First closet grow...NEED help!!!


Well-Known Member
My 3 plants are 6 weeks old and growing under 6 cfls in my closet, it's just a first grow for fun and personal use and it has been a great experience so far, the biggest is 8 inches and the other two are 5.5-6 inches, they get 18 hours of light at temp 85 and a fan 18 hours a day,the closet is next to the window so ventilation is great, medium is miracle grow mixed with perlite and a bit of orchid mix. I feed them a small amount of miracle grow 24 8 16 once a week but they seem to love it when i water them with the orchid mix water after soaking for 24-48 hours. I will be transplanting into bigger containers but i want some opinions from the good souls before i do anything.

my questions:
1 what nutes should i be using
2 when should i flower
3 will they be shoing sex soon


Well-Known Member
Temps running a lil tooo high....8 inches and bushy or 8 inches and skinny??.............this is why we really need pictures..

If your plants pop as seedings out of the dirt 6 weeks ago you can start nutes now.......I love Fox Farm nutes but you may end up having problems with most nutes because you are using a soil that already has nutes in......the magic weed elf told me to never use Miracle Grow on my plants I did for about 2 weeks really watered down but ehh I wouldnt do it again.....the lights sounds good.
Flower it really depends on your max amount of space...a few more weeks of maturity etc....they dont truly show sex until a week or so into flower and varies based upon strain..

Farmer Joe

Well-Known Member
fox farm nutes good...i agree that the temp is too high, i go no higher than around 75. have you topped any of them??


Well-Known Member
thank you so much for such quick help!!!
i had to resize my pics and it's all good now.....often updates,
ok, so fox farms then, i went to their web site but i dont know wich product and can i order a good soil from them too? wich one......i'm ready to move them to bigger containers and i want to use better soil this time
the lights are 5 daylights and 1 softlight, i read they like a bit of softlight during veg and the other way around during flower, my closet is kind of small and i dont wanna run a huge electric bill so it'll be cfl all the way, i figure since it's just for personal use I'll clone a female( hope for a least 1) and grow 2 or 3 at a the way, they are only 6 weeks old and my room already smells yum yum yum yum yum ....delicioso
thanks again for sharing the wisdom



Well-Known Member
Wow good job!!!! Very nice!!! especially since you have only been giving them miracle grow lol lol

I use Fox Farm Grow Big, Big Bloom Tiger Bloom and Botainicare's Liquid Karma...I dont use these all at once you can consult my grow journal for friend if you dont want those to be monster you need to have a plan in the 2-3 weeks to you have a lot of vertical space? lol lol from your description i didnt expect them to be so big lol lol


Well-Known Member
have I topped any of them? what do you mean by that? I'm sorry it's just my first grow.... and can i just water the plants without any nutes to water them down and then transplant to the better soil? and by the way my miracle grow stuff will be just for my vegetable garden, I'm glad i only gave them a very little amount and just twice and the soil was 50% miracle grow organic 25% perlite and 25% orchid mix, their stems are thick and grow in front of my eyes, they are some facinating plants.....


Well-Known Member
have I topped any of them? what do you mean by that? I'm sorry it's just my first grow.... and can i just water the plants without any nutes to water them down and then transplant to the better soil? and by the way my miracle grow stuff will be just for my vegetable garden, I'm glad i only gave them a very little amount and just twice and the soil was 50% miracle grow organic 25% perlite and 25% orchid mix, their stems are thick and grow in front of my eyes, they are some facinating plants.....
I know....its pretty cool huh like watchin a baby grow...topping is where you basically cut the top top off your plant to make it branch out 2x look it up you should do it to your fat lil bushes...


Well-Known Member
vertical space is not an issue since it's my closet, i'd say about 6 feet and thanks for the compliments, i'll have more pics tomorrow and i will go and order those nuts tonight.......thanks again for the help

Farmer Joe

Well-Known Member
i top em regardless of whether vert space is an issue--instead of 1 top cola you can go for several


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
first id recommend giving them 24 hrs of lighting untill there about 5-6 weeks old. Than id switch to 18/6 but idk its up to you some growers are differant. besides that everything looks great. :joint:


Well-Known Member
i'm in the middle of researching "Topping" and I will do it this weekend when i have read enough and yes they were on 24 hours ubtill they were about a month and they've been on 18-6 for about 2 1/2 weeks nos, they are almost 7 weeks old now
thanks a lot you guys


Well-Known Member
hey guys i just got my vegetable seeds and they sent me some Rootblast samples, is this something I wanna try with my babies or not.....
thanks a lot for your time


Well-Known Member
Make sure the light is no more than 3 inches away, and how often do u water? I see a bit of curling, if you read my journal that was caused from under watering. So be careful it killed my lady :-(

Other than that looking good.


Well-Known Member
Robbie, I read your whole journal and now i remember that, I water them every other day or when the soil does not feel moist anymore.....
How long until your havest is ready to smoke?....


Well-Known Member
i guess i can get that, i'm getting my nutes tomorrow or the day after so I 'll get one, and what do you think about the rooblast stuff


Well-Known Member
as a matter of fact, i'm getting ready to transplant to big pots so any suggestions on what soil?, i made the mistake of using miracle grow when i planted my seedlings and i wanna give them a better final home.......