First Grow - 2 x 1000w


Well-Known Member
Edit: Well wait, so if I need to flush them should I wait til the soil dries out a little? I just watered them yesterday and the soil is still pretty wet.


Well-Known Member
I'm here, keep your calm man, get us some pictures under a white light, like a 6500k bulb or a floro tube light.
I want to see these leaves under white light.


Well-Known Member
Hey dubbz I found this on a plant sickness guide on another site... maybe you could try it... I will link you the whole thread..its came in handy a couple times....

Solution to fixing a Molybdenum deficiency
One way to fix a Molybdenum deficiency is to foliar spray with Molybdenum, like Miracle Grow All Purpose plant food and Miracle Grow: Tomato Plant Food. These can also be used to mix in with water as well. (Only mixing at ½ strength when using chemical nutrients, or it will cause nutrient burn!)Other nutrients that have Molybdenum in them are: I think Peters All Purpose Plant food does, as well as Greensand, Lime. Green sand and lime is slow/medium absorption, while Peters All Purpose Plant Food is fast absorption. The moly pics are a few post down.. but looks just like urs... ( hope I dont get in trouble for linking another grow site.. O well your worth my lashings sir LOL)


Well-Known Member
IMO, I still dont think thats a Molybdenum problem, thats a classic Mg and Potassium (K) deficiency. Those leaves are not burnt Dubz, the plant has sucked the life out of them because its deficient and thats why the leaves fall off. Trust me when I tell you that plant is not nute burned!!!! From the pics you just post there is no way its nute burned. Do not flush her bro, wait till her medium is dried out before doing anything. If you just fed her yesterday and then flush her today you will be adding water stress to your plant, thats not good. Keep an eye on her and see what yesterday's feeding does to her. IMO your plant looks hungry and not burnt at all! Chill and get some rest. I passed out on my couch and just woke up with a damn stiff neck....LOL Have a good night and we will attack this problem tomorrow! The buds are forming nicely on that plant!!! She is not BURNED!!!

Nothing but love for you bro!!!




Well-Known Member
My bad fellas. It's getting close to my move date and I've been out of smoke for two days. Then the added stress of these plants everything just got to me. Normally I smoke a bowl and everything is "normal".

I'm here, keep your calm man, get us some pictures under a white light, like a 6500k bulb or a floro tube light.
I want to see these leaves under white light.
Those pics are the best I can do CI. It's under a CFL and thats all I have in my house. I thought those pics really captured their true state. That's exactly how they look in person (except for the blue looking buds lol)

Hey dubbz I found this on a plant sickness guide on another site... maybe you could try it... I will link you the whole thread..its came in handy a couple times.... The moly pics are a few post down.. but looks just like urs... ( hope I dont get in trouble for linking another grow site.. O well your worth my lashings sir LOL)
haha Has anyone told you they loved you today? jk jk but damn I'll take lashings for you any day of the week too! :lovefest:

I have that same page bookmarked. That's where I got the info about the red leaves and also the idea of foliar feeding. My lights just went down so I mixed up a foliar spray and let them have it. I used water, 2.5ml of cal/mag and 1/4 tsp of the humic acid. If I'm out later I may grab the MG tomato plant food to give it a whirl.

IMO, I still dont think thats a Molybdenum problem, thats a classic Mg and Potassium (K) deficiency. Those leaves are not burnt Dubz, the plant has sucked the life out of them because its deficient and thats why the leaves fall off. Trust me when I tell you that plant is not nute burned!!!! From the pics you just post there is no way its nute burned. Do not flush her bro, wait till her medium is dried out before doing anything. If you just fed her yesterday and then flush her today you will be adding water stress to your plant, thats not good. Keep an eye on her and see what yesterday's feeding does to her. IMO your plant looks hungry and not burnt at all! Chill and get some rest. I passed out on my couch and just woke up with a damn stiff neck....LOL Have a good night and we will attack this problem tomorrow! The buds are forming nicely on that plant!!! She is not BURNED!!!

Nothing but love for you bro!!!


It's like I was reading your mind. I ended up going straight to bed lol Damn was I trippin or what? ugh... What a stressful day that I'm glad is over holy shit. Thanks for hanging in there with me though. Hope your neck is better today.


Well-Known Member
If it makes you feel better, I havent smoked any bud in exactly 29 days....I been looking for employment so I need to clean myself up. I deal with stressful days by doing some physical activities and getting out of the house. Go for a walk or ride a bike. You would be surprised how doing physical activities wipes out stress. I got to take my kids home tonight so I will be back on later. Just remember that there is someone out there who has it worse than you my man.




Well-Known Member
lolz i always find working stress full,, might be something wrong with me tho hahaa, or am just lazy ><


Well-Known Member
Damn I might lose my mind if I went that long lol. You're right though... there are people out there with it much worse than me. That's not always the easiest thing to think about when being caught up in the moment though.

I need to run to this local dispensary and see what they have going on. I've never been to one before and they are popping up all over the metro Detroit area right now. May as well get an idea of how this all works.

Enjoy the ride with your kids bro. I'll be on later as well. Peace mang


Active Member
Dispensaries are dope. Be careful and check out a couple, as most of them are very different from each other. I am confident you will find one.


Well-Known Member
Picked up some Larry OG Kush last night and this shit gives you a real heavy stone effect. The good thing about having herb like this is that I won't smoke as much. It's definitely not my favorite type of buzz, but it's alright. I did have a few funny ideas pop into my head but thats about it lol

I got some well needed sleep and am already up for the day (7am). Normally I'm going to bed right now, but I'm up and deciding if I should feed my girls or flush them then feed.

This is why I'm torn on what to do:

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It's the downward canoeing that has me thinking flush. There are also deficiencies which are making me lean towards feeding. I need to make a decision but could use a few more opinions. If you all agree that a flush is not needed then I will feed with nutes. What do ya think? I'm frickin torn...


Well-Known Member
Picked up some Larry OG Kush last night and this shit gives you a real heavy stone effect. The good thing about having herb like this is that I won't smoke as much. It's definitely not my favorite type of buzz, but it's alright. I did have a few funny ideas pop into my head but thats about it lol

I got some well needed sleep and am already up for the day (7am). Normally I'm going to bed right now, but I'm up and deciding if I should feed my girls or flush them then feed.

This is why I'm torn on what to do:

View attachment 1715024View attachment 1715025

It's the downward canoeing that has me thinking flush. There are also deficiencies which are making me lean towards feeding. I need to make a decision but could use a few more opinions. If you all agree that a flush is not needed then I will feed with nutes. What do ya think? I'm frickin torn...
mornin son! im super jealous that you have dispensaries up there. Here in my desert hell hole they wil lets us grow and smoke, but they say that dispensaries are still illegal, so they are asking teh Federal prosecutors to help......

"Let Az govern it self, stay out of Arizonas law making...........Oh ya, but can you tell s how to govern MMJ???"
they are keeping the drug cartels in the weed business like this...but the funy things is, id rather deal with a Juarez cartel weed dealer than a Az lawdog.......if my state didnt have fine ass mexicans chicks and AMAZING Mexican food id live in COlorado or something.....

what are they selling 1/8s for in yr local dispensaries?

wish i knew more so that i could help. I have started using Evian every 2nd watering to help with possible Cal/Mag def..... a buddy said its pretty fucking smart to do soo, have you tried that at all?


Well-Known Member
Clawing can be because of too much "N" or can be Root Bound too. I dont think you are over doing it with "N". Your plants might be root bound which means they out grew their container.

Just remember this about your plant.....YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SMOKE THE FAN LEAVES, FOCUS ON THE BUDS! Thats what you are going to be smoking!!!! Your buds on that plant look oh so good and its already passed 5 weeks if I remember correctly. Yeah your plant is not 100% on track but as long the buds still growing and developing nicely who cares man. You only have about 3-4 weeks left and depending how you finish a plant, the last 2 weeks will be flushing and plain water. Dont let it stresss you out bro over clawing fan leaves....your need to look pass them fan leaves and look at your plants sweet spots.....their BUD SITES!!!!!!

Bro that plants buds sites look so great man stop tripping. Check out my 1st grow in my signature and you will see how bad the clawing got on my plant and how yellow the plant was through out the grow but take a look at the end result of my 1st grow and you will see what really counts. Check skim through and look at my plant called "MamaDude"




Well-Known Member
mornin son! im super jealous that you have dispensaries up there. Here in my desert hell hole they wil lets us grow and smoke, but they say that dispensaries are still illegal, so they are asking teh Federal prosecutors to help......

"Let Az govern it self, stay out of Arizonas law making...........Oh ya, but can you tell s how to govern MMJ???"
they are keeping the drug cartels in the weed business like this...but the funy things is, id rather deal with a Juarez cartel weed dealer than a Az lawdog.......if my state didnt have fine ass mexicans chicks and AMAZING Mexican food id live in COlorado or something.....

what are they selling 1/8s for in yr local dispensaries?

wish i knew more so that i could help. I have started using Evian every 2nd watering to help with possible Cal/Mag def..... a buddy said its pretty fucking smart to do soo, have you tried that at all?
Mornin! Actually I passed on the dispensary and went with craigslist again lol I've had luck with these guys before so I gave them another try. There are a shit load of dispensaries popping every day over here. It's cool, but it's almost an overkill. The dispensaries prices are kind of high but their menu vast. Your problem wouldn't be their prices, it would most likely be which bud you want. 1/8's can go from 40 to 65 dollars here. I paid 55 for this larry og kush from a dude on CL. Not too bad...

I've never heard of Evian. I use Humboldt Nutrients Equilibrium (cal/mag). My issues stem from having bad ph from the beginning. I'm just starting to see how important ph really is. Early on I found some guy claiming that ph wasn't that big of a deal and argued some good points. I guess I always had that stuck in my head so I didn't pay much attention to it. Now I know that ph is KEY and that guy is a douchebag :)


Well-Known Member
Clawing can be because of too much "N" or can be Root Bound too. I dont think you are over doing it with "N". Your plants might be root bound which means they out grew their container.

Just remember this about your plant.....YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SMOKE THE FAN LEAVES, FOCUS ON THE BUDS! Thats what you are going to be smoking!!!! Your buds on that plant look oh so good and its already passed 5 weeks if I remember correctly. Yeah your plant is not 100% on track but as long the buds still growing and developing nicely who cares man. You only have about 3-4 weeks left and depending how you finish a plant, the last 2 weeks will be flushing and plain water. Dont let it stresss you out bro over clawing fan leaves....your need to look pass them fan leaves and look at your plants sweet spots.....their BUD SITES!!!!!!

Bro that plants buds sites look so great man stop tripping. Check out my 1st grow in my signature and you will see how bad the clawing got on my plant and how yellow the plant was through out the grow but take a look at the end result of my 1st grow and you will see what really counts. Check skim through and look at my plant called "MamaDude"


LOL... I have too much time on my hands bro. THAT is all that's wrong here!!

I think you're right about both things though. Too much N makes sense since I was feeding HB Verde well into the 2nd-3rd week of flower (16-2-5). Also, yesterday I was looking over my girls and noticed a nice sized root running across the top of the soil. Seems like they ran out of room in their pots.

I'm going to chill, but c'mon... what started me tripping was the leaves turning red!

Going to look at your first grow...


Well-Known Member
LOL... I have too much time on my hands bro. THAT is all that's wrong here!!

I think you're right about both things though. Too much N makes sense since I was feeding HB Verde well into the 2nd-3rd week of flower (16-2-5). Also, yesterday I was looking over my girls and noticed a nice sized root running across the top of the soil. Seems like they ran out of room in their pots.

I'm going to chill, but c'mon... what started me tripping was the leaves turning red!

Going to look at your first grow...

Ya im not sure i would feel safe buying herd off CL....some guy got robbed in Phoenix and had to shoot his way out.
You just hit someone up on CL and meet up? seem sdagerous ESPECIALLY for Detroit.... that where that Reality show RoboCop was filmed......LOTS of bad guys and robot safe man seems liek acrazy place..... FUCK OCP!

Sorry JUST saw that movie last night lol....


Well-Known Member
I was born and raised in Detroit so I've seen some crazy shit. I've been robbed at gun point, not over a drug deal but still scary as fuck. I got caught at a red light in the wrong part of the D and a dude ran up on me and put a gun in my face. Jacked me for my wallet and cell phone. Now I legally carry and conceal. How that plays out with the medical marijuana program I'm not exactly sure. Most times if I have herb on me, I don't have my gun. If I'm going to meet someone on CL, they are the ones that are usually worried. They always ask to meet in a public place, not some dark alley lol

I will say this though, Detroit is getting worse and worse.


Well-Known Member
I was born and raised in Detroit so I've seen some crazy shit. I've been robbed at gun point, not over a drug deal but still scary as fuck. I got caught at a red light in the wrong part of the D and a dude ran up on me and put a gun in my face. Jacked me for my wallet and cell phone. Now I legally carry and conceal. How that plays out with the medical marijuana program I'm not exactly sure. Most times if I have herb on me, I don't have my gun. If I'm going to meet someone on CL, they are the ones that are usually worried. They always ask to meet in a public place, not some dark alley lol

I will say this though, Detroit is getting worse and worse.
well stay safe man

Ya i carry as well, to many Mexican gangbangers about these parts to not have one. PLus 99% of all vets i kno whave guns, so i wanted to be cool

Never had a problem though, im a pretty big guy and i look FAR meaner than i really am. Its my disguise.


Well-Known Member
haha well I'm definitely not a big guy and I live alone in a shitty neighborhood. My house was robbed two years ago so to keep me and my son safe I decided it would be best to get my license to carry :)