Feel free to say I am out of line or rude or a dick or whatever. I skipped from about the 3rd post to this page to respond. In my opinion, not educated, a doctor, anything at all, I would say that it is a HORRIBLE idea to continue them. If you were to form cancer or something and it was traced to this incident, it does not matter if you invested in a 50kw grow, with $20k worth of genetics alone. Cancer would make it seem miniscule. Anyway.. if you're going to smoke it yourself, I say go ahead and finish them out. If you're going to allow others to indulge in your product.. I would kindly ask that you do not. It just doesn't seem right. Sorry to rant on you fellow brother, and again not trying to be rude. I just figure.. if it's your mistake.. then indulge yourself, but don't bring an unknowing pal into the mix. Good luck and take it easy!