The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Calling a grown black man a boy can be viewed as disrespectful and that what you're shooting for ???
Yeah, that's what Im shooting for... sheesh. You all need to grow a pair. Over sensitive, emotional little cry babys. It means that he is under somebody's thumb. He takes his orders from someone else. It means he is someone's BOY, black, white, yellow, brown, green or blue makes no difference to me. You don't know me and to infer that I am a racist just shows how desperate you are.
Your love affair with Obama is failing and your pissed, don't take it out on me because 7 out 10 think he sucks.


New Member
Yeah, that's what Im shooting for... sheesh. You all need to grow a pair. Over sensitive, emotional little cry babys. It means that he is under somebody's thumb. He takes his orders from someone else. It means he is someone's BOY, black, white, yellow, brown, green or blue makes no difference to me. You don't know me and to infer that I am a racist just shows how desperate you are.
Your love affair with Obama is failing and your pissed, don't take it out on me because 7 out 10 think he sucks.
Ok ill play

Whose thumb is he under?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's what Im shooting for... sheesh. You all need to grow a pair. Over sensitive, emotional little cry babys. It means that he is under somebody's thumb. He takes his orders from someone else. It means he is someone's BOY, black, white, yellow, brown, green or blue makes no difference to me. You don't know me and to infer that I am a racist just shows how desperate you are.
Your love affair with Obama is failing and your pissed, don't take it out on me because 7 out 10 think he sucks.
Hey I was asking you a question..only thing you needed to do was answer yes or no..never called you racist only ask is that what you are aiming at say no then we move forward...and trust ...whoever is POTUS will not stop me from making me or getting mine


New Member
Ron Paul Slams Bill O reily

what a bunch of pricks lol


Well-Known Member
The war cry fear mongering is sparking up again and, just like with Iraq, Bill O'Reilly is behind it. What a fucking loaded question is "Are you okay with Iran having nukes?" How can you possibly answer that question straight up without falling into their trap. Plus all of the American hermit crabs are shaking in their boots crying out for more bombs every time this subject is brought up. Fucking annoys me.....


Well-Known Member
I love how O'faggy and his but buddy just straight lie about what the constitution says and misrepresent it, and somehow they are still on t.v. giving people blatant lies, the even worse part is a lot of who watches it will just bite right off the spoon they dish to the sheeple and actually think O'faggy is saying something that isn't blatant lies.:mrgreen:
Ron Paul Slams Bill O reily

what a bunch of pricks lol


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul will NEVER get the nod from the Republicans...Some people just don't get it ...donating money to a lost cause...unless he decides to run Indy save your money ....
If the movement towards freedom continues to grow, then the money and time I have put into Ron Paul will be worth it 100%. How could you even suggest that people are wasting their money supporting a cause that doesn't succeed? This isn't about money, its about freedom and the future of the world. It is that important. You obviously don't get it. Are you wasting your time/money promoting the democrats? No chance they are going to win this time around.


Well-Known Member
Hey I was asking you a question..only thing you needed to do was answer yes or no..never called you racist only ask is that what you are aiming at say no then we move forward...and trust ...whoever is POTUS will not stop me from making me or getting mine
Calling any man a 'boy' is disrespectful and is not an ethnic slur.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul Slams Bill O reily

what a bunch of pricks lol
Since no one explained it. Ron Paul is indeed correct on what he said about the Constitution. Unfortunately he didn't realize that many Americans don't understand what the Constitution is and how it works to begin with. For you and me, the people who live here, the laws are negative. You CANNOT do this, you CANNOT do that. We assume that if there isn't a law about something, then it is ok to do it. So some of us put that understanding of laws towards the Constitution. This is incorrect. The Constitution grants powers to the federal government, all other powers are reserved to the states and the people. This means that if it is not in the Constitution as a federal power then the federal government is not allowed to do it.

Lets recap. The laws that govern us as individuals are largely negative. They tell us what we cannot do. Anything that there is not a law about is thereby legal. The laws that govern the federal government are largely positive. They tell the federal government what they can do. Anything that there is no law about is thereby illegal.

Bill was right in stating that the Constitution doesn't bring the subject up. What he either doesn't understand or is purposely avoiding is the fact that if it isn't brought up it is illegal for the federal government to do.


New Member
Debate highlights from last night, cali gop debate:


King Tut
You know, i was just thinking and remembered something i heard back in the 90's.

When speaking of government regulation and control, don't forget that the government came in and took over the Mustang Ranch in Nevada over tax issues. And promptly bankrupted it. Now if the government can fail at a business that legally sells sex and booze, why the hell would i want them in charge of anything?


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul Slams Bill O reily

what a bunch of pricks lol
"Sect. 10. No State shall enter into any treaty, alliance or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts"
Source, Library of Congress (government run site)
problem Billy?


Well-Known Member
"Sect. 10. No State shall enter into any treaty, alliance or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts"
Source, Library of Congress (government run site)
problem Billy?
The state isn't the ones printing the money, so this passage has nothing to do with it.


New Member
Left Centrist Extremist give their take on Ron Paul and the debates


New Member
New Video - Ron Paul fires up a small crowd!



Well-Known Member
the constitution clearly states that
No State shall make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.
how can you mis read this?
paper is not money Gold and silver are, to have to sit here and convince people that gold has more value than paper is sad. they take your gold and give back a currency that slowly depreciates into the value of the paper it is printed on.
Bill Oreilly is a liar!
Go read
article 1 section 10 of the constitution
and you will see for yourself.


Well-Known Member
The Constitution is NOT a list of what the federal government cannot do. It is NOT a list of prohibitions on the federal government.
The Constitution IS a list of what the federal government is authorized to do, with ALL ELSE being DENIED to it by default.
Article I, Section 10, Clause 1: No State shall…coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debt.


Well-Known Member
A1S8: "To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures". That is the actual transcript of article I Section 8. of the U.S. Constitution. It clearly states that Congress has the liberty to COIN Money. Emphasis on Coin, because this is what they meant. Article 1 Section 10 takes it further and says that Coin is to be either gold or silver.