What you don't know about Gaddafi

.S. Can’t Stop Chinese Missile; No Tests ‘Til 2014

The U.S. Navy can’t stop China’s most sophisticated anti-ship missile — and won’t even start testing a defense until 2014.
"Most anti-ship cruise missiles fly below the speed of sound and on a straight path, making them easier to track and target," notes Bloomberg News‘ Tony Capaccio. Not China’s so-called "Sizzler" missile, already aboard eight Kilo-class submarines.
The Sizzler starts at subsonic speeds. Within 10 nautical miles of its target, a rocket-propelled warhead separates and accelerates to three times the speed of sound, flying no more than 10 meters (33 feet) above sea level. On final approach, the missile ‘has the potential to perform very high defensive maneuvers,’ including sharp-angled dodges, the Office of Naval Intelligence said in a manual on worldwide maritime threats.
The Navy doesn’t have a test target that can mimic how the Sizzler flies. They haven’t even "picked a contractor to develop the test target," Capaccio notes. Industry proposals for building the target missile were received in February and a contract valued at about
$107 million will be awarded by Oct. 1 for a 54-month development phase and first fielding by 2014."
Doesn't matter who created us, who did we kick out when we fought for our shit, not only kick out but whoop there so called best regiment at that time.

And the FACT you THINK we are doing there dirty work is funny.

I need real proof or this is all bull shit. Like Links to facts on even records saying so.. Other wise man you are just another paranoid conspiracy nut.

Oh dear...another idiot who requires proof or he labels "conspiracy theory"......grow up.
Why would you like Obama when he is clearly playing into the hands of the corporates, how does he being in power help you? Also stop thinking that Europeans are pussies, they were responsible for war long before your country was ever created by them same Europeans, or do you forget that?

Crusades.......real fighting by real men, not dropping bombs from 11,000ft or drones that "target align" smart bombs. White phosporous in Vietnam and again in Iraq....dirty shit brother, dirty shit!!

The difference between America and Europe is the latter knows better from more experience and in turn they have got you guys to do their dirty work unwittingly for so long now that America thinks it's free and self determining. bongsmilie

I'm not picking here by the way
Yea Europe,,Does have more experience in war,,,Also look how young the USA is compared,,,We were also the shit that the UK droped off in the America's,,,But I'm proud " The shit",,, fought the Elite and became independent,,,and have been A powerhouse ever sense. We a "SuperPower",,,Powerhouse...mother Fucker's!!!! LOL.
Yea Europe,,Does have more experience in war,,,Also look how young the USA is compared,,,We were also the shit that the UK droped off in the America's,,,But I'm proud " The shit",,, fought the Elite and became independent,,,and have been A powerhouse ever sense. We a "SuperPower",,,Powerhouse...mother Fucker's!!!! LOL.

Not for much longer, your decline began a while back and your demise as a superpower seems imminent. Look at other "empires" in history....at least they lasted more than a few generations......

Now that is something to LOL at...
Report is From February
Ghaddafi isnt going no where
He is surroounded

Albeit speculation this is what is being reported, your opinion is based on your own assumption of what you want to happen. I am merely highlighting what is being reported.



Either way nobody has tangible evidence that he is in Libya or Zimbabwe, we only have speculation.
I like how Obama wont show Osama bin laden's picture because its to gruesome and would offend the people of the middle east.

Meanwhile a Gaddafi is being dragged down the street bloodied with his guts barley attached.

We have video of Gaddafi on all the news channels yet we cant show 1 dead bodyof the man that started our 10 year military movement?

I smell bullshit...I am no conspiracy starter but i am open minded.. I really really really wish osama is dead but to me there is no proof.
Gaddafi wasn't really accepted in mainstream Islam. And he wasn't nearly as polarizing of a figure in the Muslim world as OBL was. There is no comparison in my book.
i don't see england here bashing us now.. why is that? because we whooped them. And white house? thats all it was back then a small white house lol. have fun with that man.

Lol, we did not "whoop" the English. The French and Scots-Irish from Appalachia saved our asses. If not for them we speak the Queens english.

Qaddafi was a convert, He was a Berber that went to Muslim school.
Willyßagseed;6498332 said:
Lol, we did not "whoop" the English. The French and Scots-Irish from Appalachia saved our asses. If not for them we speak the Queens english.

Qaddafi was a convert, he was not a true Muslim he was a Berber

Ghaddafi Died like a rat
Dragged from the sewer begging for his life then shot dead
I like how Obama wont show Osama bin laden's picture because its to gruesome and would offend the people of the middle east.

Meanwhile a Gaddafi is being dragged down the street bloodied with his guts barley attached.

We have video of Gaddafi on all the news channels yet we cant show 1 dead bodyof the man that started our 10 year military movement?

I smell bullshit...I am no conspiracy starter but i am open minded.. I really really really wish osama is dead but to me there is no proof.

NO the actual point is from start to finish. The bin laden raid was handled by proffesional warriors. Not an angry mob of cell phone camera weilding rebels.