Active Member
That's sweet.Yeah, I'd be more concerned about your own health! Hopefully you didn't breathe any of the powder into your lungs.

That's sweet.Yeah, I'd be more concerned about your own health! Hopefully you didn't breathe any of the powder into your lungs.
Nope no buds yet and it was very little material that got on the leaves, and to be honest I do not believe that material was mercury, but we shall see. The leaves that got hit are showing zero signs of any poisening and I know marijunana it is dam sensative to any poisen, so I think im safe.I wouldn't consume any material that made contact with it.
If the stuff got on fan leaves, leave them be, but don't make tea out of them when they're done doing their job.
And if it hit yer buds, well I just plain wouldn't smoke them.
Don't sell them either.
Again thanx, so thats why I see warnings all over in the stores about fluro lighting and how you should go and see a docter when you broke the bathroom light.Worry less about the plant and more about your own self there is mercurey in cfl lights
Sure dude it is true. I am also getting poisened right now by just using this pc or using my microwave.Hg is not a plant poison, it will be stored IN the plant. Second Hg VAPOR is whats released ALONG with elemental Hg.. FYI
why ask "should i worry" in fact why start this whole thread??Sure dude it is true. I am also getting poisened right now by just using this pc or using my microwave.
I can guarentee you there are more things in your home that is poisening you right now. FYI radiation from the Fukushima nuclear plant has now reached the coast of iceland. the fish you eat even in the states are highly likely to contain trace radiation from that disaster also.
The bottom line is that the world is fucked up and we are all going to Die! A little mercury from a cracked f'n bulb wont kill me before other shit does. Everyone do some research and see how many people have been taken to hospital from mercury poisening from broken cfls at home, I bet none. Unless they work at the f'n factory.
The problem with everyone's post is that it is all driven by the fear of death. I will smoke that plant and I will keep ya all up to date on my health, hows that . lol
Seriously everyone go and do some research, I think your cell phones are more dangerous and how many of you are using it right this second???
Because I wanted to know if my plant would die.why ask "should i worry" in fact why start this whole thread??
I am really glad I asked. I love a good debate and hopefully it will balance the thread, if you look at the first few replies they were spot on. your also but all I am saying the first few replies was about how to save the plant. The rest was how I should be scared that I am going to die. All I am saying is there is alot of stuff killing you right now and you have not broken a CFLwhy ask "should i worry" in fact why start this whole thread??
let us know after you smoke itJust to let everyone know, I am still healthy. So far a broken CFL has not turned me into a braindead stoner as some posters had sugested, but hey anything can still happen.
let us know after you smoke it
"A CFL containing 5 mg of mercury breaks in your child’s bedroom that has a volume of about 25 m3 (which corresponds to a medium sized bedroom). The entire 5 mg of mercury vaporizes immediately (an unlikely occurrence), resulting in an airborne mercury concentration in this room of 0.2 mg/m3. This concentration will decrease with time, as air in the room leaves and is replaced by air from outside or from a different room. As a result, concentrations of mercury in the room will likely approach zero after about an hour or so."Even after you smoke it, it could take 20 years for the cancer to form. Meh... you're life.