Well-Known Member
the harm? you are putting the cart before the horse. that is the harm.
the way to find the new "sustainable energy" isnt to choke off the only energy we can currently use.
its to exploit the energy to get smarter, faster, more efficient.
we didnt stop logging in order to find kerosene.
we didnt smash all the tv tubes in order to invent the transistor.
we didnt kill all the horses to invent the car.
we didnt outlaw carburators in order to invent fuel injection.
and we damn sure cant cut off energy by driving prices so high nobody but the elite can afford it in order to invent the next renewable energy.
not unless you think rolling blackouts are a step in the right direction.
your way of thinking only cuts down our ability to fuel the future. it certainly doesnt enhance it.
its more expensive to mine copper, coal, plutonium, steel, oil etc. that doesnt help anyone who is working on inventing the next best thing. it only makes it more difficult to find long term solutions.
it might make you feel better, but it doesnt help.
and if you are an indoor grower....you can go fuck yourself. you have no right to tell anyone to cut down on power...that is unless yourrunning your grow with a windmill. and we know your not.
we did however, smash all the incandescent bulbs so we can now use the poison ones with all the mercury in it. and that is just a stupid idea. almost bordering on ethanol.....real fucking stupid. but i am glad it made you libs feel better for a couple years.
where did i say cut off existing, necessary energy supplies? if you can find where i said that and quote it, i will send you a free quarter. no kidding, i really will.
and i don't mean the quarter that goes into the gum ball machine

these new sustainable, clean energies are going to be the future. why sit back and wait? why set a goal of 2030 to do this or that, when we are fucking americans that can do it much quicker?
caveat: we can't maintain that trademark american awesomeness as long as we keep cutting education, especially math and sciences.
why wait for china to make the next big break through?
if not us, who? if not now, when?