its just me though

Im taking cuttings from my outdoor grow so they dont get to go right into a new medium

im pretty sure some air gets up in the cuttings , and its roughly almost 20 to 30 mins before they get planted

whatever happens , happens from their to here

sometimes they make it sometimes they dont ,


New Member
Iv done it with and without the dome and the ones that make it whenever i do clone are the ones without the dome

I think its just me though

Im taking cuttings from my outdoor grow so they dont get to go right into a new medium

im pretty sure some air gets up in the cuttings , and its roughly almost 20 to 30 mins before they get planted

whatever happens , happens from their to here

sometimes they make it sometimes they dont ,
try sticking them in water to prevent it till u plant


Well-Known Member
try sticking them in water to prevent it till u plant
yea iv thought about that ,

i was thinking about taking a cup of water with me next time i go take a cutting ( that's if i decide to take another now lol )

i dont want to many ya know , i wont have no where to put them all haha