The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


King Tut
I know Ron Paul is your massiah and all, but you're not being objective if you think just anyone can speak publicly like Obama and Ron Paul is a great debater.
Well, i admire Dr. Paul's debate skills. Not because he does the typical politician thing but because he doesn't. He's an amazing speaker imo. Again, not because he knows how to read teleprompters and answer screened questions but because he has the intelligence to respond in real time even if he does stutter or stammer a little and because he has the balls to speak his true agenda. Liberty for ALL!!!!


Well-Known Member
Reading this thread and it's comments makes me even more convinced Americans are a bunch of idiots who could not see the hills for the trees.

Uncle buck you sound just like my father.....too old for new tricks, I see they got you good simpleton....
they are putting fluoride in our water to give us chemical lobotomies and make us passive so we become nazi germany.


King Tut
Reading this thread and it's comments makes me even more convinced Americans are a bunch of idiots who could not see the hills for the trees.

Uncle buck you sound just like my father.....too old for new tricks, I see they got you good simpleton....

You are a foreigner yes? i've heard this time and time again from those that are not in the middle of our mess. Hint hint guys.


Well-Known Member
You are a foreigner yes? i've heard this time and time again from those that are not in the middle of our mess. Hint hint guys.
To me you are the foreigner......Americans have a sense of arrogance that needs to be broken before you can help yourselves....I don't mean this personally but perhaps it's time you guys heard this.....

Most people love America and what it originally stood for but your country has been corrupted for a 100 years now by the elite and the financiers, take it back or we will all suffer..!!


New Member
We as the people are all foreign from the "centrist"(more like authoritarian centrist) agenda - They do not represent us.

Here I made this chart up to show you, on one end of this red line is Hillary Clinton, on ther other end lets say its Mitt Romney.


No matter where Ron Paul is scored, Fact remains he will always be up top with the people above the blue line while the other politicians are down there all by their lonesome with wall-street. shit Id back just about anyone above that blue line but Ron Paul is the only choice in this election. Every great revolutionary hero is above that blue line.


Well-Known Member
We as the people are all foreign from the "centrist"(more like authoritarian centrist) agenda - They do not represent us.
I think you speak for yourself unfortunately, 270 million population and how many are aware of what has really happened, Americans are too blinkered into their comfortable lives to see anything.


Well-Known Member
the truth about ron paul has come out in this thread.

those that support him seem to live in la-la land, making up graphs where they say the rest of the people fall.

despite all evidence to the contrary.

the truth about ron paul: his supporters come from a land that is far divorced from reality.

a land where the government puts fluoride in our water to give us chemical lobotomies and make us passive so we becme nazi germany, a land where under the patient protection and affordable care act we will be held against our will until we accept vaccines or pills.

you can't make this shit up.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Reading this thread and it's comments makes me even more convinced Americans are a bunch of idiots who could not see the hills for the trees.

Uncle buck you sound just like my father.....too old for new tricks, I see they got you good simpleton....
Must be exhausting to be better than everyone.


New Member
the truth about ron paul has come out in this thread.

those that support him seem to live in la-la land, making up graphs where they say the rest of the people fall.

despite all evidence to the contrary.

the truth about ron paul: his supporters come from a land that is far divorced from reality.

a land where the government puts fluoride in our water to give us chemical lobotomies and make us passive so we becme nazi germany, a land where under the patient protection and affordable care act we will be held against our will until we accept vaccines or pills.

you can't make this shit up.
Why do people with these thoughts flock to Ron Paul? because they are the ones who believe that the government is not doing some things in the best interest of the people and they would be correct in that thought process, a way of thinking which is foreign to you, no matter how hysterical their views on certain topics, because of their concern for liberty they flock to Ron paul, If anything what this shows is that Ron Paul is a representative of the people, of all peoples concerns, a humanitarian cause, so humanitarian that all get behind him on any issue they are passionate about no matter how hysterical you might deem it the will of all people is the issue at hand.

and this graph is highly accredited, I did not make it up...

View attachment 1656407


Well-Known Member
the truth about ron paul has come out in this thread.

those that support him seem to live in la-la land, making up graphs where they say the rest of the people fall.

despite all evidence to the contrary.

the truth about ron paul: his supporters come from a land that is far divorced from reality.

a land where the government puts fluoride in our water to give us chemical lobotomies and make us passive so we becme nazi germany, a land where under the patient protection and affordable care act we will be held against our will until we accept vaccines or pills.

you can't make this shit up.

Your Government needs people like help pull the wool over your eyes...


Well-Known Member
Why do people with these thoughts flock to Ron Paul? because they are the ones who believe that the government is not doing some things in the best interest of the people and they would be correct in that thought process, a way of thinking which is foreign to you, no matter how hysterical their views on certain topics, because of their concern for liberty they flock to Ron paul, If anything what this shows is that Ron Paul is a representative of the people, of all peoples concerns, a humanitarian cause, so humanitarian that all get behind him on any issue they are passionate about no matter how hysterical you might deem it the will of all people is the issue at hand.

Some people do this without even knowing they are doing it....I blame education and era in Buck's case..


New Member
Yea i think Buck has fit under all 25 of those at one point or another here, the first couple are the tactics he uses the most, he really like to cherry pick a quote and just discuss that with zombie like one liners instead of discussing the issue in its entirety... EXAMPLE: if you say obamacare and mandatory in the same sentence he will totally flip out and disregard everything else you said.


Well-Known Member
I would like to ask this of all Americans....are you really going to vote for Barry again????? secondly...what makes any of you think that the puppet masters will ever allow a non compliant President to run your country before you have ousted them first?????????????


New Member
Good questions, I want to say that I feel like they have it all under wraps and that there is no way someone like Ron Paul could become president, to be optimistic I'd like to see them proven wrong and perhaps there is the chance that they can be taken by surprise but realistically I have my doubts, we will just have to see what happens. I think there is a chance humaninity can score a win with Ron Paul but realistically I have my doubts.


New Member
Thomas woods in this speech illustrates the flaws of the Uncle Buck, Dan Kone, and London Frog Argument the best..


Well-Known Member
If an icon like JFK can be murdered in cold blood on television and the guilty get away with it then you can bank on the fact that Ron Paul will see a coffin before he sees the oval office.

No offense to the Ron Paul supporters but he will not, can not and shall not save you all from the elite, only you the population can save yourselves, your country and the rest of the world from these fuckers because frankly your problems are my problems in the UK and in the rest of the world. Every country in the world is in the pockets of debt to the world financier elite bar what is it....6 or 7 countries now??....

I took life in Angola to save my own and by god I will do it again if needed..