The UK Growers Thread!

kevin murphy

New Member
lol...hows the uk growers today...all the grows producing fine buds i hope...finally got my signature working thanks to dst so my updates on there..been reading up on l.e.ds billy and they look like they might be gettin better and better


Well-Known Member
gonna get the cam out in the next few days to show you some real trees, got 2 livers in a 1.2x1.2mtr tent with a 600hps they had a 6-7wk veg and i repotted a week before 12/12 into 65ltr+ pots they already 10days into 12/12 n fucking huge already.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Still carrying me headache courtesy of the weekend. Had a nasty experience in work that near resulted in 30 eggs being thrown across the kitchen, picked up a tray from the box and lo and behlod on the next tray down was a spider bigger than the eggs themselves, must ave put a few pints of adrenalin through me in half a second, was shaking for a while afterwards. So big you could hear it as it ran across the cardboard. If there's one thing i hate more than sharks it's fucking spiders. Seems every hour or so i find a baby spider dangling from my, gonna crack before too long!

So that was my day :D

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Random question but ok. Typically moo but can be baa or oink if needs be. Not a fan myself largely because the majority of stuff you buy, well it's a litle bit of all of the animal, no thanks! Even faggots ent as nasty as things like pastrami can be. I've been trying to think of a source of income other than having to find local work as a means of supplying a good house, and i've been toying with the idea of building/buying a bunch of smokers and dryers. Figure there could be quite a market, that is to say enough to pay bills and mortgage, for things like genuine jerky, biltong, bacon, salami's etc. I have a few friends who've delved into it, one of em is the Bath Pig chorizo, that stuff simply shot off the ground. I reckon there could be a market for something more than Coan biltong. Fuck, if you could walk into a pub and get a bowl of fresh jerky/biltong with your pints it would kick some arse. Who wants to finance me and well, there would be copious amounts of ganja grown too :D let's start a self sufficient commune :D hehe. Me odl man was telling me all about Tot ness or however it's spelt, gonna have to get myself down there for a visit pronto

Minority reports a really fucking long film!


Well-Known Member
biltong is rough m8 fucking rough i went hunting in south africa a few yrs ago shot a huge deer type thingy called a blessbok i just wanted to shot something not eat it so i gave it to the workers and they made biltong out of alot of it fucking disgusting nastyness is biltong.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Absolutely nothing wrong wiht it. It's just dried beef :D tasty as fuck if done right :) Not too different to a salami or parma ham etc in concept. Maybe those bush nihga's have nop skillz. Not sure how i'd enjoy biltong made from a large deer though, that's gonna be tough and it's most likely gonna be one hell of a strong flavour, as is typical with most game anumals, i mean hell, i'm not a big fan of venison as it is :D flavour is too strong, biltong will only strenghten and deepen that flavour. How long did they take to do it? I don't enjoy it too much unless it's had at least 4 days in the drying process.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely nothing wrong wiht it. It's just dried beef :D tasty as fuck if done right :) Not too different to a salami or parma ham etc in concept. Maybe those bush nihga's have nop skillz. Not sure how i'd enjoy biltong made from a large deer though, that's gonna be tough and it's most likely gonna be one hell of a strong flavour, as is typical with most game anumals.
i thought it was dried/spiced any type of meat? they use to make it out of all different game animals, i didnt like it m8 after seeing it hung for good nows how long outside n the filth of south africa lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, beef is best :D Filth of south afria doesn't sound too appealing. I like the clean EHO and H&S environment of the local SA butchers place :D I've had great biltong and iv'e had shite i've thrown straight in the bin.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
He said "theck" not "threck" ya bleary eyed muppet, and i beleive if speaking English, the word 'does' would have been used :p You shall be known as the Pot :lol:


Well-Known Member
Lol shit nowt worse is they,............................... livers are doin amazin bro there growin quick as and the slh has cheered me up no end after losin the psyco
So did you CHECK your threads? lol


Well-Known Member
that's the word you made up ya drunken sausage :lol: he said "theck" which i would make an assumption to mean check :D
cheers for clearing that up ttt im new ya no get confused lol

anyway i been lurking whats going on with canada? u still going? i spent bout 2months living on a boat in a town called kingston bout 2-3hrs drive from toronto, real nice country and people too.