
Well-Known Member
Every teenager in life needs an older, stoner mentor to teach them the ways of life.....Not the typical tree hugger/hippy style/green glasses/bad personal hygiene typical hippy..... Fuck that.... You can still have that hippy mindset, and look civil to the crowd....... That's an other fucked up thing on why I think they'll never legalize marijuana.... Do you think the government wants a country filled with these idiots if marijuana would become legal?.... Would it really drive everyone crazy, and somehow them have the urge to wear a tie dye t shirt, dreads, flip flops, and reek of cat piss and charcoal?.... Fuck all those dumbass hippies marching out there with those "Legalize Marijuana" banners sporting a mullet, and a grill filled with tooth decay/missing teeth, a sleeveless shirt and a homemade tattoo of a cannabis leaf on their arm.... Fuck that, and fuck them too..... Go get a job, you lazy, disgusting, bastard.... and brush your teeth...... fuck....... Seriously..... All these idiots dont think, and they're the ones fucking it up for all of us "new breed, stoners" who have jobs, girlfriends, decent clothes, good hygiene.... and most importantly.... A LIFE!

So if you're one of these morons, quit your shit, and get on the ball.. You're fucking it up for everyone who really enjoys and loves this plant for it's energetic properties, and smoke your daytimes during the day, and your night times at night.....

Just something to think about..... Again...... Nobody in their right mind would want a country filled with people like this..... I sure wouldnt..... I'd rather want it Illegal than live in a world like that....

I remember watching this documentary on HBO about the fight for legalization, and this young guy was trying to look all professional with a business tux on, but you could see right through his high ass, filthy hippyness...... Jacked up teeth, greasy skin and hair..... VERY POOR Vocabulary(Mine isnt all that, but If I'm gonna be speaking in front of a judge at a hearing, I wouldnt send THIS guy!).... You could tell that was probably the only suit he owned, and looked like it had been used at least 50 times before, and washed twice..... all wrinkled, and shirt tucked in all crooked.. Really pathetic to see that out of the whole cannabis community.... THIS guy was the guy they called in for to be in this Movie....... I think they intentionally tried to make MJ look bad instead of try to help it.... Screw that doc, It just left me feeling empty inside, and depressed....

Anywhoo..... *feels like smackin a hippy behind the head right now*.....
You're wayyy negative and seem kinda close minded. Everyone has to get a job and play the game cause some faceless dude on the internet says so? Get real

your post made me think of this song, so i thought i'd share.
you are a moron. did some hippy cut u off in traffic today or something. some people just enjoy to dress like that and dont even partake. And as far as the dirtyness, even people who work are fucking scummy, some people just dont care that much. didnt anybody tell you that weed has a chemical called FUCK IT inside. Maybe you need to smoke more and stop caring about what other people are doing and do u.
Guys, don't mind him. Really, he's just an OCD geek who never leaves his mother's sterile basement. Nothing to worry about here.
The fault in your logic (or whoever else's in positions of power that thinks the same way) is that legalizing marijuana is not going to change who smokes and who doesn't, at least not by much. If someone wants pot they can get it, legal or not. The only change that will come from making it legal is that the government will be making money off of it, not Mexican or Afghani drug cartels, or the dude with glasses in the small house on the corner of fifth and main who grows in his basement. It's not going to make there be MORE HIPPIES OMG, it's just going to make it easier to get for the people that already want it. Use logic, people. C'mon.
You all are taking this to a new level...... We just saw this doc, and it had all these dirty idiots running around..... I'm not saying that's how the world would actually be if it were legal, but we all know how people against pot already view us smokers, and these people are just fucking it up more than it already is...... You all are the ones that take it to the maximum, and dont use logic..... You remind me of a 12 year old girl...... "you're saying we should be hipsters instead of Hippies?"...... No.... Just dont be a fool, and have some decency, and self worth... doesnt take much effort to brush your teeth, no matter how much weed gives you that "fuck it" mentallity..... Bleh!
You all are taking this to a new level...... We just saw this doc, and it had all these dirty idiots running around..... I'm not saying that's how the world would actually be if it were legal, but we all know how people against pot already view us smokers, and these people are just fucking it up more than it already is...... You all are the ones that take it to the maximum, and dont use logic..... You remind me of a 12 year old girl...... "you're saying we should be hipsters instead of Hippies?"...... No.... Just dont be a fool, and have some decency, and self worth... doesnt take much effort to brush your teeth, no matter how much weed gives you that "fuck it" mentallity..... Bleh!

I think you're confusing 'logic' with excessive use of periods.
Drugs do have a noticable effect on people. It does not, however change how you are. Living, and especially growing up in a schizophrenically abusive environment changes who you are. SO yeah. Give those abused people healing and I promise, they won't turn into hippies. You really don't know what you're talking about. I'm gonna wager you weren't born before it hit.
I just got it....... I'm fuckin arguing, and getting attacked by dirty hippies.....lol... wow

But, seriously.... Those fools are retarded.... I know some real hippies that are still cool.... They at least take a bath, and have a life.... I'm not taking on people that WERE hippies back in the day, and finally grew up into reality, and said "Dang... wtf is wrong with me?.... I fuckin smell like garbage".... People saying "Weed makes you not give a fuck" are fucking dumbasses..... and people's best insult is "You dont know what's up because you use to many of these things ............." are even twice as pathetic................

So yeah..... wow.. "Weed makes you not give a fuck"..... I have a girl.... I have money...If i'm high on weed every day, I'm not just gonna turn into one of these dirty things.... I KNOW THAT.... I'm not saying weed turns you into a fucking hippy..... I'm just saying that they fuck it up for all of us, because I KNOW the government is all over that shit, and blame Marijuana for this hippy illness.... Most of them are just lonely people crying out for attention, and not even TRUE hippies..... They're just wannabee "look at me, I get high and smoke weed....... Look at me, I even have the long hair, the tie dye tshirt and guitar to prove it!".....

If you dont think so, then idk...... We're just an other culture, cuz If I were to see that crap here in south tex, I would laugh......... And I get it.... I have friends that have that look.... I sport the scruffy beard, and hair a mess, but you can also do it, and be normal...(and shower.. smell good)... I'm basically just talking about those people that look like absolute clowns or bums off the street supporting the cause, when they're obviously have more problems than just wanting weed legalized.... Maybe they were abused as a child....or maybe they just ended up doing other drugs besides just weed, and have killed several billion brain cells
No we get it. TL;DR: You're a pot smoker who hates hippies to an irrational degree. Probably because your only real encounter with one was TV/internet. Also, FYI: Blow ups don't count as a 'girlfriend'.
I just got it....... I'm fuckin arguing, and getting attacked by dirty hippies.....lol... wow

But, seriously.... Those fools are retarded.... I know some real hippies that are still cool.... They at least take a bath, and have a life.... I'm not taking on people that WERE hippies back in the day, and finally grew up into reality, and said "Dang... wtf is wrong with me?.... I fuckin smell like garbage".... People saying "Weed makes you not give a fuck" are fucking dumbasses..... and people's best insult is "You dont know what's up because you use to many of these things ............." are even twice as pathetic................

So yeah..... wow.. "Weed makes you not give a fuck"..... I have a girl.... I have money...If i'm high on weed every day, I'm not just gonna turn into one of these dirty things.... I KNOW THAT.... I'm not saying weed turns you into a fucking hippy..... I'm just saying that they fuck it up for all of us, because I KNOW the government is all over that shit, and blame Marijuana for this hippy illness.... Most of them are just lonely people crying out for attention, and not even TRUE hippies..... They're just wannabee "look at me, I get high and smoke weed....... Look at me, I even have the long hair, the tie dye tshirt and guitar to prove it!".....

If you dont think so, then idk...... We're just an other culture, cuz If I were to see that crap here in south tex, I would laugh......... And I get it.... I have friends that have that look.... I sport the scruffy beard, and hair a mess, but you can also do it, and be normal...(and shower.. smell good)... I'm basically just talking about those people that look like absolute clowns or bums off the street supporting the cause, when they're obviously have more problems than just wanting weed legalized.... Maybe they were abused as a child....or maybe they just ended up doing other drugs besides just weed, and have killed several billion brain cells

go eat a fried goat ass taco with swamp sauce. step back, llok at the size of the world an realise your opinion is worth the same as any other creature on this globe... problem is nobody cares what fish or cows think. you don't have enough human qualitites for me to imagine anthropomorphizing you. your opinion of hippies is moo, like the opnion of a cow it means nothing. now go masturbate to some animal torture porn you proto-human... thing.
Why would you let some thing so petty bother you?

That is the prob with peeps.Any stupid thing is an opportunity to bitch and moan.How can you let how another person chooses to do things bother you so much?That is more pathetic than not brushing your grill.

Stop putting yourself through dumb shit.....it'll make you old before your time.
Drugs do have a noticable effect on people. It does not, however change how you are. Living, and especially growing up in a schizophrenically abusive environment changes who you are. SO yeah. Give those abused people healing and I promise, they won't turn into hippies. You really don't know what you're talking about. I'm gonna wager you weren't born before it hit.

There's lots of effects various drugs can have on your personality, especially when administered at a young age. I first started smoking marijuana only a year ago but it has changed my personality immensely (in good ways, of course, but nevertheless). But I do agree that marijuana is harmless. Other drugs may not be (cocaine, mdma, meth, etc.). Not that I wouldn't do molly :)