Whats Ron Pauls Jobs Plan

Thats not how banks work at all duke. They do not really pay out loans from the money they receive as deposits or profits. If they did this, no additional money would be created. What they do when they make loans is to accept promissory notes in exchange for credits to the borrowers' transaction accounts. Loans (assets) and deposits (liabilities) both rise. Reserves are unchanged by the loan transactions. But the deposit credits constitute new additions to the total deposits of the banking system.

Money is debt, someone elses debt had to come into existence for every dollar to come into existence.

AND is there a minimum reserve they must maintain by law?
Yes Or No
Yes, there is a Minimum reserve, but it doesn't matter what it is, the Bank can borrow from the fed at basically zero interest to keep its reserve ratio at the legal minimum. The bank never lends money it has, it creates all the money it lends.
Yes, there is a Minimum reserve, but it doesn't matter what it is, the Bank can borrow from the fed at basically zero interest to keep its reserve ratio at the legal minimum. The bank never lends money it has, it creates all the money it lends.

The reserve requirement (or cash reserve ratio) is a central bank regulation that sets the minimum reserves each commercial bank must hold (rather than lend out) of customer deposits and notes. It is normally in the form of cash stored physically in a bank vault (vault cash) or deposits made with a central bank.
The reserve requirement (or cash reserve ratio) is a central bank regulation that sets the minimum reserves each commercial bank must hold (rather than lend out) of customer deposits and notes. It is normally in the form of cash stored physically in a bank vault (vault cash) or deposits made with a central bank.

So what was your point with this? Do you have a point? Or are you just trying to impress us with how efficiently you can copy and paste part of a wiki article?
duke anthony. what is your take on the following:

-Fractional Reserve Banking.
-Bank Runs.
-M1, M2, MZM? If you have studied these numbers you would understand our monetary system is unsustainable.
-QE1, QE2, the soon to come QE3?
-What is your opinion on JP Morgan? They make 1-2% per transaction on EBT transactions. They also hold all the silver. In 2009 when there was a run on the silver, JPMorgan did not have it. what is your opinion?
-JP Morgan is one of the primary private shareholders of the Federal Reserve, what is your opinion on this?
-What's your opinion of the Fed being able to create their own profit?


-Have you read H.R. 1540? The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012. Have your read the section about rare earths? what's your opinion?
- How about Wachovia Laundering 378 billions dollars from 2004-2007 and paying only a 160 million dollar fine that was [1 / 2,362] of the crime itself? nobody was arrested?


But Really, you look like very uneducated when you try to defend a central banking system.

Think about this. The Fed only creates $1usd and they lend It to the US government. Explain to me how we pay interest.. example 10 cents, on that dollar, if that is the only dollar in circulation? it is absolutely impossible because that money to pay interest simply doesn't exist.

Get rid of the Fed and the IRS no longer collects a "federal income tax" from you. that goes directly to the pockets of the private shareholders of the Fed like I said before.
Which in turn eliminates any reason for an IRS.
The Federal Reserve is the biggest ponzi scheme of all time. They directly control our currency and have been fucking things up since 1913. They are the reason the great depression happened, along with every other financial mishap in the last 100 years. They are directly responsible for the jobs in this country.
duke anthony. what is your take on the following:

.......... They are directly responsible for the jobs in this country. [/B]
Its going to take a while for him to find an appropriate amount of Wiki articles and blogs to Copy and paste from to give you an answer.
10,687 likes, 288 retards
30 minutes is far too long to sit through and be proven wrong, instead he will go to bed and ignore this thread from here on out. Mark my words.
Dukeanthony - to put in short, Ron Pauls job plan is:

Give everyone more money and jobs

I pay taxes

Its the cost of living in a society
I understand rare earths and chinas Monopoly on them (carbide you left that out)
The Current administration is doing a good job of preventing the economy from collapsing
Ron Paul is a turtle fucking nut
There I have answered all your questions
I pay taxes

Its the cost of living in a society
I understand rare earths and chinas Monopoly on them (carbide you left that out)
The Current administration is doing a good job of preventing the economy from collapsing
Ron Paul is a turtle fucking nut
There I have answered all your questions

LOL, you didn't answer a single question presented to you in the whole thread.
I pay taxes

Its the cost of living in a society
I understand rare earths and chinas Monopoly on them (carbide you left that out)
The Current administration is doing a good job of preventing the economy from collapsing
Ron Paul is a turtle fucking nut
There I have answered all your questions
the current administration has and still is undermining the markets ability to heal itself
Ron Paul today gets asked what is his job plan, there ya go dukeanthony:

lol, this video was just posted up 6 hours ago but i see you beat me to the punch. at 7:15 he is asked in this video about his job policy.

lol, this video was just posted up 6 hours ago but i see you beat me to the punch. at 7:15 he is asked in this video about his job policy.


So he wants a Strong dollar to get people to buy American?
He wants to cut capital gains?
