How Much Light Can Plants Handle? PICS


Well-Known Member
area is fine. trim off any lower growth that doesn't get light. that's wasted energy. that energy can be redirected to the tops where you will get bigger buds there. it also looks like its a little too hot in there. whats your temp/humidity? maybe cut back on the nutes it looks like nute burn too.


Active Member
An over nutrient problem,
(i used 1/2 tbs instead of 1/4 tbs in mix)
i got huge brown spots now...... grrrr its been a bad week


Well-Known Member
area is fine. trim off any lower growth that doesn't get light. that's wasted energy. that energy can be redirected to the tops where you will get bigger buds there. it also looks like its a little too hot in there. whats your temp/humidity? maybe cut back on the nutes it looks like nute burn too.
I think the light is reaching the bottom of the plants!

Hey man why you got more tinfoil up in there!!! Just white paint would be better, seriously tin foil has no place in a grow room, 50cents of white paint is easily better and no hotspots! Grrrr tinfoil, it sh!t man.

Lol the plant burn, flush then reaply 1/4 strength. Maybe a flush could be hard here but best advice.

People think that tin foil reflects a lot of light and evenly, well it don't, rip it out dude and just paint the walls white.


Active Member
iam using foil causes iam always playing with light reflection angles and distance,i dont know how easily Mylar wrinkles or even if it does


Well-Known Member
mylar doesnt wrinkle but it tears easily. just get white poly film. with nutes, just remember less is more. use like a benficial bacteria with mycorrhizas, trichodermas, and all the bacillas. it will break down the nutes and keep your roots healty and happy and make them grow like crazy. great white is a great one too. it has everything in it.


Well-Known Member
Are those in party cups? Thy look like they're root bound. That's probably it. Transplant them into a bigger pot! When I put my clones into party cups. They are root bound in 5 days and then transplant them into 3 gal buckets.

BAMMMM....root bound, put into bigger containers and I bet they improve 10 fold


Well-Known Member
Still no hotter than say a boiler or cooker, cops don't work this way with the helicopter round my parts. They need bigger heat signatures especially when the heat is surrounded by a house.
Yeah, and I highly doubt Police are gonna spend thousands and thousand of dollars to try and go after a "400 or 600watt" grower..... The cops are trying to pick up very unusuall and high heat signatures, say maybe 4 1000's that are not in air cooled hoods


Well-Known Member
Yeah, and I highly doubt Police are gonna spend thousands and thousand of dollars to try and go after a "400 or 600watt" grower..... The cops are trying to pick up very unusuall and high heat signatures, say maybe 4 1000's that are not in air cooled hoods
Where have you been the whole thread!lol! I and others pointed this out near the start and about the insy bitsy teeny weeny plant pots (plastic cups) but he don't want to listen, i said a kitchen boiler has a big heat signature but you dont see the police busting you if you leave it on too long!lol! He wont be told and it certainly has made for some intresting growing!lol! Right now he is improvising with a makeshift hydro setup.

Got to give the guy credit for making it this far, you wana see his veg room! Fire hazard or what but its all been good so far. Peace


Active Member
i killed probably 60% of original root hairs and a little larger roots from the monstrous fert overdose(didn't do on purpose)a few days ago.
I.R. film cause
Texas law. The severity of the criminal charge depends upon the number of plants possessed, or the extent of the paraphernalia possessed. Possession of even a few marijuana plants could result in a felony charge with penalties of up to five years in prison


but not root bound


Active Member
never dim down your lights with out changing to a lower wattage bulb. that will fuck up your bulbs if you don't
I'm going to have to call BS on that one. Using a different wattage bulb than what the ballast was designed for is asking for trouble.


Active Member
super lumens shortens the life of your bulb and depreciates the lumens. dimming say to 400 watts with a 1000 watt bulb or 600 will greatly affect your bulb much more than super lumens. it will degrade at a much faster rate.
I'd like to see proof on that one. Sorry, not trying to pick on you, but your two post just stick out as BS to me. Not saying it's not true for sure (about dimming a bulb intended for the ballast), but doesn't sound right.

And never use a lower wattage bulb than what the ballast was designed for. That one is even in all the manuals.


Well-Known Member
Unless you got a digital dimmable ballast, some even ramp up the voltage for a super lumens but all will depriciate the lifespan of the bulb to some extent. Obviously if you dont run one of these ballasts then stick to the bulb recomended. Peace


Active Member
super cropped all plants upload pics in a few days, side note i didnt over bend or break and new tips. REALLY happy since its mt first grow


Active Member
plants were 5in from 600w bulb(ballast set to super lumens) for 2 1/2 hours before temp hit above 83 degrees at tops(need more a/c or smaller room ...grrr)i also test light heat by holding hand upside down for a min.
with no heat stress signs i have plants tops at 8 inches besides that.