[FONT="]I did it again with my second post. I might just have to look into changing browsers (use FF but same problem anywho). I’m going to write my posts up in Mword first, from now on. Try and go back a page I dare you![/FONT]
Good point on the easy switch out between pump + accumulator to AA. Just need a nice quiet compressor (got that link?/model #?/ and or price?), nozzles, couple new lines, anything else big required for the change? I have heard of quiet air compressors, just never witnessed one. I’ve heard many compressors in my time and none of them pass as quiet to me. I have never gotten to hear one of these probably pricier and silent dental air compressors and such. Must admit as I have heard people say they exist. I’ll do some research on that. Probably be nice to go High PSI in that application as well just for the head room again. I’m not that concerned about the price to be honest. [/FONT]
I had calculated my last “dream room” out to around 7k-8k with startup and mortgage/utilities for first 3 months. My last estimate on a similar room on A+P HPA style was around 9k-11k, lots of options. That doesn’t include the 35k down payment, but I digress. What is 1k-3k to be able to convert to a fraction of a second HP ~50µ, NASA approved system? Can only imagine the system will quickly pay for the small difference. I mean running drain to waste, instead of dumping my multiple 50+ gal tanks when I change up my nute sauce. Not to mention any possible g/w difference. I’m a DIY as well so that price difference is likely to come down. Already been crawling CL for odds and ends. And my last money saving difference, I’m about to run out of my precious HGB until next harvest in 3 weeks. Was asking around for a similar quality in my area, and was quoted 240 for a half OZ. That’s like fucking robbery man. Didn’t know it was that bad out there, always have my own. Always let my close friends take a ½ off me for 120. Surprised none of them are trying to sell that shit lol. Just no supply to be heard of, unless you like breaking apart bricks of schwag. Oh I bought that sack too for 240. I hate harvesting early.[/FONT]
Bummer and than 360 to awesomeness on the comp man. Blowing on electronics has worked since the dawn of electronics for me. All started with those damn Nintendo cartridges for me. Then super Nintendo, n64, etc… If that doesn’t work you can always go with the more technical approach of the reverse drop theory. I like to build pc’s as well. Upgraded my i5 to i7, once the Sandy bridge recall was over. Wish I would have had the foresight a year ago to get the 3d version of my plasma. I now have way more gaming/HTPC then TV. 8g ram, 2 GTX 460’s for 2GB GDDR5. I hate it when there is seating issues in components or something when you go to turn on PC on for the first time. Had to go as far as flashing some new 3rd party homebrew/firmware to get two components to get along with each other one time. Made me look like a tool too, since I was building it for a friend.
[FONT="]PetFlora forgive me as I forgot to give thanks to you as well, in my first post. I’ve read many of your posts as well and am glad you have been able to dial in your system[/FONT]

[FONT="]. I appreciate all the knowledge I’ve learned from what you’ve shared. [/FONT]
FTW is For The Win. I started out as a hempy grower. That got old when I had to water almost daily in late flowering. So now I like to think of it as Hemp For The Win. Or you can call me Hempy and I am for the win haha. Thanks for the heads up, that’s exactly why I wanted to post the idea before I got build crazy. I think I’ll go with that and start with a row of 3 for the first run. Although it might all depend once I get to play around with the pod and a couple sprayers when the system is set up. I’ll wait to cut any holes! I plan on making my pod out of weather treated 2”x4”s then insulation and such covered by pond liner. Maybe a plexiglass lid if I’m feeling crazy. I guess if I’m really feeling crazy I could just fiberglass the whole thing. I’ve made some custom subwoofer enclosures out of the stuff before. Sure I could make a big old pod. (Did a quick search on that, says pools lined with fiberglass don’t leach any chemicals. Will look more into that)[/FONT]
Another thing I was thinking about depending on sprayers and such. I might like to divide the chamber up into quadrants or something with a very fine mesh that will hopefully be breathable but keep the roots somewhat separate where they get their own sprayer/environment. Again it will all depend on the sprayers and solenoid/timer setup.[/FONT]
I’m thinking this method will fit well with high number SOG though. They say that the internode spacing is closer and they don’t stretch as much. I would think that could translate to a very dense high quantity single cola canopy. I’ll have to see how horizontal the root structures tend to grow when putting 8”-12” freshly rooted clones in for 12/12. Thanks again guys for the heads up! Might just save me in my quest for those beautiful hairy roots. [/FONT]
Didn’t get to work this in anyway… But I’m totally jealous you get to use the sun TB. Would be more ideal if you had a greenhouse, but either way, I’m sure you’ll be able to get awesome results.[/FONT]