New NASA Data Blows Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism

HOLD ON A SECOND HERE!!! Tobacco kills 100,000 times more people per year than Global climate change does. Why haven't we banned Tobacco yet?

Dude I kinda ask that question myself...but hey its a money maker!!! them 'good ole boys" would hunt you down....I think anyone who smokes cigarettes in this day in age is foolish and needs least to get away from that addictive thing..
Theres no money in climate change, or is there? If they figure out a way to make us pay, you can bet that every year will be a little hotter than the last and the global climate change will be with us forever.
i will be picking up some soil and perlite today and doing some cloning of the outdoor plants. mainly near the bottom, as some are now threatening to hit the ground.

after that, i have to go to my buddies house and hang some lights for him (he is not able to himself).

then, i am taking the wife to les miserables downtown.

i do still plan to post a little around here, but just want to make sure to let everyone know i am being productive.

still no calls about the a/c unit though. :cry:
perlite has been acquired. now time to sit in the humid greenhouse and clone for a few hours.

beer helps, but only if mixed with frequent water breaks for hydration.

i need to get a little high first before i start.


edit: and now i am high.
its about energy and resource waste.. resources on earth are not finite...there's a certain amount of resources (one being coal) in the earth, no matter how good we get at extracting resources like coal. if you took the earth and broke it up into piles of it's constituent components, there would be X amount of coal. the amount we can use will always be kX where k< time to think on every level how to save this planet for our childrens children...

There are 1000's of things worse than a light bulb, the argument that they waste energy and resources is dense. I agree that cfl's save energy and resources, I don't agree the government should mandate what kind you use. You're allowing the government to mandate your choices because you agree with the outcome, that will not always be the case. I choose to use cfl's on my own because the light is about the same, they last way longer and it helps save power considering I run a HPS bulb. Its my personal choice. Its not something that should be forced upon you by a "free" country. I have a feeling a lot of people on here would flip if they made HPS bulbs illegal. Does it make any sense they banned residential use of 60w bulbs but its ok to run the 1000w ones? So instead of telling me they save power, tell me why its ok for the government to make choices for me.
first batch of clones done: mostly god bud with a few WMDs mixed in.

hydration break, and then more cloning.
Dude you can't be this stupid to keep missing a point...ok one more time...IT TAKES MORE ENERGY AND RESOURCES TO RUN THE WORLD ON INCANDESCENT BULBS THEN FLORO'S....and in fact you put more mercury in the world by burning coal to make incandescent bulbs work when you flip that switch in your home ... you can't argue this..its fact read this whole page I linked...If you still hate floro come back and tell me why, but read the fact street first

i dont hate floro at all. i use them in several rooms of my house.

i hate pinheads who, by placing bans on things, like books, bulbs, pot, etc and think they are saving the world.

fact is, you havent reduced the amount of coal being burned. you have certainly reduced the number of heroic people who mine it in this country. but its use is skyrocketing.

you have also reduced the number of loggers in this country by lying about things like spotted owls.

but keep banning stuff. freedom and liberty are not a part of youor lexicon
There are 1000's of things worse than a light bulb, the argument that they waste energy and resources is dense. I agree that cfl's save energy and resources, I don't agree the government should mandate what kind you use. You're allowing the government to mandate your choices because you agree with the outcome, that will not always be the case. I choose to use cfl's on my own because the light is about the same, they last way longer and it helps save power considering I run a HPS bulb. Its my personal choice. Its not something that should be forced upon you by a "free" country. I have a feeling a lot of people on here would flip if they made HPS bulbs illegal. Does it make any sense they banned residential use of 60w bulbs but its ok to run the 1000w ones? So instead of telling me they save power, tell me why its ok for the government to make choices for me.

what the numbskulls fail to realize that their electricity is about to be metered. so when you hps kicks on, there will be someone there to see why. already happening in places where the so called "smart" meters are being installed.

face it, liberals are so insecure about their own being they want to tell everyone else how to live.
what the numbskulls fail to realize that their electricity is about to be metered. so when you hps kicks on, there will be someone there to see why. already happening in places where the so called "smart" meters are being installed.

face it, liberals are so insecure about their own being they want to tell everyone else how to live.

I have one, they are smart enough to know exactly what you're doing.

Ya, and Liberals love free speech unless they disagree with
I have one, they are smart enough to know exactly what you're doing.

Ya, and Liberals love free speech unless they disagree with

well keep us posted on what they are doing with the thing. i will be interested in kowing how far they have gone with it. interesting implications.

but dont worry, its only there to protect you....
nope. further research will show that they became common about 2 years before the bill made incandescent illegal.

we were already moving away. then some nitwit says do away with the bulbs.

it has accomplished nothing accept putting more mercury in our houses and businesses and enviroment. every single merc bulb is broken. it pollutes wherever it lands. read the advisory from maine. that doesnt sound like cleaning up a normal thing.
seriously read it very good. thats what the state of maine is telling you to do with it if it breaks

that sounds like an epa procedure.

and that doesnt even consider the effects on the poor.

at least we dont have inflation.....

but apparently that doesnt bother the lead paint crowd or the tree huggers. or the keynsians. they are good with everything

So if this is true, this is the second case argued on RIU that I have found to follow this trait (lead in paint was the first). It seems that as soon as the market starts a new and better product, the government follows a little while behind with a legal mandate. Then, the pro-regulation tout it as a government regulated victory over the incompetent market. Annoying....
the show was good, my wife loved it. me, not so much, but it wasn't as bad as some i've been to.

i need to do some transplanting right now.

just making sure to let the mod know i m being productive between posts in the politics forum.
the show was good, my wife loved it. me, not so much, but it wasn't as bad as some i've been to.

i need to do some transplanting right now.

just making sure to let the mod know i m being productive between posts in the politics forum.
Good job UB...very important to keep the Lady happy... helps towards a happy home ( and a good dinner being made at times)...I once place a "Hersey Kiss" by wifes pillow as she slept with a note saying " so you can taste the kiss I gave you as you slept"...yes silly and kinda lame, but dude that one little piece of candy got me breakfast in bed the next day, a big azz dinner with all my favorites and a nice massage later that night..
Good job UB...very important to keep the Lady happy... helps towards a happy home ( and a good dinner being made at times)...I once place a "Hersey Kiss" by wifes pillow as she slept with a note saying " so you can taste the kiss I gave you as you slept"...yes silly and kinda lame, but dude that one little piece of candy got me breakfast in bed the next day, a big azz dinner with all my favorites and a nice massage later that night..

chanice kobalowski has promised me an extra special blowjob later tonight.

she has an account here, but has not posted yet. i hope when she does, she does not see this one.