Texas Is Soo Fucking Archaic


the southern eastern states in general have a bunch of evil rebulican old men those catfish laws and all the other stupid little ones are just made up to disguise the big ones that go with there agenda


Well-Known Member
the southern eastern states in general have a bunch of evil rebulican old men those catfish laws and all the other stupid little ones are just made up to disguise the big ones that go with there agenda

actually, "noodling", or catching catfish by sticking your hand in a catfish hole, is the most dangerous profession in the country. those fish will sometimes drag you under and drown you. it is actually legitimate public safety concern.

texas just gave people the right to kill themselves more easily, which, if you ask me, is a good thing. i am all for letting social darwinism run rampant in texas.


Well-Known Member
Whats up guys and gals,

i was reading some online news sites and found that texas passed over 1500 laws to be enacted as of today...

i went over some of the laws and they are plain out stupid!:sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:

they spend motherfucking time voting on whether or not you can catch a fucking catfish with your hands rather then pass a medical marihuana bill to help out cancer patients and the like... that is soo fucking frustrating!

just thought i would vent a lil, since quite a few are "venting" now!

any thoughts
hey i heard we might get it this year,whats up? did u volunteer on the website n try to help out,plez let me know cuz i been trying to pass this law since this year.


Well-Known Member
Whats up guys and gals,

i was reading some online news sites and found that texas passed over 1500 laws to be enacted as of today...

i went over some of the laws and they are plain out stupid!:sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:

they spend motherfucking time voting on whether or not you can catch a fucking catfish with your hands rather then pass a medical marihuana bill to help out cancer patients and the like... that is soo fucking frustrating!

just thought i would vent a lil, since quite a few are "venting" now!

any thoughts
Well can you catch catfish with your hands?


I am alarmed how the government is soooo involved in makin laws for stupid little shit that ppl should obviously be able to do no questions ask an the man shouldnt b able to take these things away like gay marriage or bein able to smoke and posess a plant or catching a fish seriously people? were trillions of dollars in debt and chinas gonna own GM prtty soon and probaly more of america and this is what there doin? did you hear about how long it took them to figure out what defines a hot dog when they came out wuth the new food pyramid?


Well-Known Member
I am alarmed how the government is soooo involved in makin laws for stupid little shit that ppl should obviously be able to do no questions ask an the man shouldnt b able to take these things away like gay marriage or bein able to smoke and posess a plant or catching a fish seriously people? were trillions of dollars in debt and chinas gonna own GM prtty soon and probaly more of america and this is what there doin? did you hear about how long it took them to figure out what defines a hot dog when they came out wuth the new food pyramid?
yup china is giving us money, can anyone answer this q. how can we pass the law of marijuana in tx.