Got busted again!! Few questions???


Active Member
I recieved a phone call about half hour ago from my mate saying that the police have raided his house and are waiting there for him to return (he was informed by a neighbor). We only planted the cuttings a week ago, there is 25 plants all in 5L pots in a 1.2 x 1.2 x 2m growtent, as far as i know my mate has now handed himself in and owned up to it. Does anybody know if the police will do any finger print or dna tests on the gear as my prints may be on it, and will it even matter if he takes the blame.



Active Member
Fingerprints and DNA are not going to be done for a grow, less you killed a person or two to use as fertilizer. Lol. His house, they hav him in custody. Unless he points to you they won't even know you were involved. Possession is 9/10'ths of the law. I would feel bad that my friend caught the heat, but at the same time, if I got caught, I wouldn't point to anyone else and take full responsibility.


Well-Known Member
It's not worth both of you doing time. Not my house, not my plants, not my problem, sounds dickish bc he's your boy but that's the risk you take.


Active Member
Just seen my mate he handed himself in and was out half hour later, the police said they were so busy with all the rioting thats been going on that they just interviewed him and said they'll post a summons to court in next couple of days lol, he said they were having a laugh and didnt seem to give a shit about the plants and the only reason he was raided was a warrant for the arrest of the previous owner of the house.
Thanks for the posts.


Well-Known Member
wow thats a BS warrent.. they suspected shit.. was it Legal at all? like any med cards? or was it 100% illegal as in you were not supposed to have even 1 plant